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Test Coverage
version: 2.1

#import the browser orbs because testing subject is chrome extension
  browser-tools: circleci/browser-tools@1.0.0

#create multiple dockers for different job environment
    #used for build and test coverage report
      - image: circleci/node:latest
    #user for selenium python testing
      - image: circleci/python:3.7-browsers

    #set up nodejs docker and directories
    executor: nodejs
    working_directory: /home/circleci/project
      - checkout
      - run:
          #install the latest npm
          name: update-npm
          command: sudo npm install -g npm@latest
      - run:
          #install all the packages from package.json
          name: install-dependencies
          command: sudo npm install
      - run:
          #audit package dependencies for security vulnerabilities
          name: Fix Vulnerabilities
          command: sudo npm audit fix
      - run:
          #install selenium
          name: Install Selenium
          command: sudo npm install selenium-webdriver
      - run:
          #build the dev branch which generate a build repo to be loaded as chrome extension
          name: Generate Build
          command: sudo npm run build-dev
      - run:
          #download code climate test reporter to circle ci environment
          name: Download cc-test-reporter
          command: |
            curl -L https://codeclimate.com/downloads/test-reporter/test-reporter-latest-linux-amd64 > ./cc-test-reporter
            chmod +x ./cc-test-reporter
      - run:
          #visual test to see everything is setup
          name: check-repo
          command: ls
      - persist_to_workspace:
          #save the build repo and test-reporter to cache
          root: /home/circleci
            - project

    #setup python docker and environment
    executor: python
      CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID: f1ce64aeaeee4334811ddc112d46eef3d3d4fca92efacadc5ce9719a6c920f2b
      - checkout
      #attach the build repo and test-reporter from previous job
      - attach_workspace:
          at: /home/circleci/project
      #set up chrome for the environment
      - browser-tools/install-chrome
      - browser-tools/install-chromedriver
      - run:
          #visual check to see everything is in place
          name: check-checkout-repo
          command: |
            ls -a
            ls -a project/
            rm -r project/test
      - run:
          #set up selenium for python environment
          name: Selenium-setup
          command: sudo pip install selenium==3.141.0
      - run:
          #notify the test reporter that test is going to start
          name: Notify CC before tests
          command: ./project/cc-test-reporter before-build
      - run:
          #create raw coverage repo to be cached for report
          name: Create a directory for raw coverage files
          command: mkdir ./project/.nyc_output
      - run:
          #test if the envrionment is setup
          name: HelloWorld-test
          command: python test/hello_world_tests.py
      - run:
          #testing to see active tab works with issue 33
          name: Activetab-test
          command: python test/active_tabs_test_issue\#33.py
      - run:
          #testing to see duplicate tabs or tab groups will be avoided (issue 103 105) ~
          name: Duplicate-prevention-test
          command: python test/no_duplicates_test_issue\#103_issue\#105.py
      - run:
          #testing for timer functionality issue 30 ~
          name: Focus-popup-timer-test
          command: python test/focus_mode_timer_test_issue\#36_issue\#30.py
      - run:
          #testing to see if tabs will be saved after focus mode (issue 98) ~
          name: Saving-tabs-test
          command: python test/saving_tabs_test_issue\#98.py
      - run:
          #testing on issue 15 with most uptodate tests ~
          name: Tab-group-test-15
          command: python test/tab_group_test_issue\#15.py
      - run:
          #testing for tabgroup issue 34 ~
          name: Tabgroup-CRUD-test
          command: python test/tabgroup_CRUD_test_issue\#34.py
      - run:
          #testing for website blocking issue 73 and 62 ~
          name: Website-blocking-test
          command: python test/website_blocking_test_issue\#73_issue\#62.py
      - persist_to_workspace:
          #save the nyc_output raw coverage repo to cache
          root: /home/circleci/project/project
            - .nyc_output

    #setup nodejs docker and environment
    executor: nodejs
      CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID: f1ce64aeaeee4334811ddc112d46eef3d3d4fca92efacadc5ce9719a6c920f2b
      - checkout
      #attach the nyc_output raw coverage repo from previous job
      - attach_workspace:
          at: /home/circleci/project
      - run:
          #visual check to see everything is in place
          name: Check Directory Again
          command: |
            ls -a
            rm -r project/test
      - run:
          #visual check for raw coverage report
          name: Show test coverage file
          command: |
            ls -la .nyc_output
      - run:
          #install latest npm
          name: update-npm
          command: sudo npm install -g npm@latest
      - run:
          #install all the packages from package.json
          name: install-dependencies
          command: sudo npm install
      - run:
          #attach the build repo and test-reporter from previous job
          name: Fix Vulnerabilities
          command: sudo npm audit fix
      - run:
          #run jest unit tests and genereate reports
          name: Run Jest tests
          command: sudo npm run test
      - run:
          #Copy the jest tests coverage file before merging report
          name: Copy Jest coverage file
          command: cp coverage/coverage-final.json .nyc_output/coverage-jest.json
      - run:
          #take the raw report to generate code climate report
          name: Generate coverage report
          command: sudo npm run report
      - run:
          #upload the code climate report
          name: Upload test report
          command: ./project/cc-test-reporter after-build --debug -t lcov

  # version 2 is needed to specify circle ci version
  version: 2
    # the order is build -> test -> upload-coverage
      - build
      - test:
            - build
      - jest-and-upload-coverage:
            - build
            - test