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 * Barebones color class.
 * @module color

module.exports = Color;

var parse = require('color-parse');
var stringify = require('color-stringify');
var manipulate = require('color-manipulate');
var measure = require('color-measure');
var spaces = require('color-space');
var slice = require('sliced');
var pad = require('left-pad');
var isString = require('mutype/is-string');
var isObject = require('mutype/is-object');
var isArray = require('mutype/is-array');
var isNumber = require('mutype/is-number');
var loop = require('mumath/loop');
var round = require('mumath/round');
var between = require('mumath/between');

 * Color class.
 * @constructor
function Color (arg, space) {
    if (!(this instanceof Color)) {
        return new Color(arg);

    var self = this;

    //init model
    self._values = [0,0,0];
    self._space = 'rgb';
    self._alpha = 1;

    // keep xyz values to preserve quality
    self._xyz = [0,0,0];

    //parse argument
    self.parse(arg, space);

/** Static parser/stringifier */
Color.parse = Color.from = function (cstr) {
    return new Color(cstr);

Color.stringify = function (color, space) {
    return color.toString(space);

/** API */
var proto = Color.prototype;

/** Universal setter, detecting the type of argument */
proto.parse = proto.from = function (arg, space) {
    var self = this;

    if (!arg) {
        return self;

    else if (isArray(arg)) {
        self.fromArray(arg, space);
    else if (isNumber(arg)) {
        //12, 25, 47 [, space]
        if (arguments.length > 2) {
            var args = slice(arguments);
            if (isString(args[args.length - 1])) {
                space = args.pop();
            self.parse(args, space);
        //123445 [, space]
        else {
            self.fromNumber(arg, space);
    else if (isString(arg)) {
        self.fromString(arg, space);
    //Color instance
    else if (arg instanceof Color) {
        self.fromArray(arg._values, arg._space);
    //{r:0, g:0, b:0}
    else if (isObject(arg)) {
        self.fromJSON(arg, space);

    return self;

/** String parser/stringifier */
proto.fromString = function (cstr) {
    var res = parse(cstr);
    this.setValues(res.values, res.space);
    return this;

proto.toString = function (type) {
    type = type || this.getSpace();
    var values = this.toArray(spaces[type] ? type : 'rgb');
    values = round(values);
    if (this._alpha < 1) {
    return stringify(values, type);

/** Array setter/getter */
proto.fromArray = function (values, spaceName) {
    if (!spaceName || !spaces[spaceName]) {
        spaceName = this._space;

    this._space = spaceName;

    var space = spaces[spaceName];

    //get alpha
    if (values.length > space.channel.length) {
        values = slice(values, 0, space.channel.length);

    //walk by values list, cap them
    this._values = values.map(function (value, i) {
        return cap(value, space.name, i);

    //update raw xyz cache
    this._xyz = spaces[spaceName].xyz(this._values);

    return this;

proto.toArray = function (space) {
    var values;

    if (!space) {
        space = this._space;

    //convert values to a target space
    if (space !== this._space) {
        //enhance calc precision, like hsl ←→ hsv ←→ hwb or lab ←→ lch ←→ luv
        if (this._space[0] === space[0]) {
            values = spaces[this._space][space](this._values);
        else {
            values = spaces.xyz[space](this._xyz);
    } else {
        values = this._values;

    values = values.map(function (value, i) {
        return round(value, spaces[space].precision[i]);

    return values;

/** JSON setter/getter */
proto.fromJSON = function (obj, spaceName) {
    var space;

    if (spaceName) {
        space = spaces[spaceName];

    //find space by the most channel match
    if (!space) {
        var maxChannelsMatched = 0, channelsMatched = 0;
        Object.keys(spaces).forEach(function (key) {
            channelsMatched = spaces[key].channel.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
                if (obj[curr] !== undefined || obj[ch(curr)] !== undefined) {
                    return prev+1;
                else {
                    return prev;
            }, 0);

            if (channelsMatched > maxChannelsMatched) {
                maxChannelsMatched = channelsMatched;
                space = spaces[key];

            if (channelsMatched >= 3) {

    //if no space for a JSON found
    if (!space) {
        throw Error('Cannot detect space.');

    //for the space found set values
    this.fromArray(space.channel.map(function (channel) {
        return obj[channel] !== undefined ? obj[channel] : obj[ch(channel)];
    }), space.name);

    var alpha = obj.a !== undefined ? obj.a : obj.alpha;
    if (alpha !== undefined) {

    return this;

proto.toJSON = function (spaceName) {
    var space = spaces[spaceName || this._space];

    var result = {};

    var values = this.toArray(space.name);

    //go by channels, create properties
    space.channel.forEach(function (channel, i) {
        result[ch(channel)] = values[i];

    if (this._alpha < 1) {
        result.a = this._alpha;

    return result;

/** HEX number getter/setter */
proto.fromNumber = function (val, space) {
    var values = pad(val.toString(16), 6, 0).split(/(..)/).filter(Boolean);
    return this.fromArray(values, space);

proto.toNumber = function (space) {
    var values = this.toArray(space);
    return (values[0] << 16) | (values[1] << 8) | values[2];

 * Current space values
proto.values = function () {
    if (arguments.length) {
        return this.setValues.apply(this, arguments);
    return this.getValues.apply(this, arguments);

 * Return values array for a passed space
 * Or for current space
 * @param {string} space A space to calculate values for
 * @return {Array} List of values
proto.getValues = function (space) {
    return this.toArray(space);

 * Set values for a space passed
 * @param {Array} values List of values to set
 * @param {string} spaceName Space indicator
proto.setValues = proto.parse;

 * Current space
proto.space = function () {
    if (arguments.length) {
        return this.setSpace.apply(this, arguments);
    return this.getSpace.apply(this, arguments);

/** Return current space */
proto.getSpace = function () {
    return this._space;

/** Switch to a new space with optional new values */
proto.setSpace = function (space, values) {
    if (!space || !spaces[space]) {
        throw Error('Cannot set space ' + space);

    if (space === this._space) {
        return this;

    if (values) {
        return this.setValues(values, space);

    //just convert current values to a new space
    this._values = spaces.xyz[space](this._xyz);
    this._space = space;

    return this;

/** Channel getter/setter */
proto.channel = function () {
    if (arguments.length > 2) {
        return this.setChannel.apply(this, arguments);
    } else {
        return this.getChannel.apply(this, arguments);

/** Get channel value */
proto.getChannel = function (space, idx) {
    return this._values[idx];

/** Set current channel value */
proto.setChannel = function (space, idx, value) {
    this._values[idx] = cap(value, space, idx);
    this._xyz = spaces[space].xyz(this._values);
    return this;

/** Define named set of methods for a space */
proto.defineSpace = function (name, space) {
    //create precisions
    space.precision = space.channel.map(function (ch, idx) {
        return Math.abs(space.max[idx] - space.min[idx]) > 1 ? 1 : 0.01;

    // .rgb()
    proto[name] = function (values) {
        if (arguments.length) {
            if (arguments.length > 1) {
                return this.setValues(slice(arguments), name);
            return this.setValues(values, name);
        } else {
            return this.toJSON(name);

    // .rgbString()
    proto[name + 'String'] = function (cstr) {
        if (cstr) {
            return this.fromString(cstr);
        return this.toString(name);

    // .rgbArray()
    proto[name + 'Array'] = function (values) {
        if (arguments.length) {
            return this.fromArray(values);
        return this.toArray(name);

    // .rgbaArray(), .hslaArray
    if (name === 'rgb' || name === 'hsl') {
        proto[name + 'aArray'] = function () {
            var res = this[name + 'Array'].apply(this, arguments);
            if (isArray(res)) {
            return res;

    // .red(), .green(), .blue()
    space.channel.forEach(function (cname, cidx) {
        if (proto[cname]) {
        proto[cname] = function (value) {
            if (arguments.length) {
                return this.setChannel(name, cidx, value);
            else {
                return round(this.getChannel(name, cidx), space.precision[cidx]);

 * Create per-space API
Object.keys(spaces).forEach(function (name) {
    proto.defineSpace(name, spaces[name]);

 * Alpha getter / setter
proto.alpha = function (value) {
    if (arguments.length) {
        this._alpha = between(value, 0, 1);
        return this;
    } else {
        return this._alpha;

/** Hex string parser is the same as simple parser */
proto.hexString = function (str) {
    if (arguments.length) {
        return this.fromString(str, 'hex');
    else {
        return this.toString('hex').toUpperCase();

/** Percent string formatter */
proto.percentString = function (str) {
    if (arguments.length) {
        return this.fromString(str, 'percent');
    else {
        return this.toString('percent');

/** Keyword setter/getter */
proto.keyword = function (str) {
    if (arguments.length) {
        return this.fromString(str, 'keyword');
    else {
        return this.toString('keyword');

/** Clone instance */
proto.clone = function () {
    return (new Color()).fromArray(this._values, this._space);

 * Create manipulation methods
Object.keys(manipulate).forEach(function (name) {
    proto[name] = function (a,b) {
        return manipulate[name](this, a, b);

/** Some color compatibility bindings */
proto.rotate = proto.spin;
proto.negate = proto.invert;
proto.greyscale = proto.grayscale;
proto.clearer = proto.fadeout;
proto.opaquer = proto.fadein;

 * Create measure methods
Object.keys(measure).forEach(function (name) {
    proto[name] = function (a, b) {
        // allow color.contrast() to take string args like 'red'
        if (a && !(a instanceof Color)) a = Color(a)

        return measure[name](this, a, b);

/** Some color compatibility bindings */
proto.luminosity = proto.luminance;
proto.dark = proto.isDark;
proto.light = proto.isLight;


/** Get short channel name */
function ch (name) {
    return name === 'black' ? 'k' : name[0];

 * Cap channel value.
 * Note that cap should not round.
 * @param {number} value A value to store
 * @param {string} spaceName Space name take as a basis
 * @param {int} idx Channel index
 * @return {number} Capped value
function cap(value, spaceName, idx) {
    var space = spaces[spaceName];
    if (space.channel[idx] === 'hue') {
        return loop(value, space.min[idx], space.max[idx]);
    } else {
        return between(value, space.min[idx], space.max[idx]);