from functools import wraps
import json
from core.db.manager import DataHubManager
from util import pick
dbwipes_repo = 'dbwipes_cache'
dbwipes_table = 'dbwipes_cache'
def does_cache_exist(repo_base):
""" check to see if the cache exists for the repo base"""
manager = DataHubManager(repo_base)
repo_exists = False
table_exists = False
schema_correct = False
# check for repo
if dbwipes_repo in manager.list_repos():
repo_exists = True
# check for table
if repo_exists and dbwipes_table in manager.list_tables(dbwipes_repo):
table_exists = True
# check for schema
schema = None
if table_exists:
schema = manager.get_schema(dbwipes_repo, dbwipes_table)
if schema == [('key', 'character varying'), ('val', 'text')]:
schema_correct = True
return repo_exists and table_exists and schema_correct
def create_cache(username):
""" DBWipes stores some metadata about the table in a schema in the owner's
database. Note that this is not necessarily the current user's DB
query = ('create table if not exists %s.dbwipes_cache'
'(key varchar, val text)') % dbwipes_repo
manager = DataHubManager(user=username)
return True
except Exception as e:
return False
def insert_into_cache(f):
"""Inserts metadata into the cache"""
def _f(self, *args, **kwargs):
key = str(map(str, (f.__name__, self.repo, self.tablename,
self.where, self.nbuckets, map(str, args))))
query = 'select val from {}.dbwipes_cache where key = %s'.format(
manager = DataHubManager(user=self.repo_base)
vals = manager.execute_sql(query, (key,))['tuples']
if len(vals) > 0:
return json.loads(vals[0][0])
except Exception as e:
res = f(self, *args, **kwargs)
if key:
value = json.dumps(res, default=json_handler)
params = (key, value)
q = 'insert into ' + dbwipes_repo + '.dbwipes_cache values(%s, %s)'
manager = DataHubManager(user=self.repo_base)
manager.execute_sql(q, params)
return res
return _f
def json_handler(o):
if hasattr(o, 'isoformat'):
return o.isoformat()
class Summary(object):
def __init__(self, repo, tablename, username, repo_base=None,
nbuckets=50, where=''):
self.username = username
self.repo_base = repo_base
self.repo = repo
self.tablename = tablename
self.nbuckets = nbuckets
self.where = ''
where = where.strip()
if where:
self.where = 'WHERE %s' % where
# make sure cache exists
# create_cache(username)
self.nrows = self.get_num_rows()
self.col_types = self.get_columns_and_types()
def __call__(self):
stats = []
for col, typ in self.col_types:
# print "stats for: %s\t%s" % (col, typ)
col_stats = self.get_col_stats(col, typ)
if col_stats is None:
# print "\tgot None"
# print "\tgot %d" % (len(col_stats))
stats.append((col, typ, col_stats))
return stats
def close(self):
def reset_cache(self):
q = "delete from cache where key like '%%%%%s%%%%%s%%%%'" % (
str(self.engine), self.tablename)
manager = DataHubManager(user=self.username, repo_base=self.username)
def query(self, q, *args):
Summaries using other engines only need to override this method
manager = DataHubManager(user=self.username, repo_base=self.repo_base)
return manager.execute_sql(q, params=args)['tuples']
def get_num_rows(self):
q = "SELECT count(*) from %s" % self.tablename
return self.query(q)[0][0]
def get_distinct_count(self, col):
q = "SELECT count(distinct %s) FROM %s %s" % (
col, self.tablename, self.where)
return self.query(q)[0][0]
def get_column_counts(self, cols):
q = 'SELECT %s FROM %s'
select = ["count(distinct %s)" % col for col in cols]
select = ", ".join(select)
q = q % (select, self.tablename)
counts = tuple(self.query(q)[0])
return dict(zip(cols, counts))
def get_columns_and_types(self):
manager = DataHubManager(user=self.username, repo_base=self.repo_base)
tokens = self.tablename.split('.')
repo = tokens[0]
table = tokens[1]
rows = manager.get_schema(repo, table)
ret = []
for col, typ in rows:
if typ == 'text':
typ = 'str'
if 'double' in typ:
typ = 'num'
if 'int' in typ:
typ = 'num'
if 'date' in typ or 'time' in typ:
typ = 'time'
ret.append((str(col), str(typ)))
return ret
def get_columns(self):
engine specific way to get table columns
return pick(self.get_columns_and_types(), 0)
def get_type(self, col_name):
return dict(self.get_columns_and_types()).get(col_name, None)
def get_col_groupby(self, col_name, col_type):
if col_type is None:
return None
groupby = None
if 'time' == col_type:
groupby = self.get_time_stats(col_name)
if 'date' in col_type or 'timestamp' in col_type:
groupby = self.get_date_stats(col_name)
return groupby
def get_col_stats(self, col_name, col_type=None):
if col_type is None:
col_type = self.get_type(col_name)
# if col_type.startswith('_'):
# return None
numerics = ['int', 'float', 'double', 'numeric', 'num']
chars = ['char', 'text', 'str']
is_numeric = col_type in numerics
is_char = col_type in chars
if is_numeric:
return self.get_numeric_stats(col_name)
elif is_char:
return self.get_char_stats(col_name)
groupby = self.get_col_groupby(col_name, col_type)
if groupby:
stats = self.get_group_stats(col_name, groupby)
return stats
return None
def get_group_stats(self, col_name, groupby):
q = ('select %s as GRP, min(%s), max(%s), count(*) '
'from %s %s group by GRP '
'order by GRP limit %d')
q = q % (groupby, col_name, col_name,
self.tablename, self.where, self.nbuckets)
rows = [{'val': x, 'count': count, 'range': [minv, maxv]}
for (x, minv, maxv, count) in self.query(q)]
return rows
def get_numeric_stats(self, c):
ndistinct = self.get_distinct_count(c)
if ndistinct == 0:
return []
if ndistinct == 1:
if self.where:
q = "SELECT %s from %s %s AND %s is not null"
args = (c, self.tablename, self.where, c)
q = "SELECT %s from %s WHERE %s is not null"
args = (c, self.tablename, c)
val = self.query(q % args)[0][0]
return [{'val': val, 'count': self.nrows, 'range': [val, val]}]
q = """
with TMP as (
SELECT 2.5 * stddev(%s) / %d as block FROM %s %s
SELECT (%s/block)::int*block as bucket,
min(%s) as min,
max(%s) as max,
count(*) as count
GROUP BY bucket
ORDER BY bucket
q = q % (c, self.nbuckets, self.tablename, self.where,
c, c, c, self.tablename, self.where)
stats = []
for (val, minv, maxv, count) in self.query(q):
if val is None:
'val': None,
'count': count,
'range': [minv, maxv]
'val': (maxv + minv) / 2.,
'count': count,
'range': [minv, maxv]
return stats
def get_char_stats(self, col_name):
q = """
select %s as GRP, min(%s), max(%s), count(*)
ORDER BY count(*) desc
q = q % (col_name, col_name, col_name,
self.tablename, self.where, self.nbuckets)
rows = [{'val': x, 'count': count, 'range': [minv, maxv]}
for (x, minv, maxv, count) in self.query(q)]
return rows
def get_time_stats(self, col_name):
return "date_trunc('hour', %s)::time" % col_name
def get_date_stats(self, col_name):
q = ('select max(%s)::date, min(%s)::date, '
'EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (max(%s::timestamp) - min(%s::timestamp)))/60'
' as minutes from %s')
q = q % (col_name, col_name, col_name, col_name, self.tablename)
(maxv, minv, nminutes) = self.query(q)[0]
if maxv is None or minv is None or nminutes is None:
return None
ndays = nminutes / 60 / 24
var = "%s::timestamp" % col_name
if ndays == 0:
groupby = "date_trunc('hour', %s)" % var
elif ndays <= 30:
groupby = "date_trunc('day', %s)" % var
elif ndays <= 50 * 7:
groupby = "date_trunc('week', %s)" % var
elif ndays <= 365 * 12:
groupby = "date_trunc('month', %s)" % var
groupby = "date_trunc('year', %s)" % var
return groupby