import loggingfrom typing import Listfrom utils.apiResponse import ApiResponsefrom anomaly.models import ( AnomalyDefinition, Dataset, CustomSchedule as Schedule, DetectionRule, DetectionRuleParam, DetectionRuleParamValue, RunStatus,)from anomaly.serializers import AnomalyDefinitionSerializer, RunStatusSerializerfrom django_celery_beat.models import PeriodicTask, PeriodicTasks, CrontabSchedulefrom ops.tasks import anomalyDetectionJobfrom django.db.models import Q, Max RUN_STATUS_LIMIT = 10 class AnomalyDefinitions: @staticmethod def getAllAnomalyDefinition( offset: int = 0, limit: int = 50, searchQuery: str = None, sorter: dict = {} ): """ This method is used to get all anomlayObj """ response = ApiResponse("Error in getting Anomaly Definition !") anomalyDefObjs = AnomalyDefinition.objects.all().order_by("-id") count = anomalyDefObjs.count() if searchQuery: anomalyDefObjs = AnomalyDefinitions.searchOnAnomalyDefinition( anomalyDefObjs, searchQuery ) count = anomalyDefObjs.count() if sorter.get("order", False): anomalyDefObjs = AnomalyDefinitions.sortOnAnomalyDefinition( anomalyDefObjs, sorter ) anomalyDefObjs = anomalyDefObjs[offset : offset + limit] anomalyDefData = AnomalyDefinitionSerializer(anomalyDefObjs, many=True).data data = {"anomalyDefinition": anomalyDefData, "count": count} response.update(True, "AnomalyDefinitions retrived successfully !", data) return response @staticmethod def searchOnAnomalyDefinition(anomalyDefObjs, searchQuery): """ Search on AnomalyDefinition """ return anomalyDefObjs.filter( Q(dataset__name__icontains=searchQuery) | Q(dataset__granularity__icontains=searchQuery) | Q(metric__icontains=searchQuery) | Q(highOrLow__icontains=searchQuery) | Q(dimension__icontains=searchQuery) | Q(value__icontains=searchQuery) | Q(operation__icontains=searchQuery) ) @staticmethodFunction `sortOnAnomalyDefinition` has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. def sortOnAnomalyDefinition(anomalyDefObjs: List[AnomalyDefinition], sorter): """ Sort Anomaly Definition on given user column """ columnToSort = sorter.get("columnKey", "") order = sorter.get("order", "") sortingPrefix = "" if order == "ascend" else "-" if columnToSort == "datasetName": anomalyDefObjs = anomalyDefObjs.order_by(sortingPrefix + "dataset__name") if columnToSort == "granularity": anomalyDefObjs = anomalyDefObjs.order_by( sortingPrefix + "dataset__granularity" ) if columnToSort == "anomalyDef": anomalyDefObjs = anomalyDefObjs.order_by(sortingPrefix + "metric") if columnToSort == "lastRun": anomalyDefObjs = anomalyDefObjs.annotate( latestRun=Max("runstatus__startTimestamp") ).order_by(sortingPrefix + "latestRun") return anomalyDefObjs if columnToSort == "lastRunStatus": anomalyDefObjs = anomalyDefObjs.annotate( latestRun=Max("runstatus__status") ).order_by(sortingPrefix + "latestRun") return anomalyDefObjs @staticmethodFunction `addAnomalyDefinition` has 7 arguments (exceeds 4 allowed). Consider refactoring. def addAnomalyDefinition( metric: str = None, dimension: str = None, operation: str = None, highOrLow: str = None, value: int = 0, datasetId: int = 0, detectionRuleTypeId: int = 1, detectionRuleParams: dict = {}, ): """ This method is used to add anomaly to AnomalyDefinition table """ response = ApiResponse("Error in creating Anomaly Definition !") anomalyObj = AnomalyDefinition.objects.create( dataset_id=datasetId, metric=metric, dimension=dimension, highOrLow=highOrLow, value=value, operation=operation, ) detectionRule = DetectionRule.objects.create( detectionRuleType_id=detectionRuleTypeId, anomalyDefinition=anomalyObj ) detectionParams = [] for param in detectionRuleParams.keys(): detectionRuleParamObj = DetectionRuleParam.objects.filter( name=param ).first() if detectionRuleParamObj: detectionParams.append( DetectionRuleParamValue( param=detectionRuleParamObj, detectionRule=detectionRule, value=str(detectionRuleParams[param]), ) ) DetectionRuleParamValue.objects.bulk_create(detectionParams) response.update(True, "Anomaly Definition created successfully !") return response @staticmethod def deleteAnomalyDefinition(anomalyId): """ Delete anomaly objects of given id """ response = ApiResponse("Error in creating Anomaly Definition !") anomalyObj = AnomalyDefinition.objects.get(id=anomalyId) anomalyObj.delete() response.update(True, "Anomaly Definition successfully deleted !") return response @staticmethodFunction `editAnomalyDefinition` has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. def editAnomalyDefinition( anomalyId: int = 0, highOrLow: str = None, detectionRuleParams: dict = {} ): """ Update anomaly objects of given anomalyId """ response = ApiResponse("Error in updating Anomaly Definition !") anomalyObj = AnomalyDefinition.objects.get(id=anomalyId) anomalyObj.highOrLow = highOrLow anomalyObj.save() if detectionRuleParams: originalParams = list( anomalyObj.detectionrule.detectionruleparamvalue_set.all() ) for param in originalParams: if detectionRuleParams.get(param.param.name): param.value = detectionRuleParams.get(param.param.name) DetectionRuleParamValue.objects.bulk_update(originalParams, ["value"]) response.update(True, "Anomaly Definition updated successfully !") return response @staticmethod def runAnomalyDetection(anomalyDefId: int): """ Run anomaly detection on anomaly definition :param anomalyDefId: ID of the anomaly definition """ response = ApiResponse("Error in initiating anomaly detection task") anomalyDetectionJob.delay(anomalyDefId, True) response.update(True, "Successfully initiated anomaly detection task") return response @staticmethod def getDetectionRuns(anomalyDefId: int, runStatusOffset: int = 0): """ Service to fetch run status details of the selected AnomalyDefinition :param anomalyDefId: ID of the Anomaly Definition :param runStatusOffset: Offset for fetching run statuses """ res = ApiResponse() runStatusData = {} runStatuses = RunStatus.objects.filter( anomalyDefinition_id=anomalyDefId ).order_by("-startTimestamp")[ runStatusOffset : runStatusOffset + RUN_STATUS_LIMIT ] runStatuseCount = RunStatus.objects.filter( anomalyDefinition_id=anomalyDefId ).count() runStatusData["runStatuses"] = RunStatusSerializer(runStatuses, many=True).data runStatusData["count"] = runStatuseCount res.update(True, "Run statuses retrieved successfully", runStatusData) return res @staticmethod def isTaskRunning(anomalyDefId: int): """ Service to check whether a task is running for anomaly definition :param anomalyDefId: ID of the Anomaly Definition """ res = ApiResponse() lastRunStatus = RunStatus.objects.filter(anomalyDefinition_id=anomalyDefId).order_by("-startTimestamp").first() taskRunning = False if lastRunStatus: taskRunning = lastRunStatus.status == "RUNNING" res.update(True, "Task Running status checked.", {"isRunning": taskRunning}) return res @staticmethod def runStatusAnomalies(runStatusId: int): """ Service to fetch anomalies of a RunStatus and their metadata :param anomalyDefId: ID of the Anomaly Definition """ res = ApiResponse() runStatus = RunStatus.objects.get(id=runStatusId) anomaliesData = list( runStatus.anomaly_set.all().values("dimensionVal", "id", "published") ) res.update(True, "Run status anomalies retrieved successfully", anomaliesData) return res class AnomalyDefJobServices: @staticmethod def addAnomalyDefJob(anomalyDefId: str, scheduleId: int): """ Service to add a new AnomalyDefJob :param anomalyDefId: ID of the AnomalyDef for which to create job :param scheduleId: ID of schedule """ res = ApiResponse() scheduleObj = Schedule.objects.get(id=scheduleId) cronSchedule = scheduleObj.cronSchedule ptask = PeriodicTask.objects.update_or_create( name=anomalyDefId, defaults={ "crontab": cronSchedule, "task": anomalyDetectionJob.name, "args": f'["{anomalyDefId}"]', }, ) anomalyDefObj = AnomalyDefinition.objects.get(id=anomalyDefId) anomalyDefObj.periodicTask = ptask anomalyDefObj.periodicTask.save() anomalyDefObj.save() res.update(True, "AnomalyDefJob added successfully", None) return res @staticmethod def deleteAnomalyDefJob(anomalyDefId: int): """ Service to update crontab of an existing AnomalyDefJob :param anomalyDefId: ID of the AnomalyDef for which to delete """ res = ApiResponse() anomalyDefObj = AnomalyDefinition.objects.get(id=anomalyDefId) anomalyDefObj.periodicTask = None anomalyDefObj.save() res.update(True, "AnomalyDefJob deleted successfully", None) return res