
Test Coverage
# Changelog

## 0.115.0

* Ruby 3.1.2
* Rails 7.0.4
* Bootstrap 5.2.1
* Font Awesome 6.2.0

## 0.114.0

* Ruby 3.0.2
* Allow Node 16
* Bootstrap 5.1.1
* Font Awesome 5.15.4
* Fix user profile picture helper
* Update dependencies

## 0.113.0

* Rails 6.1.4
* Bootstrap 5.0.2
* Update dependencies
* GitHub Actions

## 0.112.0

* Rails
* Bootstrap 5
* Update dependencies

## 0.111.0

* Ruby 3.0.1
* Rails
* Font Awesome 5.15.3
* Update dependencies

## 0.110.0

* Rails
* GEOS 3.9.1
* Update dependencies

## 0.109.0

* Replace Facebook with Auth0
* Bootstrap 4.6.0
* Font Awesome 5.15.2
* Update dependencies

## 0.108.0

* Ruby 3.0
* Rails 6.1.1
* Update dependencies

## 0.107.0

* Rails 6.1
* Update dependencies

## 0.106.1

* Fix Travis build

## 0.106.0

* Ruby 2.7.2
* Rails
* Update dependencies

## 0.105.0

* Fix Facebook login
* Mitigate CVE-2015-9284
* Experimental Docker support
* Update dependencies

## 0.104.0

* Rails
* Update dependencies

## 0.103.0

* Bootstrap 4.5.0
* Update dependencies

## 0.102.0

* Rails 6.0.3
* Update dependencies

## 0.101.0

* Ruby 2.7.1
* Update dependencies

## 0.100.0

* Rails
* Font Awesome 5.13.0
* Update dependencies

## 0.99.0

* Completely remove sprockets
* Update dependencies

## 0.98.2

* Fix JavaScript translations
* Minor front-end fixes
* Update dependencies

## 0.98.1

* Fix search
* Update dependencies

## 0.98.0

* Replace MongoDB with Postgres
* Remove references
* Improve boundaries feature
* Update dependencies

## 0.97.2

* Fix icon animations

## 0.97.1

* Remove Font Awesome CSS
* Fix failing specs

## 0.97.0

* Use webpacker

## 0.96.1

* Fix messages popover on mobile devices
* Minor style fixes
* Update dependencies

## 0.96.0

* Bootstrap 4
* Fix double submission of search form
* Fix Google Maps static maps
* Update gems

## 0.95.0

* Ruby 2.7.0
* Update gems

## 0.94.0

* Rails
* Update gems

## 0.93.0

* Rails 6.0.2
* Update gems

## 0.92.0

* Rails 6.0.1
* Update gems

## 0.91.0

* Ruby 2.6.5
* Update gems

## 0.90.1

* Update dependencies

## 0.90.0

* Rails 6
* Ruby 2.6.4
* Font Awesome 5.10.2
* Use Jbuilder instead of rabl
* Update gems

## 0.85.0

* Font Awesome 5.10.0
* Allow to disable MongoDB modern retries
* Update gems

## 0.84.0

* Mongoid 7
* Font Awesome 5.9.0
* Drop Rails Panel support
* Update gems

## 0.83.1

* Update gems

## 0.83.0

* Ruby 2.6.3
* Update gems

## 0.82.0

* Rails 5.2.3
* Font Awesome 5.8.1
* Update gems

## 0.81.1

* Fix Travis build

## 0.81.0

* Ruby 2.6.2
* Update gems

## 0.80.0

* Bootstrap 3.4.1
* Font Awesome 5.7.2
* Update gems

## 0.79.0

* Ruby 2.6.1
* Font Awesome 5.7.0
* Update gems

## 0.78.0

* Ruby 2.6.0
* Font Awesome 5.6.3
* Force SSL on staging and production environments
* Update gems

## 0.77.2

* Font Awesome 5.5.0

## 0.77.1

* Fix source code conflicts

## 0.77.0

* Font Awesome 5.4.1
* Ruby 2.5.3
* Minor fixes

## 0.76.1

* Improve System tests

## 0.76.0

* Use System tests
* Update gems

## 0.75.1

* Fix Readme
* Update gems

## 0.75.0

* Font Awesome 5.3.1
* Update gems

## 0.74.0

* Rails 5.2.1
* Font Awesome 5.2.0
* Raise error when a translation is missing in development or test environments
* Update gems

## 0.73.0

* Update gems

## 0.72.1

* Update gems

## 0.72.0

* Font Awesome 5.1.0
* Update gems

## 0.71.3

* Update gems

## 0.71.2

* Fix old Google Analytics tracking

## 0.71.1

* Fix Gemfile.lock

## 0.71.0

* Remove old Facebook permissions
* Fix placeholder for users without profile picture
* Use Google Tag Manager
* Update dependencies

## 0.70.0

* Rails 5.2
* Font Awesome 5.0.13
* Add some new icons
* Update dependencies

## 0.68.1

* Font Awesome 5.0.10
* Update dependencies

## 0.68.0

* Rails 5.1.6
* Ruby 2.5.1
* Font Awesome 5.0.9
* Update dependencies

## 0.67.1

* Font Awesome 5.0.8
* Update dependencies

## 0.67.0

* Rails 5.1.5
* Ruby 2.5.0
* Font Awesome 5.0.6
* Update dependencies

## 0.66.0

* Font Awesome 5
* Update gems

## 0.65.4

* Minor fixes
* Update gems

## 0.65.3

* Update gems

## 0.65.2

* Update gems

## 0.65.1

* Fix lint task

## 0.65.0

* Update gems

## 0.64.0

* Ruby 2.4.2
* Update gems

## 0.63.0

* Rails 5.1.4
* Update gems

## 0.62.1

* Update gems

## 0.62.0

* Rails 5.1.3
* Update gems

## 0.61.2

* Update gems

## 0.61.1

* Rails 5.1.2
* Update gems

## 0.61.0

* Use Sucker Punch for background jobs
* Remove "Share on Facebook" feature
* Update gems

## 0.60.5

* Fix test coverage

## 0.60.4

* Update gems

## 0.60.3

* Update gems

## 0.60.2

* Update gems

## 0.60.1

* Fix Rails 5.1.1 configuration
* Update gems

## 0.60.0

* Rails 5.1.1
* Use official mongoid-geospatial
* Add Brewfile
* Update gems

## 0.53.5

* Remove unneeded configuration settings

## 0.53.4

* Fix map defaults

## 0.53.3

* Fix Airbrake configuration ([#59](
* Update gems

## 0.53.2

* Fix advanced search form
* Update gems

## 0.53.1

* Fix Airbrake configuration
* Update gems

## 0.53.0

* Fix Google Maps JavaScript API key support
* Update gems

## 0.52.0

* Strengthen gem dependencies
* Update gems

## 0.51.3

* Maintenance hotfix

## 0.51.2

* Fix turbolinks markup
* Update gems

## 0.51.1

* Update gems

## 0.51.0

* Ruby 2.4.1
* Update gems

## 0.50.5

* Update gems

## 0.50.4

* Update gems
* Update RuboCop config

## 0.50.3

* Fix blank timezone issue ([#54](
* Update gems

## 0.50.2

* Remove facepile plugin

## 0.50.1

* Update gems

## 0.50.0

* Rails 5.0.2
* Turbolinks 5
* Improve PWA assets
* Update layout

## 0.40.1

* Update gems

## 0.40.0

* Ruby 2.3.3
* Font Awesome 4.7.0
* Switch to 16px font size
* Use PhantomJS for feature tests
* Remove rb-readline dependency
* Update gems

## 0.39.4

* Update gems

## 0.39.3

* Rails
* Update gems

## 0.39.2

* Update gems

## 0.39.1

* Begin pseudo elements with single colon (IE8)
* Update gems

## 0.39.0

* Rails 4.2.7
* Fix application layout
* Fix OmniAuth logger
* Relax coffee-rails gem version dependency
* Lock Turbolinks gem to version 2.5
* Update .gitignore
* Update RSpec configuration
* Update SCSS-Lint configuration
* Update gems
* Update LICENSE

## 0.38.3

* Update gems

## 0.38.2

* Update gems

## 0.38.1

* Update gems

## 0.38.0

* Remove user_interests Facebook scope
* Update Facebook API level to support 2.6
* Drop restricted mode because of API v2.3 changes
* Make RuboCop happier
* Update gems

## 0.37.1

* Temporary fallback for Airbrake
* Fix Mongoid config
* Update gems

## 0.37.0

* Ruby 2.3.1
* Update gems

## 0.36.0

* Devise 4
* Fix Airbrake configuration
* Improve Rake tasks
* Update gems

## 0.35.6

* Font Awesome 4.6.1
* Update gems

## 0.35.5

* Improve application spec
* Update gems

## 0.35.4

* Update gems

## 0.35.3

* Update gems

## 0.35.2

* Fix Readme
* Update Contributing Guidelines
* Update gems

## 0.35.1

* Update gems

## 0.35.0

* Rails 4.2.6
* Add scss_lint gem
* Update gems

## 0.34.5

* Rails
* Update gems

## 0.34.4

* Update gems

## 0.34.3

* Fix Rakefile
* Update gems

## 0.34.2

* Fix secure headers
* Font Awesome 4.5.0
* Replace protocol-relative urls with https
* Update html5shiv to 3.7.3

## 0.34.1

* Update gems

## 0.34.0

* Add slim_lint gem
* Lint .slim files
* Update gems

## 0.33.1

* Fix Users spec

## 0.33.0

* Include FactoryGirl syntax methods
* Improve specs
* Update gems

## 0.32.10

* Make RuboCop happy
* Update gems

## 0.32.9

* Improve CSS
* Update gems

## 0.32.8

* Remove sensor parameter from gmaps

## 0.32.7

* Update gems

## 0.32.6

* Rails
* Update gems

## 0.32.5

* Update gems

## 0.32.4

* Update gems

## 0.32.3

* Update gems

## 0.32.2

* Fix Airbrake configuration (Fix [#40](
* Update gems

## 0.32.1

* Fix Rakefile

## 0.32.0

* Active Job
* Add rubocop

## 0.31.0

* Ruby 2.3.0
* Update gems

## 0.30.5

* Ruby 2.2.4
* [BREAKING CHANGE] Airbrake 5
* Update gems

## 0.30.4

* Update gems

## 0.30.3

* Protect from forgery with exception (Fix [#38](
* Update gems

## 0.30.2

* Fix share on Facebook
* Update gems

## 0.30.1

* Update gems

## 0.30.0

* Move to simple form
* Update gems

## 0.29.2

* Improve itineraries spec
* Update gems

## 0.29.1

* Fix itineraries spec

## 0.29.0

* Remove old code
* Fix itineraries spec
* Update gems

## 0.28.2

* Update gems

## 0.28.1

* Update gems

## 0.28.0

* Rails 4.2.5
* Improve authenticable model
* Improve mongoid config
* Update gems

## 0.27.3

* Improve mongoid config
* Update gems

## 0.27.2

* Improve mongoid config
* Update gems

## 0.27.1

* Mongoid 5
* Update gems

## 0.27.0

* Fix Facebook related issues (#34)
* Ruby 2.2.3
* Update gems

## 0.26.0

* Update bullet configuration
* Update Travis CI configuration
* Update gems

## 0.25.1

* Fix for app.json
* Update gems

## 0.25.0

* Rails 4.2.4
* Update gems

## 0.24.0

* Font Awesome 4.4.0
* Improve specs
* Update gems

## 0.23.1

* Update gems

## 0.23.0

* Rails 4.2.3
* Font Awesome 4.3.0
* Fix homepage button style
* Update gems

## 0.22.0

* Rails 4.2.2
* Bootstrap for Sass 3.3.5
* Update gems

## 0.21.3

* Fix date fields style
* Use .slimbars template extension
* Update sprockets to 3.0

## 0.21.2

* Ruby 2.2.2
* Remove Client Side Validations middleware
* Add Company Carpool advertising
* Update gems

## 0.21.1

* Remove Client Side Validations Turbolinks plugin
* Update gems

## 0.21.0

* Rails 4.2.1
* Ruby 2.2.1
* Improve specs
* Update gems
* Change Facebook button class to avoid ad-block filters
* Remove override of serialize_into_session since mongoid 4.0.2 automatically maps ids to strings

## 0.20.3

* Update gems

## 0.20.2

* Fix responsive menu
* Update gems

## 0.20.1

* Fix disable_with in submit buttons
* Refactor itinerary search
* Remove coveralls token
* Update gems

## 0.20.0

* Deploy to Heroku button
* Updated gems

## 0.19.10

* Fixed filters
* Updated gems
* Updated License

## 0.19.9

* Updated gems

## 0.19.8

* Removed deprecated .css extension in Sass files
* Added quiet_assets gem

## 0.19.7

* Fixed Sass dependency
* Improved reference template

## 0.19.6

* Fixed mongoid-slug dependency
* Removed Rails < 4.1 secret token  configuration
* Improved secrets.yml

## 0.19.5

* Fixed db config

## 0.19.4

* Fixed kaminari templates
* Fixed why facebook modal
* Fixed homepage title

## 0.19.3

* Fixed kaminari templates

## 0.19.2

* Fixed pagination
* Fixed changelog
* Fixed icons in slim templates

## 0.19.1

* Fixed kaminari templates

## 0.19.0

* SLIM instead of haml
* Ruby 2.2.0
* Rails 4.2.0
* Updated gems

## 0.18.8

* Updated gems

## 0.18.7

* Updated gems

## 0.18.6

* Updated gems

## 0.18.5

* Rails 4.1.8
* Updated gems
* Fixed version number

## 0.18.4

* Updated gems

## 0.18.3

* Updated gems

## 0.18.2

* Ruby 2.1.4
* Updated gems

## 0.18.1

* Rails 4.1.7
* Updated gems

## 0.18.0

* Bootstrap 3.3.0
* Updated gems

## 0.17.0

* Rails 4
* Turbolinks progress bar
* Updated gems

## 0.16.0

* Basic currency customization (Closes #27)
* Removed unneeded locale settings
* Updated gems

## 0.15.1

* Ruby 2.1.3
* Updated gems

## 0.15.0

* Added Gitter badge to the README (#25)
* Updated gems

## 0.14.4

* Improved application layout
* Font Awesome 4.2.0
* Updated gems

## 0.14.3

* Fix: Removed expired results from search (#22)
* Improved references controller
* Updated gems

## 0.14.2

* Updated badges
* Updated gems

## 0.14.1

* Fixed Italian translation
* Fixed common tags
* Removed highlighting of age and gender

## 0.14.0

* Improved scopes
* Improved itinerary search
* Updated gems

## 0.13.6

* Updated gems
* Improved code

## 0.13.5

* Updated gems
* Fixed issues with Bootstrap 3.2.0

## 0.13.4

* Updated gems

## 0.13.3

* Rails 3.2.19
* Updated gems

## 0.13.2

* Updated gems
* Fixed unpermitted params
* Fixed route generation

## 0.13.1

* Updated gems
* Improved README

## 0.13.0

* RSpec 3
* Updated gems

## 0.12.1

* Updated gems

## 0.12.0

* Fixed feedbacks
* Updated gems

## 0.11.3

* Fixed changelog
* Updated gems

## 0.11.2

* Removed unneeded gems
* Updated gems

## 0.11.1

* Fixed coveralls

## 0.11.0

* Bootstrap 3
* Devise
* Moved 'rspec-rails' to proper gem group
* Ruby 2.1.2
* Updated gems

## 0.10.5

* Rails 3.2.18
* Updated gems

## 0.10.4

* Fixed issue with detailed education
* Updated gems

## 0.10.3

* Updated gems

## 0.10.2

* Fixed newrelic configuration
* Updated gems

## 0.10.1

* Updated gems

## 0.10.0

* Using spring instead of spork
* Updated gems
* Using around filters to set locale and timezone

## 0.9.11

* Rails 3.2.17
* Updated gems

## 0.9.10

* Updated gems
* update ruby for CVE-2013-6393

## 0.9.9

* Fixed travis.yml

## 0.9.8

* Ruby 2.1.0
* Updated gems
* Reformatted changelog

## 0.9.7

* Attempt to fix builds on travis

## 0.9.6

* Updated gems

## 0.9.5

* Rails 3.2.16
* Updated gems

## 0.9.4

* Deploy with ruby 2.0.0-p353
* Updated gems

## 0.9.3

* Fixed pledgie link in readme

## 0.9.2

* Updated gems
* Fixed readme

## 0.9.1

* Rails 3.2.15
* Updated gems

## 0.9.0

* Rails 3.2.14
* Updated gems
* Improved loader spinner
* Improved homepage and why facebook modal

## 0.8.1

* Updated gems
* Improved application layout

## 0.8.0

* Refactored itineraries
* Improved specs

## 0.7.21

* Improved controllers
* Users are now able to delete their own feedbacks

## 0.7.20

* Don't screw up with things you don't understand, like 'uri-directive' in secure_headers

## 0.7.19

* Fixed turbolinks spinner

## 0.7.18

* Minor fixes
* Trying to use latest therubyracer gem

## 0.7.17

* Added secure_headers gem
* Refactoring

## 0.7.16

* Clean up and refactoring

## 0.7.15

* 2 step itinerary creation

## 0.7.14

* Strong parameters

## 0.7.13

* Improved User management

## 0.7.12

* Fixed Badges

## 0.7.11

* Fixed README

## 0.7.10

* Improved dashboard
* Improved homepage
* Updated gems (fixed client side validations)

## 0.7.9

* Improved user show
* Fixed navbar height issue in firefox

## 0.7.8

* Fixes issues for women
* Fixes issues for users without birthday

## 0.7.7

* Rails 3.2.13

## 0.7.6

* Minor css fixes

## 0.7.3

* New style inspired by Flat UI
* New Ubuntu webfont
* More specs

## 0.7.2

* Ruby 2.0
* Improved support for static assets (#10)
* Fixed issues with missing locales (#11)

## 0.7.1

* Updated gems
* Added Coveralls

## 0.7.0

* Restricted mode (only available to members of a Facebook group)

## 0.6.22

* Minor improvements

## 0.6.21

* New Code Climate badge in README
* Fixed New Relic configuration

## 0.6.20

* Fixed bugs in itineraries controller
* Fixed navbar icons
* Fixed popover width
* Replaced Cucumber with feature specs

## 0.6.19

* Rails 3.2.12
* Bootstrap 2.3

## 0.6.18

* Fixed assets

## 0.6.17

* Returns route back to client when itinerary creation fails
* Minor fixes and improvements

## 0.6.16

* Fixed missing string in italian translation (issue #6)
* Fixed error on round trip itineraries when return date was nil
* Updated navbar according to latest Facebook changes

## 0.6.15

* New homepage
* Gets all webfonts in one request

## 0.6.14

* Maintenance release

## 0.6.13

* Updated Ruby on Rails to 3.2.11

## 0.6.12

* Some assets fixed

## 0.6.11

* FontAwesome 3.0

## 0.6.10

* Updated Ruby on Rails to 3.2.10

## 0.6.9

* Security fix

## 0.6.8

* Improved Users Helper

## 0.6.7

* Improved Users Helper

## 0.6.6

* Maintenance release

## 0.6.5

* Maintenance release

## 0.6.4

* Added Airbrake for exception tracking
* Added New Relic for performance management
* Added Code Climate badge to README
* Added some specs and feature tests
* Changed how references work (user based instead of itinerary based)
* Fixed map popups
* Removed nationality in user model
* Code refactored with concerns and service objects
* Minor bug fixes and improvements

## 0.6.3

* Fixed outgoing references
* Fixed css focus
* Improved dashboard on small screen
* Applying code styleguides
* Minor bug fixes and improvements

## 0.6.2

* Fixed daily itineraries

## 0.6.1

* Fixed common age bug

## 0.6

* Cached user facebook data
* Updated Demo TOS
* Minor bug fixes and improvements

## 0.5.5

* Checkbox for daily itineraries (beta)
* Improved icons antialiasing (-webkit-font-smoothing)
* User itineraries sorted by creation time
* Improved itineraries index
* Fixed dropdown menu for touch devices
* Minor bug fix and improvements

## 0.5.4

* Fixed missing string in reference partial

## 0.5.3

* Rails 3.2.9
* Added support for Travis CI and Gemnasium
* Improved references
* A lot of minor bug fix and improvements

## 0.5.2

* Automatically add 2d indexes

## 0.5.1

* Pink itineraries (itineraries only for women)
* Turbolinks
* Fixed itineraries search
* A lot of minor bug fix and improvements

## 0.5

* References draft
* Mongoid 3 and new geospatial gem
* New home, new footer
* A lot of minor bug fix and improvements

## 0.4.1

* Share on Facebook Timeline feature
* A lot of minor bug fix and improvements

## 0.3

* Moved Facebook's Open Graph namespace in configuration files
* Working Conversations
* Added timestamps to Itinerary model
* Improved dashboard and navbar styles
* Latest itineraries on dashboard
* Mocked features are more evident
* Added facebook verification to users
* New favicon
* Fixed routes generation in IE and Opera
* A lot of minor bug fix and improvements

## 0.2

* Added Google Analytics
* Fixed exception in user show

## 0.1

* Initial commit