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Test Coverage
package csi

import (


    mobyplugin ""

const (
    // DockerCSIPluginCap is the capability name of the plugins we use with the
    // PluginGetter to get only the plugins we need. The full name of the
    // plugin interface is "docker.csicontroller/1.0". This gets only the CSI
    // plugins with Controller capability.
    DockerCSIPluginCap = "csicontroller"

    // CSIRPCTimeout is the client-side timeout duration for RPCs to the CSI
    // plugin.
    CSIRPCTimeout = 15 * time.Second

type Manager struct {
    store *store.MemoryStore
    // provider is the SecretProvider which allows retrieving secrets. Used
    // when creating new Plugin objects.
    provider SecretProvider

    // pg is the plugingetter, which allows us to access the Docker Engine's
    // plugin store.
    pg mobyplugin.Getter

    // newPlugin is a function which returns an object implementing the Plugin
    // interface. It allows us to swap out the implementation of plugins while
    // unit-testing the Manager
    newPlugin func(p mobyplugin.AddrPlugin, provider SecretProvider) Plugin

    // synchronization for starting and stopping the Manager
    startOnce sync.Once

    stopChan chan struct{}
    stopOnce sync.Once
    doneChan chan struct{}

    plugins map[string]Plugin

    pendingVolumes *volumequeue.VolumeQueue

func NewManager(s *store.MemoryStore, pg mobyplugin.Getter) *Manager {
    return &Manager{
        store:          s,
        stopChan:       make(chan struct{}),
        doneChan:       make(chan struct{}),
        newPlugin:      NewPlugin,
        pg:             pg,
        plugins:        map[string]Plugin{},
        provider:       NewSecretProvider(s),
        pendingVolumes: volumequeue.NewVolumeQueue(),

// Run runs the manager. The provided context is used as the parent for all RPC
// calls made to the CSI plugins. Canceling this context will cancel those RPC
// calls by the nature of contexts, but this is not the preferred way to stop
// the Manager. Instead, Stop should be called, which cause all RPC calls to be
// canceled anyway. The context is also used to get the logging context for the
// Manager.
func (vm *Manager) Run(ctx context.Context) {
    vm.startOnce.Do(func() {

// run performs the actual meat of the run operation.
// the argument is called pctx because it's the parent context, from which we
// immediately resolve a new child context.
func (vm *Manager) run(pctx context.Context) {
    defer close(vm.doneChan)
    ctx, ctxCancel := context.WithCancel(
        log.WithModule(pctx, "csi/manager"),
    defer ctxCancel()

    watch, cancel, err := store.ViewAndWatch(, func(tx store.ReadTx) error {
        // TODO(dperny): change this from ViewAndWatch to one that's just
        // Watch.
        return nil

    if err != nil {
        log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("error in store view and watch")
    defer cancel()


    // run a goroutine which periodically processes incoming volumes. the
    // handle function will trigger processing every time new events come in
    // by writing to the channel

    doneProc := make(chan struct{})
    go func() {
        for {
            id, attempt := vm.pendingVolumes.Wait()
            // this case occurs when the stop method has been called on
            // pendingVolumes. stop is called on pendingVolumes when Stop is
            // called on the CSI manager.
            if id == "" && attempt == 0 {
            // TODO(dperny): we can launch some number of workers and process
            // more than one volume at a time, if desired.
            vm.processVolume(ctx, id, attempt)

        // closing doneProc signals that this routine has exited, and allows
        // the main Run routine to exit.

    // defer read from doneProc. doneProc is closed in the goroutine above,
    // and this defer will block until then. Because defers are executed as a
    // stack, this in turn blocks the final defer (closing doneChan) from
    // running. Ultimately, this prevents Stop from returning until the above
    // goroutine is closed.
    defer func() {

    for {
        select {
        case ev := <-watch:
        case <-vm.stopChan:

// processVolumes encapuslates the logic for processing pending Volumes.
func (vm *Manager) processVolume(ctx context.Context, id string, attempt uint) {
    // set up log fields for a derrived context to pass to handleVolume.
    logCtx := log.WithFields(ctx, log.Fields{
        "": id,
        "attempt":   attempt,

    // Set a client-side timeout. Without this, one really long server-side
    // timeout can block processing all volumes until it completes or fails.
    dctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(logCtx, CSIRPCTimeout)
    // always gotta call the WithTimeout cancel
    defer cancel()

    err := vm.handleVolume(dctx, id)
    // TODO(dperny): differentiate between retryable and non-retryable
    // errors.
    if err != nil {
        log.G(dctx).WithError(err).Info("error handling volume")
        vm.pendingVolumes.Enqueue(id, attempt+1)

// init does one-time setup work for the Manager, like creating all of
// the Plugins and initializing the local state of the component.
func (vm *Manager) init(ctx context.Context) {
    var (
        nodes   []*api.Node
        volumes []*api.Volume
    ) store.ReadTx) {
        var err error
        nodes, err = store.FindNodes(tx, store.All)
        if err != nil {
            // this should *never happen*. Find only returns errors if the find
            // by is invalid.
            log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("error finding nodes")
        volumes, err = store.FindVolumes(tx, store.All)
        if err != nil {
            // likewise, should never happen.
            log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("error finding volumes")

    for _, node := range nodes {

    // on initialization, we enqueue all of the Volumes. The easiest way to
    // know if a Volume needs some work performed is to just pass it through
    // the VolumeManager. If it doesn't need any work, then we will quickly
    // skip by it. Otherwise, the needed work will be performed.
    for _, volume := range volumes {

func (vm *Manager) Stop() {
    vm.stopOnce.Do(func() {


func (vm *Manager) handleEvent(ev events.Event) {
    switch e := ev.(type) {
    case api.EventCreateVolume:
    case api.EventUpdateVolume:
    case api.EventCreateNode:
    case api.EventUpdateNode:
        // for updates, we're only adding the node to every plugin. if the node
        // no longer reports CSIInfo for a specific plugin, we will just leave
        // the stale data in the plugin. this should not have any adverse
        // effect, because the memory impact is small, and this operation
        // should not be frequent. this may change as the code for volumes
        // becomes more polished.
    case api.EventDeleteNode:

func (vm *Manager) createVolume(ctx context.Context, v *api.Volume) error {
    l := log.G(ctx).WithField("", v.ID).WithField("driver", v.Spec.Driver.Name)
    l.Info("creating volume")

    p, err := vm.getPlugin(v.Spec.Driver.Name)
    if err != nil {
        l.Errorf("volume creation failed: %s", err.Error())
        return err

    info, err := p.CreateVolume(ctx, v)
    if err != nil {
        l.WithError(err).Error("volume create failed")
        return err

    err = store.Tx) error {
        v2 := store.GetVolume(tx, v.ID)
        // the volume should never be missing. I don't know of even any race
        // condition that could result in this behavior. nevertheless, it's
        // better to do this than to segfault.
        if v2 == nil {
            return nil

        v2.VolumeInfo = info

        return store.UpdateVolume(tx, v2)
    if err != nil {
        l.WithError(err).Error("committing created volume to store failed")
    return err

// enqueueVolume enqueues a new volume event, placing the Volume ID into
// pendingVolumes to be processed. Because enqueueVolume is only called in
// response to a new Volume update event, not for a retry, the retry number is
// always reset to 0.
func (vm *Manager) enqueueVolume(id string) {
    vm.pendingVolumes.Enqueue(id, 0)

// handleVolume processes a Volume. It determines if any relevant update has
// occurred, and does the required work to handle that update if so.
// returns an error if handling the volume failed and needs to be retried.
// even if an error is returned, the store may still be updated.
func (vm *Manager) handleVolume(ctx context.Context, id string) error {
    var volume *api.Volume store.ReadTx) {
        volume = store.GetVolume(tx, id)
    if volume == nil {
        // if the volume no longer exists, there is nothing to do, nothing to
        // retry, and no relevant error.
        return nil

    if volume.VolumeInfo == nil {
        return vm.createVolume(ctx, volume)

    if volume.PendingDelete {
        return vm.deleteVolume(ctx, volume)

    updated := false
    // TODO(dperny): it's just pointers, but copying the entire PublishStatus
    // on each update might be intensive.

    // we take a copy of the PublishStatus slice, because if we succeed in an
    // unpublish operation, we will delete that status from PublishStatus.
    statuses := make([]*api.VolumePublishStatus, len(volume.PublishStatus))
    copy(statuses, volume.PublishStatus)

    // failedPublishOrUnpublish is a slice of nodes where publish or unpublish
    // operations failed. Publishing or unpublishing a volume can succeed or
    // fail in part. If any failures occur, we will add the node ID of the
    // publish operation that failed to this slice. Then, at the end of this
    // function, after we update the store, if there are any failed operations,
    // we will still return an error.
    failedPublishOrUnpublish := []string{}

    // adjustIndex is the number of entries deleted from volume.PublishStatus.
    // when we're deleting entries from volume.PublishStatus, the index of the
    // entry in statuses will no longer match the index of the same entry in
    // volume.PublishStatus. we subtract adjustIndex from i to get the index
    // where the entry is found after taking into account the deleted entries.
    adjustIndex := 0

    for i, status := range statuses {
        switch status.State {
        case api.VolumePublishStatus_PENDING_PUBLISH:
            plug, err := vm.getPlugin(volume.Spec.Driver.Name)
            if err != nil {
                status.Message = fmt.Sprintf("error publishing volume: %v", err)
                failedPublishOrUnpublish = append(failedPublishOrUnpublish, status.NodeID)
            } else {
                publishContext, err := plug.PublishVolume(ctx, volume, status.NodeID)
                if err == nil {
                    status.State = api.VolumePublishStatus_PUBLISHED
                    status.PublishContext = publishContext
                    status.Message = ""
                } else {
                    status.Message = fmt.Sprintf("error publishing volume: %v", err)
                    failedPublishOrUnpublish = append(failedPublishOrUnpublish, status.NodeID)
            updated = true
        case api.VolumePublishStatus_PENDING_UNPUBLISH:
            plug, err := vm.getPlugin(volume.Spec.Driver.Name)
            if err != nil {
                status.Message = fmt.Sprintf("error unpublishing volume: %v", err)
                failedPublishOrUnpublish = append(failedPublishOrUnpublish, status.NodeID)
            } else {
                err := plug.UnpublishVolume(ctx, volume, status.NodeID)
                if err == nil {
                    // if there is no error with unpublishing, then we delete the
                    // status from the statuses slice.
                    j := i - adjustIndex
                    volume.PublishStatus = append(volume.PublishStatus[:j], volume.PublishStatus[j+1:]...)
                } else {
                    status.Message = fmt.Sprintf("error unpublishing volume: %v", err)
                    failedPublishOrUnpublish = append(failedPublishOrUnpublish, status.NodeID)

            updated = true

    if updated {
        if err := store.Tx) error {
            // the publish status is now authoritative. read-update-write the
            // volume object.
            v := store.GetVolume(tx, volume.ID)
            if v == nil {
                // volume should never be deleted with pending publishes. if
                // this does occur somehow, then we will just ignore it, rather
                // than crashing.
                return nil

            v.PublishStatus = volume.PublishStatus
            return store.UpdateVolume(tx, v)
        }); err != nil {
            return err

    if len(failedPublishOrUnpublish) > 0 {
        return fmt.Errorf("error publishing or unpublishing to some nodes: %v", failedPublishOrUnpublish)
    return nil

// handleNode handles one node event
func (vm *Manager) handleNode(n *api.Node) {
    if n.Description == nil {
    // we just call AddNode on every update. Because it's just a map
    // assignment, this is probably faster than checking if something changed.
    for _, info := range n.Description.CSIInfo {
        p, err := vm.getPlugin(info.PluginName)
        if err != nil {
            log.L.Warnf("error handling node: %v", err)
            // TODO(dperny): log something
        p.AddNode(n.ID, info.NodeID)

// handleNodeRemove handles a node delete event
func (vm *Manager) handleNodeRemove(nodeID string) {
    // we just call RemoveNode on every plugin, because it's probably quicker
    // than checking if the node was using that plugin.
    // we don't need to worry about lazy-loading here, because if don't have
    // the plugin loaded, there's no need to call remove.
    for _, plugin := range vm.plugins {

func (vm *Manager) deleteVolume(ctx context.Context, v *api.Volume) error {
    // TODO(dperny): handle missing plugin
    plug, err := vm.getPlugin(v.Spec.Driver.Name)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = plug.DeleteVolume(ctx, v)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // TODO(dperny): handle update error
    return store.Tx) error {
        return store.DeleteVolume(tx, v.ID)

// getPlugin returns the plugin with the given name.
// In a previous iteration of the architecture of this component, plugins were
// added to the manager through an update to the Cluster object, which
// triggered an event. In other words, they were eagerly loaded.
// When rearchitecting to use the plugingetter.PluginGetter interface, that
// eager loading is no longer practical, because the method for getting events
// about new plugins would be difficult to plumb this deep into swarm.
// Instead, we change from what was previously a bunch of raw map lookups to
// instead a method call which lazy-loads the plugins as needed. This is fine,
// because in the Plugin object itself, the network connection is made lazily
// as well.
// TODO(dperny): There is no way to unload a plugin. Unloading plugins will
// happen as part of a leadership change, but otherwise, on especially
// long-lived managers with especially high plugin churn, this is a memory
// leak. It's acceptable for now because we expect neither exceptionally long
// lived managers nor exceptionally high plugin churn.
func (vm *Manager) getPlugin(name string) (Plugin, error) {
    // if the plugin already exists, we can just return it.
    if p, ok := vm.plugins[name]; ok {
        return p, nil

    // otherwise, we need to load the plugin.
    pc, err :=, DockerCSIPluginCap)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if pc == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("driver \"" + name + "\" not found")

    pa, ok := pc.(mobyplugin.AddrPlugin)
    if !ok {
        return nil, errors.New("plugin for driver \"" + name + "\" does not implement PluginAddr")

    p := vm.newPlugin(pa, vm.provider)
    vm.plugins[name] = p

    return p, nil