ruby_version: 2.7
fix: false # default: false
parallel: true # default: false
format: progress # default: Standard::Formatter
default_ignores: false # default: true
ignore: # default: []
- "lib/**/*":
- Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches # these are just easier to read sometimes
- Style/IfInsideElse # these are just easier to read sometimes
- Standard/SemanticBlocks # not valid in older Ruby
- Style/Alias # This isn't always right and alias and alias_method can have different usage
- Style/RedundantRegexpEscape # fix later, enforcement changed
- Layout/ArrayAlignment # WTF all of master broken from a few changes in rubo
- Performance/RegexpMatch # Rubocop / standardrb have this WRONG for Ruby 2.3/2.4 not compatiable
- Style/GlobalStdStream # Rubocop / standardrb have this WRONG for Ruby 2.3/2.4 not compatiable
- "vendor/**/*"
- "pkg/**/*"
- "test/**/*":
- Layout/AlignHash
- Style/GlobalVars
- Lint/InterpolationCheck # a test is verifying comments
- Standard/SemanticBlocks # not valid in older Ruby
- Layout/ArrayAlignment # ruby 2.3 / modern seem to dissagree on rubocop/standardrb
- "test/benchmarks/benchmark.rake":
- Lint/UselessAssignment # oddity of memory benchmarking