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package ca

import (

    gogotypes ""

const (
    defaultReconciliationRetryInterval = 10 * time.Second
    defaultRootReconciliationInterval  = 3 * time.Second

// Server is the CA and NodeCA API gRPC server.
// TODO(aaronl): At some point we may want to have separate implementations of
// CA, NodeCA, and other hypothetical future CA services. At the moment,
// breaking it apart doesn't seem worth it.
type Server struct {
    mu                          sync.Mutex
    wg                          sync.WaitGroup
    ctx                         context.Context
    cancel                      func()
    store                       *store.MemoryStore
    securityConfig              *SecurityConfig
    clusterID                   string
    localRootCA                 *RootCA
    externalCA                  *ExternalCA
    externalCAPool              *x509.CertPool
    joinTokens                  *api.JoinTokens
    reconciliationRetryInterval time.Duration

    // pending is a map of nodes with pending certificates issuance or
    // renewal. They are indexed by node ID.
    pending map[string]*api.Node

    // started is a channel which gets closed once the server is running
    // and able to service RPCs.
    started chan struct{}

    // these are cached values to ensure we only update the security config when
    // the cluster root CA and external CAs have changed - the cluster object
    // can change for other reasons, and it would not be necessary to update
    // the security config as a result
    lastSeenClusterRootCA *api.RootCA
    lastSeenExternalCAs   []*api.ExternalCA

    // This mutex protects the components of the CA server used to issue new certificates
    // (and any attributes used to update those components): `lastSeenClusterRootCA` and
    // `lastSeenExternalCA`, which are used to update `externalCA` and the `rootCA` object
    // of the SecurityConfig
    signingMu sync.Mutex

    // lets us monitor and finish root rotations
    rootReconciliationRetryInterval time.Duration

// DefaultCAConfig returns the default CA Config, with a default expiration.
func DefaultCAConfig() api.CAConfig {
    return api.CAConfig{
        NodeCertExpiry: gogotypes.DurationProto(DefaultNodeCertExpiration),

// NewServer creates a CA API server.
func NewServer(store *store.MemoryStore, securityConfig *SecurityConfig) *Server {
    return &Server{
        store:                           store,
        securityConfig:                  securityConfig,
        localRootCA:                     securityConfig.RootCA(),
        externalCA:                      NewExternalCA(nil, nil),
        pending:                         make(map[string]*api.Node),
        started:                         make(chan struct{}),
        reconciliationRetryInterval:     defaultReconciliationRetryInterval,
        rootReconciliationRetryInterval: defaultRootReconciliationInterval,
        clusterID:                       securityConfig.ClientTLSCreds.Organization(),

// ExternalCA returns the current external CA - this is exposed to support unit testing only, and the external CA
// should really be a private field
func (s *Server) ExternalCA() *ExternalCA {
    defer s.signingMu.Unlock()
    return s.externalCA

// RootCA returns the current local root CA - this is exposed to support unit testing only, and the root CA
// should really be a private field
func (s *Server) RootCA() *RootCA {
    defer s.signingMu.Unlock()
    return s.localRootCA

// SetReconciliationRetryInterval changes the time interval between
// reconciliation attempts. This function must be called before Run.
func (s *Server) SetReconciliationRetryInterval(reconciliationRetryInterval time.Duration) {
    s.reconciliationRetryInterval = reconciliationRetryInterval

// SetRootReconciliationInterval changes the time interval between root rotation
// reconciliation attempts.  This function must be called before Run.
func (s *Server) SetRootReconciliationInterval(interval time.Duration) {
    s.rootReconciliationRetryInterval = interval

// GetUnlockKey is responsible for returning the current unlock key used for encrypting TLS private keys and
// other at rest data.  Access to this RPC call should only be allowed via mutual TLS from managers.
func (s *Server) GetUnlockKey(ctx context.Context, request *api.GetUnlockKeyRequest) (*api.GetUnlockKeyResponse, error) {
    // This directly queries the store, rather than storing the unlock key and version on
    // the `Server` object and updating it `updateCluster` is called, because we need this
    // API to return the latest version of the key.  Otherwise, there might be a slight delay
    // between when the cluster gets updated, and when this function returns the latest key.
    // This delay is currently unacceptable because this RPC call is the only way, after a
    // cluster update, to get the actual value of the unlock key, and we don't want to return
    // a cached value.
    resp := api.GetUnlockKeyResponse{} store.ReadTx) {
        cluster := store.GetCluster(tx, s.clusterID)
        resp.Version = cluster.Meta.Version
        if cluster.Spec.EncryptionConfig.AutoLockManagers {
            for _, encryptionKey := range cluster.UnlockKeys {
                if encryptionKey.Subsystem == ManagerRole {
                    resp.UnlockKey = encryptionKey.Key

    return &resp, nil

// NodeCertificateStatus returns the current issuance status of an issuance request identified by the nodeID
func (s *Server) NodeCertificateStatus(ctx context.Context, request *api.NodeCertificateStatusRequest) (*api.NodeCertificateStatusResponse, error) {
    if request.NodeID == "" {
        return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, codes.InvalidArgument.String())

    serverCtx, err := s.isRunningLocked()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    var node *api.Node

    event := api.EventUpdateNode{
        Node:   &api.Node{ID: request.NodeID},
        Checks: []api.NodeCheckFunc{api.NodeCheckID},

    // Retrieve the current value of the certificate with this token, and create a watcher
    updates, cancel, err := store.ViewAndWatch(,
        func(tx store.ReadTx) error {
            node = store.GetNode(tx, request.NodeID)
            return nil
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer cancel()

    // This node ID doesn't exist
    if node == nil {
        return nil, status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, codes.NotFound.String())

        "": node.ID,
        "status":  node.Certificate.Status,
        "method":  "NodeCertificateStatus",

    // If this certificate has a final state, return it immediately (both pending and renew are transition states)
    if isFinalState(node.Certificate.Status) {
        return &api.NodeCertificateStatusResponse{
            Status:      &node.Certificate.Status,
            Certificate: &node.Certificate,
        }, nil

        "": node.ID,
        "status":  node.Certificate.Status,
        "method":  "NodeCertificateStatus",
    }).Debugf("started watching for certificate updates")

    // Certificate is Pending or in an Unknown state, let's wait for changes.
    for {
        select {
        case event := <-updates:
            switch v := event.(type) {
            case api.EventUpdateNode:
                // We got an update on the certificate record. If the status is a final state,
                // return the certificate.
                if isFinalState(v.Node.Certificate.Status) {
                    cert := v.Node.Certificate.Copy()
                    return &api.NodeCertificateStatusResponse{
                        Status:      &cert.Status,
                        Certificate: cert,
                    }, nil
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return nil, ctx.Err()
        case <-serverCtx.Done():
            return nil, s.ctx.Err()

// IssueNodeCertificate is responsible for gatekeeping both certificate requests from new nodes in the swarm,
// and authorizing certificate renewals.
// If a node presented a valid certificate, the corresponding certificate is set in a RENEW state.
// If a node failed to present a valid certificate, we check for a valid join token and set the
// role accordingly. A new random node ID is generated, and the corresponding node entry is created.
// IssueNodeCertificate is the only place where new node entries to raft should be created.
func (s *Server) IssueNodeCertificate(ctx context.Context, request *api.IssueNodeCertificateRequest) (*api.IssueNodeCertificateResponse, error) {
    // First, let's see if the remote node is presenting a non-empty CSR
    if len(request.CSR) == 0 {
        return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, codes.InvalidArgument.String())

    if err := s.isReadyLocked(); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    var (
        blacklistedCerts map[string]*api.BlacklistedCertificate
        clusters         []*api.Cluster
        err              error
    ) store.ReadTx) {
        clusters, err = store.FindClusters(readTx, store.ByName(store.DefaultClusterName))

    // Not having a cluster object yet means we can't check
    // the blacklist.
    if err == nil && len(clusters) == 1 {
        blacklistedCerts = clusters[0].BlacklistedCertificates

    // Renewing the cert with a local (unix socket) is always valid.
    localNodeInfo := ctx.Value(LocalRequestKey)
    if localNodeInfo != nil {
        nodeInfo, ok := localNodeInfo.(RemoteNodeInfo)
        if ok && nodeInfo.NodeID != "" {
            return s.issueRenewCertificate(ctx, nodeInfo.NodeID, request.CSR)

    // If the remote node is a worker (either forwarded by a manager, or calling directly),
    // issue a renew worker certificate entry with the correct ID
    nodeID, err := AuthorizeForwardedRoleAndOrg(ctx, []string{WorkerRole}, []string{ManagerRole}, s.clusterID, blacklistedCerts)
    if err == nil {
        return s.issueRenewCertificate(ctx, nodeID, request.CSR)

    // If the remote node is a manager (either forwarded by another manager, or calling directly),
    // issue a renew certificate entry with the correct ID
    nodeID, err = AuthorizeForwardedRoleAndOrg(ctx, []string{ManagerRole}, []string{ManagerRole}, s.clusterID, blacklistedCerts)
    if err == nil {
        return s.issueRenewCertificate(ctx, nodeID, request.CSR)

    // The remote node didn't successfully present a valid MTLS certificate, let's issue a
    // certificate with a new random ID
    role := api.NodeRole(-1)
    if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(s.joinTokens.Manager), []byte(request.Token)) == 1 {
        role = api.NodeRoleManager
    } else if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(s.joinTokens.Worker), []byte(request.Token)) == 1 {
        role = api.NodeRoleWorker

    if role < 0 {
        return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "A valid join token is necessary to join this cluster")

    // Max number of collisions of ID or CN to tolerate before giving up
    maxRetries := 3
    // Generate a random ID for this new node
    for i := 0; ; i++ {
        nodeID = identity.NewID()

        // Create a new node
        err := store.Tx) error {
            node := &api.Node{
                Role: role,
                ID:   nodeID,
                Certificate: api.Certificate{
                    CSR:  request.CSR,
                    CN:   nodeID,
                    Role: role,
                    Status: api.IssuanceStatus{
                        State: api.IssuanceStatePending,
                Spec: api.NodeSpec{
                    DesiredRole:  role,
                    Membership:   api.NodeMembershipAccepted,
                    Availability: request.Availability,
            node.VXLANUDPPort = clusters[0].VXLANUDPPort
            return store.CreateNode(tx, node)
        if err == nil {
                "":   nodeID,
                "node.role": role,
                "method":    "IssueNodeCertificate",
            }).Debugf("new certificate entry added")
        if err != store.ErrExist {
            return nil, err
        if i == maxRetries {
            return nil, err
            "":   nodeID,
            "node.role": role,
            "method":    "IssueNodeCertificate",
        }).Errorf("randomly generated node ID collided with an existing one - retrying")

    return &api.IssueNodeCertificateResponse{
        NodeID:         nodeID,
        NodeMembership: api.NodeMembershipAccepted,
    }, nil

// issueRenewCertificate receives a nodeID and a CSR and modifies the node's certificate entry with the new CSR
// and changes the state to RENEW, so it can be picked up and signed by the signing reconciliation loop
func (s *Server) issueRenewCertificate(ctx context.Context, nodeID string, csr []byte) (*api.IssueNodeCertificateResponse, error) {
    var (
        cert api.Certificate
        node *api.Node
    err := store.Tx) error {
        // Attempt to retrieve the node with nodeID
        node = store.GetNode(tx, nodeID)
        if node == nil {
                "": nodeID,
                "method":  "issueRenewCertificate",
            }).Warnf("node does not exist")
            // If this node doesn't exist, we shouldn't be renewing a certificate for it
            return status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "node %s not found when attempting to renew certificate", nodeID)

        // Create a new Certificate entry for this node with the new CSR and a RENEW state
        cert = api.Certificate{
            CSR:  csr,
            CN:   node.ID,
            Role: node.Role,
            Status: api.IssuanceStatus{
                State: api.IssuanceStateRenew,

        node.Certificate = cert
        return store.UpdateNode(tx, node)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

        "":   cert.CN,
        "cert.role": cert.Role,
        "method":    "issueRenewCertificate",
    }).Debugf("node certificate updated")

    return &api.IssueNodeCertificateResponse{
        NodeID:         nodeID,
        NodeMembership: node.Spec.Membership,
    }, nil

// GetRootCACertificate returns the certificate of the Root CA. It is used as a convenience for distributing
// the root of trust for the swarm. Clients should be using the CA hash to verify if they weren't target to
// a MiTM. If they fail to do so, node bootstrap works with TOFU semantics.
func (s *Server) GetRootCACertificate(ctx context.Context, request *api.GetRootCACertificateRequest) (*api.GetRootCACertificateResponse, error) {
        "method": "GetRootCACertificate",

    defer s.signingMu.Unlock()

    return &api.GetRootCACertificateResponse{
        Certificate: s.localRootCA.Certs,
    }, nil

// Run runs the CA signer main loop.
// The CA signer can be stopped with cancelling ctx or calling Stop().
func (s *Server) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
    if s.isRunning() {
        return errors.New("CA signer is already running")
    s.ctx, s.cancel = context.WithCancel(log.WithModule(ctx, "ca"))
    ctx = s.ctx
    defer s.wg.Done()
    defer func() {

    // Retrieve the channels to keep track of changes in the cluster
    // Retrieve all the currently registered nodes
    var (
        nodes   []*api.Node
        cluster *api.Cluster
        err     error
    updates, cancel, err := store.ViewAndWatch(,
        func(readTx store.ReadTx) error {
            cluster = store.GetCluster(readTx, s.clusterID)
            if cluster == nil {
                return errors.New("could not find cluster object")
            nodes, err = store.FindNodes(readTx, store.All)
            return err
            Cluster: &api.Cluster{ID: s.clusterID},
            Checks:  []api.ClusterCheckFunc{api.ClusterCheckID},

    // call once to ensure that the join tokens and local/external CA signer are always set
    rootReconciler := &rootRotationReconciler{
        ctx:                 log.WithField(ctx, "method", "(*Server).rootRotationReconciler"),
        clusterID:           s.clusterID,
        store:     ,
        batchUpdateInterval: s.rootReconciliationRetryInterval,

    s.UpdateRootCA(ctx, cluster, rootReconciler)

    // Do this after updateCluster has been called, so Ready() and isRunning never returns true without
    // the join tokens and external CA/security config's root CA being set correctly

    if err != nil {
            "method": "(*Server).Run",
        }).WithError(err).Errorf("snapshot store view failed")
        return err
    defer cancel()

    // We might have missed some updates if there was a leader election,
    // so let's pick up the slack.
    if err := s.reconcileNodeCertificates(ctx, nodes); err != nil {
        // We don't return here because that means the Run loop would
        // never run. Log an error instead.
            "method": "(*Server).Run",
        }).WithError(err).Errorf("error attempting to reconcile certificates")

    ticker := time.NewTicker(s.reconciliationRetryInterval)
    defer ticker.Stop()

    externalTLSCredsChange, externalTLSWatchCancel := s.securityConfig.Watch()
    defer externalTLSWatchCancel()

    // Watch for new nodes being created, new nodes being updated, and changes
    // to the cluster
    for {
        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return nil

        select {
        case event := <-updates:
            switch v := event.(type) {
            case api.EventCreateNode:
                s.evaluateAndSignNodeCert(ctx, v.Node)
            case api.EventUpdateNode:
                // If this certificate is already at a final state
                // no need to evaluate and sign it.
                if !isFinalState(v.Node.Certificate.Status) {
                    s.evaluateAndSignNodeCert(ctx, v.Node)
            case api.EventDeleteNode:
            case api.EventUpdateCluster:
                if v.Cluster.ID == s.clusterID {
                    s.UpdateRootCA(ctx, v.Cluster, rootReconciler)
        case <-externalTLSCredsChange:
            // The TLS certificates can rotate independently of the root CA (and hence which roots the
            // external CA trusts) and external CA URLs.  It's possible that the root CA update is received
            // before the external TLS cred change notification.  During that period, it is possible that
            // the TLS creds will expire or otherwise fail to authorize against external CAs.  However, in
            // that case signing will just fail with a recoverable connectivity error - the state of the
            // certificate issuance is left as pending, and on the next tick, the server will try to sign
            // all nodes with pending certs again (by which time the TLS cred change will have been
            // received).

            // Note that if the external CA changes, the new external CA *MUST* trust the current server's
            // certificate issuer, and this server's certificates should not be extremely close to expiry,
            // otherwise this server would not be able to get new TLS certificates and will no longer be
            // able to function.
                s.securityConfig.ClientTLSCreds.Config().Certificates, s.externalCAPool))
        case <-ticker.C:
            for _, node := range s.pending {
                if err := s.evaluateAndSignNodeCert(ctx, node); err != nil {
                    // If this sign operation did not succeed, the rest are
                    // unlikely to. Yield so that we don't hammer an external CA.
                    // Since the map iteration order is randomized, there is no
                    // risk of getting stuck on a problematic CSR.
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return nil

// Stop stops the CA and closes all grpc streams.
func (s *Server) Stop() error {

    if !s.isRunning() {
        return errors.New("CA signer is already stopped")
    s.started = make(chan struct{})
    s.joinTokens = nil

    // Wait for Run to complete

    return nil

// Ready waits on the ready channel and returns when the server is ready to serve.
func (s *Server) Ready() <-chan struct{} {
    return s.started

func (s *Server) isRunningLocked() (context.Context, error) {
    if !s.isRunning() {
        return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Aborted, "CA signer is stopped")
    ctx := s.ctx
    return ctx, nil

func (s *Server) isReadyLocked() error {
    if !s.isRunning() {
        return status.Errorf(codes.Aborted, "CA signer is stopped")
    if s.joinTokens == nil {
        return status.Errorf(codes.Aborted, "CA signer is still starting")
    return nil

func (s *Server) isRunning() bool {
    if s.ctx == nil {
        return false
    select {
    case <-s.ctx.Done():
        return false
    return true

// filterExternalCAURLS returns a list of external CA urls filtered by the desired cert.
func filterExternalCAURLS(ctx context.Context, desiredCert, defaultCert []byte, apiExternalCAs []*api.ExternalCA) (urls []string) {
    desiredCert = NormalizePEMs(desiredCert)

    // TODO(aaronl): In the future, this will be abstracted with an ExternalCA interface that has different
    // implementations for different CA types. At the moment, only CFSSL is supported.
    for i, extCA := range apiExternalCAs {
        // We want to support old external CA specifications which did not have a CA cert.  If there is no cert specified,
        // we assume it's the old cert
        certForExtCA := extCA.CACert
        if len(certForExtCA) == 0 {
            certForExtCA = defaultCert
        certForExtCA = NormalizePEMs(certForExtCA)
        if extCA.Protocol != api.ExternalCA_CAProtocolCFSSL {
            log.G(ctx).Debugf("skipping external CA %d (url: %s) due to unknown protocol type", i, extCA.URL)
        if !bytes.Equal(certForExtCA, desiredCert) {
            log.G(ctx).Debugf("skipping external CA %d (url: %s) because it has the wrong CA cert", i, extCA.URL)
        urls = append(urls, extCA.URL)

// UpdateRootCA is called when there are cluster changes, and it ensures that the local RootCA is
// always aware of changes in clusterExpiry and the Root CA key material - this can be called by
// anything to update the root CA material
func (s *Server) UpdateRootCA(ctx context.Context, cluster *api.Cluster, reconciler *rootRotationReconciler) error {
    s.joinTokens = cluster.RootCA.JoinTokens.Copy()
    rCA := cluster.RootCA.Copy()
    if reconciler != nil {

    defer s.signingMu.Unlock()
    firstSeenCluster := s.lastSeenClusterRootCA == nil && s.lastSeenExternalCAs == nil
    rootCAChanged := len(rCA.CACert) != 0 && !equality.RootCAEqualStable(s.lastSeenClusterRootCA, rCA)
    externalCAChanged := !equality.ExternalCAsEqualStable(s.lastSeenExternalCAs, cluster.Spec.CAConfig.ExternalCAs)
    ctx = log.WithLogger(ctx, log.G(ctx).WithFields(log.Fields{
        "": cluster.ID,
        "method":     "(*Server).UpdateRootCA",

    if rootCAChanged {
        setOrUpdate := "set"
        if !firstSeenCluster {
            log.G(ctx).Debug("Updating signing root CA and external CA due to change in cluster Root CA")
            setOrUpdate = "updated"
        expiry := DefaultNodeCertExpiration
        if cluster.Spec.CAConfig.NodeCertExpiry != nil {
            // NodeCertExpiry exists, let's try to parse the duration out of it
            clusterExpiry, err := gogotypes.DurationFromProto(cluster.Spec.CAConfig.NodeCertExpiry)
            if err != nil {
                log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Warn("failed to parse certificate expiration, using default")
            } else {
                // We were able to successfully parse the expiration out of the cluster.
                expiry = clusterExpiry
        } else {
            // NodeCertExpiry seems to be nil
            log.G(ctx).Warn("no certificate expiration specified, using default")
        // Attempt to update our local RootCA with the new parameters
        updatedRootCA, err := RootCAFromAPI(rCA, expiry)
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "invalid Root CA object in cluster")

        s.localRootCA = &updatedRootCA
        s.externalCAPool = updatedRootCA.Pool
        externalCACert := rCA.CACert
        if rCA.RootRotation != nil {
            externalCACert = rCA.RootRotation.CACert
            // the external CA has to trust the new CA cert
            s.externalCAPool = x509.NewCertPool()
        s.lastSeenExternalCAs = cluster.Spec.CAConfig.Copy().ExternalCAs
        urls := filterExternalCAURLS(ctx, externalCACert, rCA.CACert, s.lastSeenExternalCAs)
        // Replace the external CA with the relevant intermediates, URLS, and TLS config
        s.externalCA = NewExternalCA(updatedRootCA.Intermediates,
            NewExternalCATLSConfig(s.securityConfig.ClientTLSCreds.Config().Certificates, s.externalCAPool), urls...)

        // only update the server cache if we've successfully updated the root CA
        log.G(ctx).Debugf("Root CA %s successfully", setOrUpdate)
        s.lastSeenClusterRootCA = rCA
    } else if externalCAChanged {
        // we want to update only if the external CA URLS have changed, since if the root CA has changed we already
        // run similar logic
        if !firstSeenCluster {
            log.G(ctx).Debug("Updating security config external CA URLs due to change in cluster spec's list of external CAs")
        wantedExternalCACert := rCA.CACert // we want to only add external CA URLs that use this cert
        if rCA.RootRotation != nil {
            // we're rotating to a new root, so we only want external CAs with the new root cert
            wantedExternalCACert = rCA.RootRotation.CACert
        // Update our external CA with the list of External CA URLs from the new cluster state
        s.lastSeenExternalCAs = cluster.Spec.CAConfig.Copy().ExternalCAs
        urls := filterExternalCAURLS(ctx, wantedExternalCACert, rCA.CACert, s.lastSeenExternalCAs)
    return nil

// evaluateAndSignNodeCert implements the logic of which certificates to sign
func (s *Server) evaluateAndSignNodeCert(ctx context.Context, node *api.Node) error {
    // If the desired membership and actual state are in sync, there's
    // nothing to do.
    certState := node.Certificate.Status.State
    if node.Spec.Membership == api.NodeMembershipAccepted &&
        (certState == api.IssuanceStateIssued || certState == api.IssuanceStateRotate) {
        return nil

    // If the certificate state is renew, then it is a server-sided accepted cert (cert renewals)
    if certState == api.IssuanceStateRenew {
        return s.signNodeCert(ctx, node)

    // Sign this certificate if a user explicitly changed it to Accepted, and
    // the certificate is in pending state
    if node.Spec.Membership == api.NodeMembershipAccepted && certState == api.IssuanceStatePending {
        return s.signNodeCert(ctx, node)

    return nil

// signNodeCert does the bulk of the work for signing a certificate
func (s *Server) signNodeCert(ctx context.Context, node *api.Node) error {
    rootCA := s.localRootCA
    externalCA := s.externalCA

    node = node.Copy()
    nodeID := node.ID
    // Convert the role from proto format
    role, err := ParseRole(node.Certificate.Role)
    if err != nil {
            "": node.ID,
            "method":  "(*Server).signNodeCert",
        }).WithError(err).Errorf("failed to parse role")
        return errors.New("failed to parse role")

    s.pending[node.ID] = node

    // Attempt to sign the CSR
    var (
        rawCSR = node.Certificate.CSR
        cn     = node.Certificate.CN
        ou     = role
        org    = s.clusterID

    // Try using the external CA first.
    cert, err := externalCA.Sign(ctx, PrepareCSR(rawCSR, cn, ou, org))
    if err == ErrNoExternalCAURLs {
        // No external CA servers configured. Try using the local CA.
        cert, err = rootCA.ParseValidateAndSignCSR(rawCSR, cn, ou, org)

    if err != nil {
            "": node.ID,
            "method":  "(*Server).signNodeCert",
        }).WithError(err).Errorf("failed to sign CSR")

        // If the current state is already Failed, no need to change it
        if node.Certificate.Status.State == api.IssuanceStateFailed {
            delete(s.pending, node.ID)
            return errors.New("failed to sign CSR")

        if _, ok := err.(recoverableErr); ok {
            // Return without changing the state of the certificate. We may
            // retry signing it in the future.
            return errors.New("failed to sign CSR")

        // We failed to sign this CSR, change the state to FAILED
        err = store.Tx) error {
            node := store.GetNode(tx, nodeID)
            if node == nil {
                return errors.Errorf("node %s not found", nodeID)

            node.Certificate.Status = api.IssuanceStatus{
                State: api.IssuanceStateFailed,
                Err:   err.Error(),

            return store.UpdateNode(tx, node)
        if err != nil {
                "": nodeID,
                "method":  "(*Server).signNodeCert",
            }).WithError(err).Errorf("transaction failed when setting state to FAILED")

        delete(s.pending, node.ID)
        return errors.New("failed to sign CSR")

    // We were able to successfully sign the new CSR. Let's try to update the nodeStore
    for {
        err = store.Tx) error {
            node.Certificate.Certificate = cert
            node.Certificate.Status = api.IssuanceStatus{
                State: api.IssuanceStateIssued,

            err := store.UpdateNode(tx, node)
            if err != nil {
                node = store.GetNode(tx, nodeID)
                if node == nil {
                    err = errors.Errorf("node %s does not exist", nodeID)
            return err
        if err == nil {
                "":   node.ID,
                "node.role": node.Certificate.Role,
                "method":    "(*Server).signNodeCert",
            }).Debugf("certificate issued")
            delete(s.pending, node.ID)
        if err == store.ErrSequenceConflict {

            "": nodeID,
            "method":  "(*Server).signNodeCert",
        }).WithError(err).Errorf("transaction failed")
        return errors.New("transaction failed")
    return nil

// reconcileNodeCertificates is a helper method that calls evaluateAndSignNodeCert on all the
// nodes.
func (s *Server) reconcileNodeCertificates(ctx context.Context, nodes []*api.Node) error {
    for _, node := range nodes {
        s.evaluateAndSignNodeCert(ctx, node)

    return nil

// A successfully issued certificate and a failed certificate are our current final states
func isFinalState(status api.IssuanceStatus) bool {
    if status.State == api.IssuanceStateIssued || status.State == api.IssuanceStateFailed ||
        status.State == api.IssuanceStateRotate {
        return true

    return false

// RootCAFromAPI creates a RootCA object from an api.RootCA object
func RootCAFromAPI(apiRootCA *api.RootCA, expiry time.Duration) (RootCA, error) {
    var intermediates []byte
    signingCert := apiRootCA.CACert
    signingKey := apiRootCA.CAKey
    if apiRootCA.RootRotation != nil {
        signingCert = apiRootCA.RootRotation.CrossSignedCACert
        signingKey = apiRootCA.RootRotation.CAKey
        intermediates = apiRootCA.RootRotation.CrossSignedCACert
    if signingKey == nil {
        signingCert = nil
    return NewRootCA(apiRootCA.CACert, signingCert, signingKey, expiry, intermediates)