### Internal Formats
If you are doing development having some documented examples of various internal data formats can be helpful...
The format we get from TracePoint, Coverage, Internal Representations, and Used by SimpleCov for reporting have traditionally varied a bit. We can document the differences in formats here.
#### Coverage
>> require 'coverage'
=> true
>> Coverage.start
=> nil
>> require './test/unit/dog.rb'
=> true
>> 5.times { }
=> 5
>> Coverage.peek_result
=> {"/Users/danmayer/projects/coverband/test/unit/dog.rb"=>[nil, nil, 1, 1, 5, nil, nil]}
#### SimpleCov
The same format, but relative paths.
{"test/unit/dog.rb"=>[1, 2, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]}
#### Redis Store
We store relative path in Redis, the Redis hash stores line numbers -> count (as strings).
# Array
# Hash
{"test/unit/dog.rb"=>{"1"=>"1", "2"=>"2"}}
#### File Store
Similar format to redis store, but array with integer values
{"test/unit/dog.rb"=>{"1"=>1, "2"=>2}}