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Line length

Мы знаем, что у всех данных в Haskell-программе обязательно есть какой-то тип, внимательно проверяемый на этапе компиляции. Вопрос: какой тип у выражения `mul` из предыдущего примера?

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Dollar signs used before commands without showing output

Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD014 - Dollar signs used before commands without showing output

Tags: code

Aliases: commands-show-output

This rule is triggered when there are code blocks showing shell commands to be typed, and the shell commands are preceded by dollar signs ($):

$ ls
$ cat foo
$ less bar

The dollar signs are unnecessary in the above situation, and should not be included:

cat foo
less bar

However, an exception is made when there is a need to distinguish between typed commands and command output, as in the following example:

$ ls
foo bar
$ cat foo
Hello world
$ cat bar

Rationale: it is easier to copy and paste and less noisy if the dollar signs are omitted when they are not needed. See for more information.

Line length

В далёких 1930-х молодой американский математик [Алонзо Чёрч]( задался вопросом о том, что значит «вычислить» что-либо. Плодом его размышлений явилась система для формализации понятия «вычисление», и назвал он эту систему «лямбда-исчислением» (англ. lambda calculus, по имени греческой буквы `λ`). В основе этой системы лежит лямбда-функция, которую в некотором смысле можно считать «матерью функционального программирования» в целом и Haskell в частности. Далее буду называть её ЛФ.

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Погодите, скажете вы, но ведь это же объявление функции! Совершенно верно: объявление функции — это и есть указание её типа. Помните, когда мы впервые познакомились с функцией, я уточнил, что её объявление разделено двойным двоеточием? Так вот это двойное двоеточие и представляет собой указание типа:

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Теперь выражения `containsAtSign` и `endsWithCom` приравнены к ЛФ от одного аргумента. В этом случае мы не указываем тип этих выражений. Впрочем, если очень хочется, можно и указать:

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Это наша старая знакомая, функция `square`. Когда она будет применена к значению типа `Int`, тип аргумента будет выведен автоматически как `Int`.

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Haskell — чисто функциональный (англ. purely functional) язык. Чисто функциональным он называется потому, что центральное место в нём уделено чистой функции (англ. pure function). А чистой называется такая функция, которая предельно честна с нами: её выходное значение всецело определяется её аргументами и более ничем. Это и есть функция в математическом смысле. Вспомним функцию `prod`: когда на входе числа `10` и `20` — на выходе всегда будет `200`, и ничто не способно помешать этому. Функция `prod` является чистой, а потому характеризуется отсутствием побочных эффектов (англ. side effects): она не способна сделать ничего, кроме как вернуть произведение двух своих аргументов. Именно поэтому чистая функция предельно надёжна, ведь она не может преподнести нам никаких сюрпризов.

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Это — две функции, которые мы определили прямо в `where`-секции, поэтому они существуют только для основного выражения функции `validComEmail`. С простыми функциями так поступают очень часто: где она нужна, там её и определяют. Мы могли бы написать и более явно:

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Любой, кто знаком с веб-разработкой, мгновенно узнает в этом коде HTML. Это [кусочек кода](, строящего HTML-шаблон для веб-варианта данной книги. То что вы видите &mdash; это совершенно легальный Haskell-код, в процессе работы которого генерируется реальный HTML: тег `<div>` с классом `nav-wrapper`, внутри которого лежит `<a>`-ссылка с двумя классами, корневым адресом и внутренним текстом `#ohaskell`.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Шли 30-е годы прошлого века, компьютеров не было, и все научные работы набирались на печатных машинках. В первоначальном варианте, дабы выделять имя аргумента ЛФ, Чёрч ставил над именем аргумента символ, похожий на `^`. Но когда он сдавал работу наборщику, то вспомнил, что печатная машинка не сможет воспроизвести такой символ над буквой. Тогда он вынес эту &laquo;крышу&raquo; перед именем аргумента, и получилось что-то наподобие:

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Trailing punctuation in header

## &laquo;Присваивание? Не, не слышал&hellip;&raquo;

MD026 - Trailing punctuation in header

Tags: headers

Aliases: no-trailing-punctuation

Parameters: punctuation (string; default ".,;:!?")

This rule is triggered on any header that has a punctuation character as the last character in the line:

# This is a header.

To fix this, remove any trailing punctuation:

# This is a header

Note: The punctuation parameter can be used to specify what characters class as punctuation at the end of the header. For example, you can set it to '.,;:!' to allow headers with question marks in them, such as might be used in an FAQ.

Trailing punctuation in header

## Зачем это нужно?
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD026 - Trailing punctuation in header

Tags: headers

Aliases: no-trailing-punctuation

Parameters: punctuation (string; default ".,;:!?")

This rule is triggered on any header that has a punctuation character as the last character in the line:

# This is a header.

To fix this, remove any trailing punctuation:

# This is a header

Note: The punctuation parameter can be used to specify what characters class as punctuation at the end of the header. For example, you can set it to '.,;:!' to allow headers with question marks in them, such as might be used in an FAQ.

Line length

Почти все ASCII-символы (а также их всевозможные комбинации) можно использовать в качестве операторов в Haskell. Это даёт нам широкие возможности для реализации различных EDSL (англ. Embedded Domain Specific Language), своего рода &laquo;языков в языке&raquo;. Вот пример:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Идентификаторы `div`, `class_` и `href` &mdash; это имена функций, а символы `!` и `$` &mdash; это операторы, записанные в инфиксной форме. Самое главное, что для понимания этого кода нам абсолютно необязательно знать, где определены все эти функции/операторы и как они работают. Это важная мысль, которую я неоднократно буду повторять в последующих главах:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Функция `makeAlias` даёт нам пару из хоста и имени. Но что это за странная запись возле уже знакомого нам слова `let`? Это промежуточное выражение, но выражение хитрое, образованное через паттерн матчинг. Чтобы было понятнее, сначала перепишем функцию без него:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Пожалуй, ничего проще придумать нельзя: на входе два аргумента, на выходе &mdash; двухэлементный кортеж с этими аргументами. Двухэлементный кортеж называют ещё парой (англ. pair). И хотя кортеж может содержать сколько угодно элементов, на практике именно пары встречаются чаще всего.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

До тех пор, пока результат вычисления никому не нужен, оно не производится. Однако даже тогда, когда результат кому-то понадобился, вычисление происходит не до конца. Помните, выше я сказал, что при жадной модели вычисления выражение, являющееся аргументом, вычисляется &laquo;полностью&raquo;? А вот при ленивой модели мы вычисляем выражение лишь настолько, насколько это необходимо. Как вышеупомянутый ребёнок, убирающий игрушки в комнате, убирает их вовсе не до конца, а лишь до такой степени, чтобы его не ругали родители.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Обратите внимание, насколько легко создаётся кортеж. Причина тому &mdash; уже знакомый нам паттерн матчинг:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Необычного вида оператор `!!` извлекает из списка элемент по индексу, в данном случае нас интересует второй по счёту элемент. Теперь нам уже недостаточно просто сформировать список, нам действительно нужен его второй элемент, иначе как бы мы смогли вывести его на консоль? В этом случае выражение `4 * 12.003` будет вычислено до своей окончательной, нормальной формы, а результат этого вычисления ляжет вторым элементом списка, вот так:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Был добавлен идентификатор заболевания. И всё бы хорошо, но внести изменения в функцию `patientEmail` мы забыли:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.
