import { Routes } from '../../../shared/constants.js'
import categoriesPage from '../pageobjects/categories.page.js'
import dashboardPage from '../pageobjects/dashboard.page.js'
import { getPathname } from '../utils/helpers.js'
describe('Categories', () => {
const category = 'Welcome'
const subCategory = 'Welcome to [Stadt]'
const leafCategory = 'Community life in Germany'
beforeEach(async () => {
await dashboardPage.open()
await dashboardPage.openCategory(category)
it('should open category and display sub categories', async () => {
expect(await getPathname()).toBe(`/${Routes.dashboard}/welcome`)
const subCategoryEl = await $(`*=${subCategory}`)
expect(await subCategoryEl.isDisplayed()).toBeTruthy()
const leaf = await $(`*=${leafCategory}`)
expect(await leaf.isDisplayed()).toBeTruthy()
it('should open sub category', async () => {
await categoriesPage.openCategory(subCategory)
const headline = await $(`h1=${subCategory}`)
expect(await headline.isDisplayed()).toBeTruthy()
it('should open leaf in category', async () => {
await categoriesPage.openCategory(leafCategory)
const headline = await $(`h1=${leafCategory}`)
expect(await headline.isDisplayed()).toBeTruthy()
it('should open leaf in sub category and display the content', async () => {
await categoriesPage.openCategory(subCategory)
await categoriesPage.openCategory(leafCategory)
const headline = await $(`h1=${leafCategory}`)
expect(await headline.isDisplayed()).toBeTruthy()
const contentExcerpt = await $('li*=Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion.')
expect(await contentExcerpt.isDisplayed()).toBeTruthy()