type SelectorReturn = ReturnType<typeof $>
class Gestures {
static async checkIfDisplayedWithSwipeUp(selector: SelectorReturn, maxScrolls: number): Promise<SelectorReturn> {
if (driver.isAndroid) {
return this.swipeIntoViewAndroid(selector, maxScrolls)
return this.swipeIntoViewIOS(selector, maxScrolls)
static async swipeIntoViewAndroid(selector: SelectorReturn, maxScrolls: number, amount = 0): Promise<SelectorReturn> {
const scrollForward = `android=new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true)).scrollForward()`
if (!(await selector.isDisplayed()) && amount <= maxScrolls) {
await $(scrollForward)
await driver.pause(WAIT_FOR_SWIPE_FINISHED)
await this.swipeIntoViewAndroid(selector, maxScrolls, amount + 1)
} else if (amount > maxScrolls) {
// If the element is still not visible after the max amount of scroll let it fail
throw new Error(`The element '${selector}' could not be found or is not visible.`)
return selector
static async swipeIntoViewIOS(selector: SelectorReturn, maxScrolls: number, amount = 0): Promise<SelectorReturn> {
// If the element is not displayed and we haven't scrolled the max amount of scrolls
// then scroll and execute the method again
if (!(await selector.isDisplayed()) && amount <= maxScrolls) {
await driver.execute('mobile:swipe', { direction: 'up' })
await driver.pause(WAIT_FOR_SWIPE_FINISHED)
await this.swipeIntoViewIOS(selector, maxScrolls, amount + 1)
} else if (amount > maxScrolls) {
// If the element is still not visible after the max amount of scroll let it fail
throw new Error(`The element '${selector}' could not be found or is not visible.`)
return selector
export default Gestures