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4 hrs
Test Coverage
 * WatchTower Authentication system
 * @license   MIT License
 * @author    David Lundgren

namespace WatchTower\Sentry\Authentication;

use WatchTower\Exception\InvalidArgument;
use WatchTower\Event\Authenticate;
use WatchTower\Event\Event;
use WatchTower\Sentry\Sentry;
use WatchTower\Sentry\Traits\ReturnsName;

 * LDAP authentication sentry
 * DSN format: ldaps?://binddn:bindpassword@hostname:hostport/basedn
 * @package WatchTower\Authentication\Adapter
class Ldap
    implements Sentry
    use ReturnsName;

     * @var string Name of this sentry
    private $name = 'ldap';

     * @var string Server to connect to
    private $server;

     * @var int Server port to connect to
    private $port;

     * @var string The base DN to use for queries
    private $baseDn;

     * @var string The user to bind as to search
    private $bindDn;

     * @var string The password for the bind dn
    private $bindPassword;

     * @var string The identity field (AD would use sAMAccountName)
    private $identityField;

     * @var array Groups if any the user needs to be a part of
    private $groups = [];

     * @var bool Breaks the authentication when it fails
    private $breakChainOnFailure = false;

     * Initializes the LDAP settings
     * @param string            $name                The name of this sentry
     * @param string            $dsn                 The DSN of the server
     * @param string            $identityField       The field to search on
     * @param string|array|null $groups              List of groups that users should be a part of
     * @param bool              $breakChainOnFailure Whether or not to break the authentication on failure
    public function __construct($name, $dsn, $identityField, $groups = null, $breakChainOnFailure = false)
        $this->name                = $name;
        $this->identityField       = $identityField;
        $this->groups              = isset($groups) ? (array)$groups : [];
        $this->breakChainOnFailure = $breakChainOnFailure;

        $parsed = parse_url($dsn);
        if (!isset($parsed['host'])) {
            throw new InvalidArgument("DSN is missing the server name");
        if (!isset($parsed['path'])) {
            throw new InvalidArgument("DSN is missing the base dn");

        $this->server       = (isset($parsed['scheme']) ? $parsed['scheme'] : 'ldap') . "://{$parsed['host']}";
        $this->port         = isset($parsed['port']) ? $parsed['port'] : 389;
        $this->bindDn       = isset($parsed['user']) ? $parsed['user'] : '';
        $this->bindPassword = isset($parsed['pass']) ? $parsed['pass'] : '';
        $this->baseDn       = isset($parsed['path']) ? trim($parsed['path'], '/') : '';

     * Returns whether or not the given identity/credential are valid
     * @param Event $event
     * @return void
    public function discern(Event $event)
        if (!($event instanceof Authenticate)) {

        $identity = $event->identity();
        $ldap     = ldap_connect($this->server, $this->port);
        if (!$ldap) {
            $this->setErrorOnEvent($ldap, $event, Sentry::INTERNAL, "Unable to connect to {$this->server}");


        if (!empty($this->bindDn)) {
            $bind = ldap_bind($ldap, $this->bindDn, $this->bindPassword);
            if (!$bind) {
                    "Could not bind to {$this->server} as {$this->bindDn}"


        $userDn = $this->getIdentityDn($ldap, $event);
        if ($userDn === false) {

        if (ldap_bind($ldap, $userDn, $identity->credential()) === false) {
            $this->setErrorOnEvent($ldap, $event, Sentry::INVALID, "Invalid credentials");

        elseif (!empty($this->groups)) {
            $this->checkGroups($ldap, $event);

        is_resource($ldap) && ldap_unbind($ldap);

     * Returns the Identity DN
     * @param             $ldap
     * @param Event       $event
     * @return bool|int|string
    private function getIdentityDn($ldap, Event $event)
        $value        = false;
        $searchResult = ldap_search(
            sprintf("%s=%s", $this->identityField, $event->identity()->identity())
        if ($searchResult === false) {
            // failed to search (unknown reason)
            $this->setErrorOnEvent($ldap, $event, Sentry::INTERNAL, "Unable to search on $this->server");
        else {
            $entry = ldap_first_entry($ldap, $searchResult);
            if ($entry === false) {
                $this->setErrorOnEvent($ldap, $event, Sentry::NOT_FOUND, "User not found");
            else {
                $value = ldap_get_dn($ldap, $entry);

        return $value;

     * Checks that the LDAP entry has one of the listed groups
     * @param       $ldap
     * @param Event $event
     * @return mixed
    private function checkGroups($ldap, Event $event)
        $searchResult = ldap_search(
            sprintf("%s=%s", $this->identityField, $event->identity()->identity()),
        if ($searchResult === false) {
            // failed to search (unknown reason)
            $code   = Sentry::INTERNAL;
            $reason = "Unable to search for groups on $this->server";
        else {
            $code   = Sentry::INVALID;
            $reason = "Identity has no groups assigned";
            $attrs  = ldap_get_attributes($ldap, ldap_first_entry($ldap, $searchResult));
            if (isset($attrs['memberOf']['count']) && $attrs['memberOf']['count'] > 0) {
                foreach ($this->groups as $group) {
                    if (in_array($group, $attrs['memberOf'])) {
                        // return early if a member of any group
                        return true;

                // if we haven't returned by now there is a problem
                $reason = "Not in allowed groups";
        $this->setErrorOnEvent($ldap, $event, $code, $reason);

     * Handles setting the error on the credentials
     * Returns STATUS_ERROR unless BreakChainOnFailure is set
     * @param        $ldap
     * @param Event  $event
     * @param int    $code
     * @param string $message
     * @return void
    private function setErrorOnEvent($ldap, $event, $code, $message)
        if ($this->breakChainOnFailure) {
        $event->triggerError($code, "[{$this->name}] {$message}");
        if (is_resource($ldap)) {