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Test Coverage
package main

struct CredentialSpec{
    char *Name;
    char *Get;
    char *From;
import "C"
import (

    pluginv1 ""
    configv2 ""

// ZeroizeByteSlice sets every byte to zero.
func ZeroizeByteSlice(bs []byte) {
    for byteIndex := range bs {
        bs[byteIndex] = 0

// ByteBoundString returns a string backed by the given []byte.
func ByteBoundString(b []byte) string {
    header := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))
    bytesHeader := &reflect.StringHeader{
        Data: header.Data,
        Len:  header.Len,
    return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(bytesHeader))

// NewCredential creates a Credential from the given C struct.
func NewCredential(ref C.struct_CredentialSpec) *configv2.Credential {
    return &configv2.Credential{
        Name: C.GoString(ref.Name),
        Get:  C.GoString(ref.ID),
        From: C.GoString(ref.Provider),

// GetCredentialValues returns credential values.  Specifically, a map whose keys are the
// credential IDs requested, and whose values are the values of those credentials.
func GetCredentialValues(credentialSpecs []*configv2.Credential) (map[string][]byte, error) {
    // Load all internal Providers
    providerFactories := make(map[string]func(pluginv1.ProviderOptions) (pluginv1.Provider, error))
    for providerID, providerFactory := range providers.ProviderFactories {
        providerFactories[providerID] = providerFactory

    resolver := plugin.NewResolver(providerFactories, nil, nil)

    return resolver.Resolve(credentialSpecs)

// GetCredentialValue returns a C *char with the given credential's value
// export GetCredentialValue
func GetCredentialValue(cRef C.struct_CredentialSpec) *C.char {
    return C.CString(GetCredentialValueByteString(cRef))

// GetCredentialValueByteString return the credential value for the given CredentialSpec ref.
func GetCredentialValueByteString(cRef C.struct_CredentialSpec) string {
    ref := NewCredential(cRef)
    credentials, err := GetCredentialValues([]*configv2.Credential{ref})
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error fetching credential")
        return ByteBoundString(nil)
    return ByteBoundString(credentials[ref.Name])

// NativePassword returns the given CredentialSpec value as C *char.
// export NativePassword
func NativePassword(cRef C.struct_CredentialSpec, salt *C.char) *C.char {
    passwordBytes := []byte(GetCredentialValueByteString(cRef))
    defer ZeroizeByteSlice(passwordBytes)
    saltBytes := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(salt),
    defer ZeroizeByteSlice(saltBytes)

    // nativePassword = passwordSHA1 ^ randomSHA1
    nativePassword, _ := protocol.NativePassword(passwordBytes, saltBytes)
    defer ZeroizeByteSlice(nativePassword)

    return C.CString(ByteBoundString(nativePassword))

func main() {}