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Test Coverage
{% assign item = include.item %}
{% assign section = include.section %}

{% assign active = false %}
{% if item.path %}
  {% if page.url contains section %}
    {% assign active = true %}
  {% endif %}

  {% if section == "welcome" and item.path == "/" and page.url == "/" %}
    {% assign active = true %}
  {% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% assign subitems = item.items %}

<li class="{% if active %}active{% endif %} nav-item {% if subitems %}dropdown{% endif %}">
  {% if item.url != null %}
    <a class="{{ item.class }}" href="{{ item.url }}" alt="{{ item.title }}" target="_blank">{{ item.title }}</a>
  {% elsif item.path != null %}
    <a class="{{ item.class }} nav-link {% if page.url == item.path %}active{% endif %}" alt="{{ item.title }}" href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ item.path }}">
      {{ item.title }}
    {% include subitems.html items=subitems item=item %}
  {% else %}
    <a class="nav-link {% if page.url == item.path %}active{% endif %}" alt="{{ item.title }}" href="#">
      {{ item.title }}
    {% include subitems.html items=subitems item=item %}
  {% endif %}