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package ca

import (


// RenewTLSExponentialBackoff sets the exponential backoff when trying to renew TLS certificates that have expired
var RenewTLSExponentialBackoff = events.ExponentialBackoffConfig{
    Base:   time.Second * 5,
    Factor: time.Second * 5,
    Max:    1 * time.Hour,

// TLSRenewer handles renewing TLS certificates, either automatically or upon
// request.
type TLSRenewer struct {
    mu           sync.Mutex
    s            *SecurityConfig
    connBroker   *connectionbroker.Broker
    renew        chan struct{}
    expectedRole string
    rootPaths    CertPaths

// NewTLSRenewer creates a new TLS renewer. It must be started with Start.
func NewTLSRenewer(s *SecurityConfig, connBroker *connectionbroker.Broker, rootPaths CertPaths) *TLSRenewer {
    return &TLSRenewer{
        s:          s,
        connBroker: connBroker,
        renew:      make(chan struct{}, 1),
        rootPaths:  rootPaths,

// SetExpectedRole sets the expected role. If a renewal is forced, and the role
// doesn't match this expectation, renewal will be retried with exponential
// backoff until it does match.
func (t *TLSRenewer) SetExpectedRole(role string) {
    t.expectedRole = role

// Renew causes the TLSRenewer to renew the certificate (nearly) right away,
// instead of waiting for the next automatic renewal.
func (t *TLSRenewer) Renew() {
    select {
    case t.renew <- struct{}{}:

// Start will continuously monitor for the necessity of renewing the local certificates, either by
// issuing them locally if key-material is available, or requesting them from a remote CA.
func (t *TLSRenewer) Start(ctx context.Context) <-chan CertificateUpdate {
    updates := make(chan CertificateUpdate)

    go func() {
        var (
            retry      time.Duration
            forceRetry bool
        expBackoff := events.NewExponentialBackoff(RenewTLSExponentialBackoff)
        defer close(updates)
        for {
            ctx = log.WithModule(ctx, "tls")
            logger := log.G(ctx).WithFields(log.Fields{
                "":   t.s.ClientTLSCreds.NodeID(),
                "node.role": t.s.ClientTLSCreds.Role(),
            // Our starting default will be 5 minutes
            retry = 5 * time.Minute

            // Since the expiration of the certificate is managed remotely we should update our
            // retry timer on every iteration of this loop.
            // Retrieve the current certificate expiration information.
            validFrom, validUntil, err := readCertValidity(t.s.KeyReader())
            if err != nil {
                // We failed to read the expiration, let's stick with the starting default
                logger.Errorf("failed to read the expiration of the TLS certificate in: %s", t.s.KeyReader().Target())

                select {
                case updates <- CertificateUpdate{Err: errors.New("failed to read certificate expiration")}:
                case <-ctx.Done():
                    logger.Info("shutting down certificate renewal routine")
            } else {
                // If we have an expired certificate, try to renew immediately: the hope that this is a temporary clock skew, or
                // we can issue our own TLS certs.
                if validUntil.Before(time.Now()) {
                    logger.Warn("the current TLS certificate is expired, so an attempt to renew it will be made immediately")
                    // retry immediately(ish) with exponential backoff
                    retry = expBackoff.Proceed(nil)
                } else if forceRetry {
                    // A forced renewal was requested, but did not succeed yet.
                    // retry immediately(ish) with exponential backoff
                    retry = expBackoff.Proceed(nil)
                } else {
                    // Random retry time between 50% and 80% of the total time to expiration
                    retry = calculateRandomExpiry(validFrom, validUntil)

                "time": time.Now().Add(retry),
            }).Debugf("next certificate renewal scheduled for %v from now", retry)

            select {
            case <-time.After(retry):
                logger.Info("renewing certificate")
            case <-t.renew:
                forceRetry = true
                logger.Info("forced certificate renewal")

                // Pause briefly before attempting the renewal,
                // to give the CA a chance to reconcile the
                // desired role.
                select {
                case <-time.After(500 * time.Millisecond):
                case <-ctx.Done():
                    logger.Info("shutting down certificate renewal routine")
            case <-ctx.Done():
                logger.Info("shutting down certificate renewal routine")

            // ignore errors - it will just try again later
            var certUpdate CertificateUpdate
            if err := RenewTLSConfigNow(ctx, t.s, t.connBroker, t.rootPaths); err != nil {
                certUpdate.Err = err
                expBackoff.Failure(nil, nil)
            } else {
                newRole := t.s.ClientTLSCreds.Role()
                expectedRole := t.expectedRole
                if expectedRole != "" && expectedRole != newRole {
                    expBackoff.Failure(nil, nil)

                certUpdate.Role = newRole
                forceRetry = false

            select {
            case updates <- certUpdate:
            case <-ctx.Done():
                logger.Info("shutting down certificate renewal routine")

    return updates