package testutil
import (
// AbstractConfiguration represents a simultaneous configuration of Secretless
// and a Database Server. This defines a purely logical configuration, as
// opposed to a "live" one which is actually running and listening on a port or
// socket
type AbstractConfiguration struct {
// LiveConfiguration represents a "live," running configuration of Secretless
// and a database listening on a port or socket.
// Rather than creating an "either" type to represent the
// abstract concept of "general portlike thing" -- ie, something
// that can be a TCP port or a Unix socket -- we manually enforce
// the rule that we require exactly 1 of the two.
type LiveConfiguration struct {
// LiveConfigurations is a slice of LiveConfiguration structs.
type LiveConfigurations []LiveConfiguration
// Find returns a LiveConfiguration matching the given AbstractConfiguration.
func (lcs LiveConfigurations) Find(ac AbstractConfiguration) LiveConfiguration {
for _, liveConfiguration := range lcs {
if liveConfiguration.AbstractConfiguration == ac {
return liveConfiguration
panic(fmt.Errorf("LiveConfiguration not found for AbstractConfiguration: %v", ac))
// ConnectionPort represents a TCP port or UNIX socket.
type ConnectionPort struct {
Port int
// Host returns secretless host.
func (cp ConnectionPort) Host() string {
// NOTE: this is for the good of PG only
return SecretlessHost
// TODO: figure out how to handle the naming convention of unix domain sockets
// for pg. See
// https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/runtime-config-connection.html#GUC-UNIX-SOCKET-DIRECTORIES
// perhaps have test local package pass a NameGenerator that takes the port
// number we'll need to get the port number from the socket file and create the
// appropriate flag
// ToSocketPath returns the path to the pg socket.
func (cp ConnectionPort) ToSocketPath() string {
// NOTE: this is for the good of PG only
return fmt.Sprintf("/sock/.s.PGSQL.%v", cp.Port)
// ToSocketDir returns the pg socket directory.
func (cp ConnectionPort) ToSocketDir() string {
return "/sock"
// ToPortString returns the port as a string.
func (cp ConnectionPort) ToPortString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", cp.Port)