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# Flow

Flow is an open-source Chrome extension by Team Portato which aims to combat online disorder and distractions.  
Download our extension now and find your ~ f l o w ~

# Users

We appreciate that you came to check us out!<br>
But I think you're distracted :rage::triumph: <br>
Learn how to use flow <a href="https://cse112-sp20.github.io/Team-Potato/"> here</a>. <b>Quick!</b> Then get back to work!<br>

# Developers

Team Potato :heart:loves:heart: our open source developers! Read below to find out how you can contribute!

## Quick Setup

To set up your work environment begin by cloning the repository

git clone https://github.com/cse112-sp20/Team-Potato.git

Next, you must build the extension.

cd Team-Potato
npm install
npm run build-dev

Now the extension is built. If you want to test the extension on your browser follow these steps:

1. Open Chrome and go to chrome://extensions
2. Enable developer mode using by clicking 'Developer Mode' near the top right corner
3. Select 'load-unpacked'
4. Navigate to your repo and select the 'build' folder

You should now have the extension deployed to your browser reflecting any
changes you have made.

## Contributing

There's a lot going on at Team Potato! If you want to contribute you better check out our documentation <a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ9jYJH3R0LjTRGLDlCvhLH6hUojKYQnMfCXxr_T3mSJH5PPaO-8bpuu8hHUl2cAfhxLJnnwWC3tP5r/pub">here</a>. You'll find everything you need to know in no time! Just don't get distracted.

## License
