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use CrowdFlower\Account;

$apiKey = 'jLByZLxtuyWV9x6g-Msq';

// Missing examples and functionality: upload(), getChannels(), setChannels()

 * Instatiate the container that fetches jobs.
$crowd = new CrowdFlower\Account($apiKey);

 * Fetching Jobs

// requesting a specific job
$jobId = "123";
$job = $crowd->getJob($jobId);

// requesting a list of all jobs. Returns array of 10 most recent jobs.
// use $page to request older jobs on more pages. $page is optional and defaults to 1.
$page = 1;
$jobs = $crowd->getJobs($page);

 * Creating Jobs

// A job can be created blank like so...
$job = $crowd->createJob();

// Let's delete the job so it doesn't clutter the account.

// Or with attributes like so...
// These three attributes are required if you are not making a blank job.
$attributes['title']        = "test title";
$attributes['instructions'] = "Step 1: do this. Step 2: do that.";
$attributes['cml']          = "<p>Fill this field out.</p><cml:textarea
                      label='Color of Sky' class='' instructions='What is the color?'
                      default='' validates='required'/>";

$job = $crowd->createJob($attributes);

// Let's delete this job too.

 * Updating Jobs

// Jobs can be updated, but first they must be fetched and you need to change their attributes.
$jobId = 123;
$job = $crowd->getJob($jobId);

// change one of the attributes which can be found in the CrowdFlower API docs.
$job->setAttribute('title', 'new title');

// You can also change attributes by passing an array.
$newAttributes['title'] = 'newer title';
$newAttributes['instructions'] = 'New instructions';


// After you have set the attributes on the local object, you must send them to CrowdFlower with the update method.

 * Copying Jobs

// Copy a job with all units, just gold units, or no units. $allUnits and $gold are optional and default to false.
// This will copy the job with just the gold units included.
$allUnits = false;
$gold = true;

$newJob = $job->copy($allUnits, $gold);

// delete the copied job to declutter the CrowdFlower account

 * Modifying the status of Jobs

$jobId = 123;
$job = $crowd->getJob($jobId);

// Check the status of the job.
$status = $job->status();

// Pause the job.

// Resume the job.

// Cancel the job.