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package exec

import (


// Controller controls execution of a task.
type Controller interface {
    // Update the task definition seen by the controller. Will return
    // ErrTaskUpdateFailed if the provided task definition changes fields that
    // cannot be changed.
    // Will be ignored if the task has exited.
    Update(ctx context.Context, t *api.Task) error

    // Prepare the task for execution. This should ensure that all resources
    // are created such that a call to start should execute immediately.
    Prepare(ctx context.Context) error

    // Start the target and return when it has started successfully.
    Start(ctx context.Context) error

    // Wait blocks until the target has exited.
    Wait(ctx context.Context) error

    // Shutdown requests to exit the target gracefully.
    Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error

    // Terminate the target.
    Terminate(ctx context.Context) error

    // Remove all resources allocated by the controller.
    Remove(ctx context.Context) error

    // Close closes any ephemeral resources associated with controller instance.
    Close() error

// ControllerLogs defines a component that makes logs accessible.
// Can usually be accessed on a controller instance via type assertion.
type ControllerLogs interface {
    // Logs will write publisher until the context is cancelled or an error
    // occurs.
    Logs(ctx context.Context, publisher LogPublisher, options api.LogSubscriptionOptions) error

// LogPublisher defines the protocol for receiving a log message.
type LogPublisher interface {
    Publish(ctx context.Context, message api.LogMessage) error

// LogPublisherFunc implements publisher with just a function.
type LogPublisherFunc func(ctx context.Context, message api.LogMessage) error

// Publish calls the wrapped function.
func (fn LogPublisherFunc) Publish(ctx context.Context, message api.LogMessage) error {
    return fn(ctx, message)

// LogPublisherProvider defines the protocol for receiving a log publisher
type LogPublisherProvider interface {
    Publisher(ctx context.Context, subscriptionID string) (LogPublisher, func(), error)

// ContainerStatuser reports status of a container.
// This can be implemented by controllers or error types.
type ContainerStatuser interface {
    // ContainerStatus returns the status of the target container, if
    // available. When the container is not available, the status will be nil.
    ContainerStatus(ctx context.Context) (*api.ContainerStatus, error)

// PortStatuser reports status of ports which are allocated by the executor
type PortStatuser interface {
    // PortStatus returns the status on a list of PortConfigs
    // which are managed at the host level by the controller.
    PortStatus(ctx context.Context) (*api.PortStatus, error)

// Resolve attempts to get a controller from the executor and reports the
// correct status depending on the tasks current state according to the result.
// Unlike Do, if an error is returned, the status should still be reported. The
// error merely reports the failure at getting the controller.
func Resolve(ctx context.Context, task *api.Task, executor Executor) (Controller, *api.TaskStatus, error) {
    status := task.Status.Copy()

    defer func() {
        logStateChange(ctx, task.DesiredState, task.Status.State, status.State)

    ctlr, err := executor.Controller(task)

    // depending on the tasks state, a failed controller resolution has varying
    // impact. The following expresses that impact.
    if err != nil {
        status.Message = "resolving controller failed"
        status.Err = err.Error()
        // before the task has been started, we consider it a rejection.
        // if task is running, consider the task has failed
        // otherwise keep the existing state
        if task.Status.State < api.TaskStateStarting {
            status.State = api.TaskStateRejected
        } else if task.Status.State <= api.TaskStateRunning {
            status.State = api.TaskStateFailed
    } else if task.Status.State < api.TaskStateAccepted {
        // we always want to proceed to accepted when we resolve the controller
        status.Message = "accepted"
        status.State = api.TaskStateAccepted
        status.Err = ""

    return ctlr, status, err

// Do progresses the task state using the controller performing a single
// operation on the controller. The return TaskStatus should be marked as the
// new state of the task.
// The returned status should be reported and placed back on to task
// before the next call. The operation can be cancelled by creating a
// cancelling context.
// Errors from the task controller will reported on the returned status. Any
// errors coming from this function should not be reported as related to the
// individual task.
// If ErrTaskNoop is returned, it means a second call to Do will result in no
// change. If ErrTaskDead is returned, calls to Do will no longer result in any
// action.
func Do(ctx context.Context, task *api.Task, ctlr Controller) (*api.TaskStatus, error) {
    status := task.Status.Copy()

    // stay in the current state.
    noop := func(errs ...error) (*api.TaskStatus, error) {
        return status, ErrTaskNoop

    retry := func() (*api.TaskStatus, error) {
        // while we retry on all errors, this allows us to explicitly declare
        // retry cases.
        return status, ErrTaskRetry

    // transition moves the task to the next state.
    transition := func(state api.TaskState, msg string) (*api.TaskStatus, error) {
        current := status.State
        status.State = state
        status.Message = msg
        status.Err = ""

        if current > state {
            panic("invalid state transition")
        return status, nil

    // containerStatus exitCode keeps track of whether or not we've set it in
    // this particular method. Eventually, we assemble this as part of a defer.
    var (
        containerStatus *api.ContainerStatus
        portStatus      *api.PortStatus
        exitCode        int

    // returned when a fatal execution of the task is fatal. In this case, we
    // proceed to a terminal error state and set the appropriate fields.
    // Common checks for the nature of an error should be included here. If the
    // error is determined not to be fatal for the task,
    fatal := func(err error) (*api.TaskStatus, error) {
        if err == nil {
            panic("err must not be nil when fatal")

        if cs, ok := err.(ContainerStatuser); ok {
            var err error
            containerStatus, err = cs.ContainerStatus(ctx)
            if err != nil && !contextDoneError(err) {
                log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("error resolving container status on fatal")

        // make sure we've set the *correct* exit code
        if ec, ok := err.(ExitCoder); ok {
            exitCode = ec.ExitCode()

        if cause := errors.Cause(err); cause == context.DeadlineExceeded || cause == context.Canceled {
            return retry()

        status.Err = err.Error() // still reported on temporary
        if IsTemporary(err) {
            return retry()

        // only at this point do we consider the error fatal to the task.
        log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("fatal task error")

        // NOTE(stevvooe): The following switch dictates the terminal failure
        // state based on the state in which the failure was encountered.
        switch {
        case status.State < api.TaskStateStarting:
            status.State = api.TaskStateRejected
        case status.State >= api.TaskStateStarting:
            status.State = api.TaskStateFailed

        return status, nil

    // below, we have several callbacks that are run after the state transition
    // is completed.
    defer func() {
        logStateChange(ctx, task.DesiredState, task.Status.State, status.State)

        if !equality.TaskStatusesEqualStable(status, &task.Status) {
            status.Timestamp = ptypes.MustTimestampProto(time.Now())

    // extract the container status from the container, if supported.
    defer func() {
        // only do this if in an active state
        if status.State < api.TaskStateStarting {

        if containerStatus == nil {
            // collect this, if we haven't
            cctlr, ok := ctlr.(ContainerStatuser)
            if !ok {

            var err error
            containerStatus, err = cctlr.ContainerStatus(ctx)
            if err != nil && !contextDoneError(err) {
                log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("container status unavailable")

            // at this point, things have gone fairly wrong. Remain positive
            // and let's get something out the door.
            if containerStatus == nil {
                containerStatus = new(api.ContainerStatus)
                containerStatusTask := task.Status.GetContainer()
                if containerStatusTask != nil {
                    *containerStatus = *containerStatusTask // copy it over.

        // at this point, we *must* have a containerStatus.
        if exitCode != 0 {
            containerStatus.ExitCode = int32(exitCode)

        status.RuntimeStatus = &api.TaskStatus_Container{
            Container: containerStatus,

        if portStatus == nil {
            pctlr, ok := ctlr.(PortStatuser)
            if !ok {

            var err error
            portStatus, err = pctlr.PortStatus(ctx)
            if err != nil && !contextDoneError(err) {
                log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("container port status unavailable")

        status.PortStatus = portStatus

    // this branch bounds the largest state achievable in the agent as SHUTDOWN, which
    // is exactly the correct behavior for the agent.
    if task.DesiredState >= api.TaskStateShutdown {
        if status.State >= api.TaskStateCompleted {
            return noop()

        if err := ctlr.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
            return fatal(err)

        return transition(api.TaskStateShutdown, "shutdown")

    if status.State > task.DesiredState {
        return noop() // way beyond desired state, pause

    // the following states may proceed past desired state.
    switch status.State {
    case api.TaskStatePreparing:
        if err := ctlr.Prepare(ctx); err != nil && err != ErrTaskPrepared {
            return fatal(err)

        return transition(api.TaskStateReady, "prepared")
    case api.TaskStateStarting:
        if err := ctlr.Start(ctx); err != nil && err != ErrTaskStarted {
            return fatal(err)

        return transition(api.TaskStateRunning, "started")
    case api.TaskStateRunning:
        if err := ctlr.Wait(ctx); err != nil {
            return fatal(err)

        return transition(api.TaskStateCompleted, "finished")

    // The following represent "pause" states. We can only proceed when the
    // desired state is beyond our current state.
    if status.State >= task.DesiredState {
        return noop()

    switch status.State {
    case api.TaskStateNew, api.TaskStatePending, api.TaskStateAssigned:
        return transition(api.TaskStateAccepted, "accepted")
    case api.TaskStateAccepted:
        return transition(api.TaskStatePreparing, "preparing")
    case api.TaskStateReady:
        return transition(api.TaskStateStarting, "starting")
    default: // terminal states
        return noop()

func logStateChange(ctx context.Context, desired, previous, next api.TaskState) {
    if previous != next {
            "state.transition": fmt.Sprintf("%v->%v", previous, next),
            "state.desired":    desired,
        }).Debug("state changed")

func contextDoneError(err error) bool {
    cause := errors.Cause(err)
    return cause == context.Canceled || cause == context.DeadlineExceeded