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Slice deep-zoom tiled images to be used with [OpenSeaDragon]( or [ARTiledImageView](


## Usage

gem install dzt

#### Get Help

dzt help

#### Tile an Image

dzt slice image.jpg --output tiles

Creates a *tiles* folder with deep-zoom tiles. This will use the defaults defined in [/lib/dzt/tiler.rb](/lib/dzt/tiler.rb#L7-L10).

You can pass in flags to override all these options, such as:

dzt slice image.jpg --output=tiles --format=90 --tile-format=png

Additionally, you can have generated files uploaded to S3 for you. You can specify that like:

dzt slice image.jpg --acl=public-read --bucket=bucket --s3-key=prefix --aws-id=id --aws-secret=secret

The files will be uploaded to the bucket specified, and generated files will be prefixed by the s3 key.

## Contributing


## Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2015, Daniel Doubrovkine, [Artsy]( Some tiling code inspired from [deep_zoom_slicer](

This project is licensed under the [MIT License](