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Edi Parser Bundle

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A simple positional edi parser to transform a string to a key-value array based on a template

## Installation

Installation using composer is really easy: this command will add `"boda/edi-parser"` to your composer.json
and will download the bundle:

    composer require boda/edi-parser

Enable the bundle in your kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Boda\EdiParserBundle\BodaEdiParserBundle(),

### How to use
Use it inside a controller

@Todo : Rewrite example

### Result
array:3 [▼
  "header" => array:5 [▼ // Header
    "IDENTIFIER" => "00"
    "DOT" => "."
    "NUMBER" => "00"
    "TEST" => " "
    "HEADER" => "HEADER"
  "body" => array:2 [▼ // Body
    1 => array:2 [▼ // Group 1
      0 => array:5 [▼ // Group 1 header
        "IDENTIFIER" => "41"
        "DOT" => "."
        "NUMBER" => "00"
        "TEST" => " "
        "CONTENT" => "CONTENT1"
      1 => array:7 [▼ // Group 1 line
        "IDENTIFIER" => "41"
        "DOT" => "."
        "NUMBER" => "20"
        "TEST" => " "
        "CONTENT" => "CONTENT2"
        "SPACE" => " "
        "SUBLINE" => "subline"
    2 => array:1 [▼ // Group 2
      0 => array:5 [...] // Group 2 header
  "footer" => array:5 [▼ // Footer
    "IDENTIFIER" => "99"
    "DOT" => "."
    "NUMBER" => "00"
    "TEST" => " "

## To-Do
Well, a lot of stuff to improve I guess, let's do a list

- [ ] Customize with configuration (with or without header/footer, nested level)
- [ ] Do some proper error handling for missing arguments
- [ ] Define different model for differents EDI.