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# Square dungeon gen
This repository contain a library for generating square simple dungeons

## Compatibility

Require ruby 2.4.0 or higher.

## Usage

### Basics
# Create a dungeon for four 1 level players
d.generate( dungeon_size, party_array )

# Exemple :
d.generate( 4, [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ] )
# This will not create a dungeon of 4 rooms size, but a dungeon of 4**2*0.3 rooms (rounded up)
# The dungeon constructor accept another parameter wich is the amount of rooms to remove from the dungeon
# This parameter is a number between 0 and 1. By default it is set to 0.3 which mean that it will remove 30% of the rooms.
# The [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ] array mean that the dungeon is designed for four 1 level players.
d.generate( 4, [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ], 0.5 )
# Will remove 50% of the rooms

# Draw your dungeon
d.draw( 'out/dungeon.jpg' )
# Or only the curren room
d.draw_current_room( 'out/current_room.jpg' )

# You can get the directions available from the current room
# => [ :left, :right ] # according to your dungeon which is random

# Then you can move the current room by moving in a direction
d.set_next_room( :left )
# Will move the current_room to the left.

### Examples

This is an example of the current room : 

![test picture](/images/entry-room.jpg)

This is an example of the full dungeon room : 

![test picture](/images/dungeon.jpg)