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Nyan Cat style reporter originally cobbled together from the [Mocha](http://visionmedia.github.io/mocha/) version

![Karma Nyan Cat Reporter for Karma](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dgarlitt/image-repo/master/karma-nyan-reporter/v0.2.2/karma-nyan-reporter.gif "Karma Nyan Cat Reporter for Karma")


Installation is simple using npm, just run the following command:

npm install --save-dev karma-nyan-reporter

Since this follows Karma's plugin naming convention, that's all there is to it!

Now, run your tests and enjoy:

karma start path/to/karma.conf.js --reporters nyan

Error and Logging Output

Here is a screenshot of the error and logging output. The errors are displayed hierarchically based on the test suite and nesting level. ```console.log()``` messages are output at the bottom (in blue) below the test summary and grouped by browser.

![Karma Nyan Cat Reporter Error Output](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dgarlitt/image-repo/master/karma-nyan-reporter/v0.2.2/karma-nyan-reporter-error-output.png "Karma Nyan Cat Reporter Error Output")


If you want to suppress the stack trace at the end of the test run you can use the suppressErrorReport option.

// karma.conf.js
module.exports = function(config) {
    // normal config stuffs

    reporters: ['nyan'],

    // reporter options
    nyanReporter: {
      // suppress the error report at the end of the test run
      suppressErrorReport: true, // default is false

      // suppress the red background on errors in the error
      // report at the end of the test run
      suppressErrorHighlighting: true, // default is false

      // increase the number of rainbow lines displayed
      // enforced min = 4, enforced max = terminal height - 1
      numberOfRainbowLines: 100, // default is 4

      // only render the graphic after all tests have finished.
      // This is ideal for using this reporter in a continuous
      // integration environment.
      renderOnRunCompleteOnly: true // default is false

In this release
 - Fix for [issue #23](https://github.com/dgarlitt/karma-nyan-reporter/issues/23) - Total tests count is different from other reporters