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4 hrs
Test Coverage
package dockerexec

import (

    enginecontainer ""
    enginemount ""
    gogotypes ""

const (
    // Explicitly use the kernel's default setting for CPU quota of 100ms.
    cpuQuotaPeriod = 100 * time.Millisecond

    // systemLabelPrefix represents the reserved namespace for system labels.
    systemLabelPrefix = "com.docker.swarm"

// containerConfig converts task properties into docker container compatible
// components.
type containerConfig struct {
    task                *api.Task
    networksAttachments map[string]*api.NetworkAttachment

// newContainerConfig returns a validated container config. No methods should
// return an error if this function returns without error.
func newContainerConfig(n *api.NodeDescription, t *api.Task) (*containerConfig, error) {
    var c containerConfig
    return &c, c.setTask(n, t)

func (c *containerConfig) setTask(n *api.NodeDescription, t *api.Task) error {
    container := t.Spec.GetContainer()
    if container == nil {
        return exec.ErrRuntimeUnsupported

    if container.Image == "" {
        return ErrImageRequired

    // index the networks by name
    c.networksAttachments = make(map[string]*api.NetworkAttachment, len(t.Networks))
    for _, attachment := range t.Networks {
        c.networksAttachments[attachment.Network.Spec.Annotations.Name] = attachment

    c.task = t
    preparedSpec, err := template.ExpandContainerSpec(n, t)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    c.task.Spec.Runtime = &api.TaskSpec_Container{
        Container: preparedSpec,

    return nil

//nolint:unused // TODO(thaJeztah) this is currently unused: is it safe to remove?
func (c *containerConfig) endpoint() *api.Endpoint {
    return c.task.Endpoint

func (c *containerConfig) spec() *api.ContainerSpec {
    return c.task.Spec.GetContainer()

func (c *containerConfig) name() string {
    return naming.Task(c.task)

func (c *containerConfig) image() string {
    return c.spec().Image

func portSpec(port uint32, protocol api.PortConfig_Protocol) nat.Port {
    return nat.Port(fmt.Sprintf("%d/%s", port, strings.ToLower(protocol.String())))

func (c *containerConfig) portBindings() nat.PortMap {
    portBindings := nat.PortMap{}
    if c.task.Endpoint == nil {
        return portBindings

    for _, portConfig := range c.task.Endpoint.Ports {
        if portConfig.PublishMode != api.PublishModeHost {

        port := portSpec(portConfig.TargetPort, portConfig.Protocol)
        binding := []nat.PortBinding{

        if portConfig.PublishedPort != 0 {
            binding[0].HostPort = strconv.Itoa(int(portConfig.PublishedPort))
        portBindings[port] = binding

    return portBindings

func (c *containerConfig) isolation() enginecontainer.Isolation {
    switch c.spec().Isolation {
    case api.ContainerIsolationDefault:
        return enginecontainer.Isolation("default")
    case api.ContainerIsolationHyperV:
        return enginecontainer.Isolation("hyperv")
    case api.ContainerIsolationProcess:
        return enginecontainer.Isolation("process")
    return enginecontainer.Isolation("")

func (c *containerConfig) exposedPorts() map[nat.Port]struct{} {
    exposedPorts := make(map[nat.Port]struct{})
    if c.task.Endpoint == nil {
        return exposedPorts

    for _, portConfig := range c.task.Endpoint.Ports {
        if portConfig.PublishMode != api.PublishModeHost {

        port := portSpec(portConfig.TargetPort, portConfig.Protocol)
        exposedPorts[port] = struct{}{}

    return exposedPorts

func (c *containerConfig) config() *enginecontainer.Config {
    genericEnvs := genericresource.EnvFormat(c.task.AssignedGenericResources, "DOCKER_RESOURCE")
    env := append(c.spec().Env, genericEnvs...)

    config := &enginecontainer.Config{
        Labels:       c.labels(),
        StopSignal:   c.spec().StopSignal,
        User:         c.spec().User,
        Hostname:     c.spec().Hostname,
        Env:          env,
        WorkingDir:   c.spec().Dir,
        Tty:          c.spec().TTY,
        OpenStdin:    c.spec().OpenStdin,
        Image:        c.image(),
        ExposedPorts: c.exposedPorts(),
        Healthcheck:  c.healthcheck(),

    if len(c.spec().Command) > 0 {
        // If Command is provided, we replace the whole invocation with Command
        // by replacing Entrypoint and specifying Cmd. Args is ignored in this
        // case.
        config.Entrypoint = append(config.Entrypoint, c.spec().Command...)
        config.Cmd = append(config.Cmd, c.spec().Args...)
    } else if len(c.spec().Args) > 0 {
        // In this case, we assume the image has an Entrypoint and Args
        // specifies the arguments for that entrypoint.
        config.Cmd = c.spec().Args

    return config

func (c *containerConfig) healthcheck() *enginecontainer.HealthConfig {
    hcSpec := c.spec().Healthcheck
    if hcSpec == nil {
        return nil
    interval, _ := gogotypes.DurationFromProto(hcSpec.Interval)
    timeout, _ := gogotypes.DurationFromProto(hcSpec.Timeout)
    startPeriod, _ := gogotypes.DurationFromProto(hcSpec.StartPeriod)
    startInterval, _ := gogotypes.DurationFromProto(hcSpec.StartInterval)
    return &enginecontainer.HealthConfig{
        Test:          hcSpec.Test,
        Interval:      interval,
        Timeout:       timeout,
        Retries:       int(hcSpec.Retries),
        StartPeriod:   startPeriod,
        StartInterval: startInterval,

func (c *containerConfig) hostConfig() *enginecontainer.HostConfig {
    hc := &enginecontainer.HostConfig{
        Resources:    c.resources(),
        Mounts:       c.mounts(),
        Tmpfs:        c.tmpfs(),
        GroupAdd:     c.spec().Groups,
        PortBindings: c.portBindings(),
        Init:         c.init(),
        Isolation:    c.isolation(),
        CapAdd:       c.spec().CapabilityAdd,
        CapDrop:      c.spec().CapabilityDrop,
        OomScoreAdj:  int(c.spec().OomScoreAdj),

    // The format of extra hosts on swarmkit is specified in:
    //    IP_address canonical_hostname [aliases...]
    // However, the format of ExtraHosts in HostConfig is
    //    <host>:<ip>
    // We need to do the conversion here
    // (Alias is ignored for now)
    for _, entry := range c.spec().Hosts {
        parts := strings.Fields(entry)
        if len(parts) > 1 {
            hc.ExtraHosts = append(hc.ExtraHosts, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", parts[1], parts[0]))

    if c.task.LogDriver != nil {
        hc.LogConfig = enginecontainer.LogConfig{
            Type:   c.task.LogDriver.Name,
            Config: c.task.LogDriver.Options,

    return hc

func (c *containerConfig) labels() map[string]string {
    var (
        system = map[string]string{
            "task":         "", // mark as cluster task
            "":      c.task.ID,
            "":    naming.Task(c.task),
            "":      c.task.NodeID,
            "":   c.task.ServiceID,
            "": c.task.ServiceAnnotations.Name,
        labels = make(map[string]string)

    // base labels are those defined in the spec.
    for k, v := range c.spec().Labels {
        labels[k] = v

    // we then apply the overrides from the task, which may be set via the
    // orchestrator.
    for k, v := range c.task.Annotations.Labels {
        labels[k] = v

    // finally, we apply the system labels, which override all labels.
    for k, v := range system {
        labels[strings.Join([]string{systemLabelPrefix, k}, ".")] = v

    return labels

func (c *containerConfig) tmpfs() map[string]string {
    r := make(map[string]string)

    for _, spec := range c.spec().Mounts {
        if spec.Type != api.MountTypeTmpfs {

        r[spec.Target] = getMountMask(&spec)

    return r

func (c *containerConfig) mounts() []enginemount.Mount {
    var r []enginemount.Mount
    for _, mount := range c.spec().Mounts {
        r = append(r, convertMount(mount))
    return r

func convertMount(m api.Mount) enginemount.Mount {
    mount := enginemount.Mount{
        Source:   m.Source,
        Target:   m.Target,
        ReadOnly: m.ReadOnly,

    switch m.Type {
    case api.MountTypeBind:
        mount.Type = enginemount.TypeBind
    case api.MountTypeVolume:
        mount.Type = enginemount.TypeVolume
    case api.MountTypeNamedPipe:
        mount.Type = enginemount.TypeNamedPipe

    if m.BindOptions != nil {
        mount.BindOptions = &enginemount.BindOptions{
            NonRecursive:           m.BindOptions.NonRecursive,
            CreateMountpoint:       m.BindOptions.CreateMountpoint,
            ReadOnlyNonRecursive:   m.BindOptions.ReadOnlyNonRecursive,
            ReadOnlyForceRecursive: m.BindOptions.ReadOnlyForceRecursive,
        switch m.BindOptions.Propagation {
        case api.MountPropagationRPrivate:
            mount.BindOptions.Propagation = enginemount.PropagationRPrivate
        case api.MountPropagationPrivate:
            mount.BindOptions.Propagation = enginemount.PropagationPrivate
        case api.MountPropagationRSlave:
            mount.BindOptions.Propagation = enginemount.PropagationRSlave
        case api.MountPropagationSlave:
            mount.BindOptions.Propagation = enginemount.PropagationSlave
        case api.MountPropagationRShared:
            mount.BindOptions.Propagation = enginemount.PropagationRShared
        case api.MountPropagationShared:
            mount.BindOptions.Propagation = enginemount.PropagationShared

    if m.VolumeOptions != nil {
        mount.VolumeOptions = &enginemount.VolumeOptions{
            NoCopy: m.VolumeOptions.NoCopy,
            // TODO: uncomment after 26.0 vendor
            // Subpath: m.VolumeOptions.Subpath,
        if m.VolumeOptions.Labels != nil {
            mount.VolumeOptions.Labels = make(map[string]string, len(m.VolumeOptions.Labels))
            for k, v := range m.VolumeOptions.Labels {
                mount.VolumeOptions.Labels[k] = v
        if m.VolumeOptions.DriverConfig != nil {
            mount.VolumeOptions.DriverConfig = &enginemount.Driver{
                Name: m.VolumeOptions.DriverConfig.Name,
            if m.VolumeOptions.DriverConfig.Options != nil {
                mount.VolumeOptions.DriverConfig.Options = make(map[string]string, len(m.VolumeOptions.DriverConfig.Options))
                for k, v := range m.VolumeOptions.DriverConfig.Options {
                    mount.VolumeOptions.DriverConfig.Options[k] = v
    return mount

func getMountMask(m *api.Mount) string {
    var maskOpts []string
    if m.ReadOnly {
        maskOpts = append(maskOpts, "ro")

    switch m.Type {
    case api.MountTypeTmpfs:
        if m.TmpfsOptions == nil {

        if m.TmpfsOptions.Mode != 0 {
            maskOpts = append(maskOpts, fmt.Sprintf("mode=%o", m.TmpfsOptions.Mode))

        if m.TmpfsOptions.SizeBytes != 0 {
            // calculate suffix here, making this linux specific, but that is
            // okay, since API is that way anyways.

            // we do this by finding the suffix that divides evenly into the
            // value, returning the value itself, with no suffix, if it fails.
            // For the most part, we don't enforce any semantic to this values.
            // The operating system will usually align this and enforce minimum
            // and maximums.
            var (
                size   = m.TmpfsOptions.SizeBytes
                suffix string
            for _, r := range []struct {
                suffix  string
                divisor int64
                {"g", 1 << 30},
                {"m", 1 << 20},
                {"k", 1 << 10},
            } {
                if size%r.divisor == 0 {
                    size = size / r.divisor
                    suffix = r.suffix

            maskOpts = append(maskOpts, fmt.Sprintf("size=%d%s", size, suffix))

        if opts := m.TmpfsOptions.Options; opts != "" {
            validOpts := map[string]bool{
                "exec":   true,
                "noexec": true,
            for _, opt := range strings.Split(strings.ToLower(opts), ",") {
                if _, ok := validOpts[opt]; ok {
                    maskOpts = append(maskOpts, opt)

    return strings.Join(maskOpts, ",")

// This handles the case of volumes that are defined inside a service Mount
func (c *containerConfig) volumeCreateRequest(mount *api.Mount) *volume.CreateOptions {
    var (
        driverName string
        driverOpts map[string]string
        labels     map[string]string

    if mount.VolumeOptions != nil && mount.VolumeOptions.DriverConfig != nil {
        driverName = mount.VolumeOptions.DriverConfig.Name
        driverOpts = mount.VolumeOptions.DriverConfig.Options
        labels = mount.VolumeOptions.Labels

    // FIXME: do we need the ClusterVolumeSpec here?
    return &volume.CreateOptions{
        Name:       mount.Source,
        Driver:     driverName,
        DriverOpts: driverOpts,
        Labels:     labels,

func (c *containerConfig) resources() enginecontainer.Resources {
    resources := enginecontainer.Resources{}

    // set pids limit
    pidsLimit := c.spec().PidsLimit
    if pidsLimit > 0 {
        resources.PidsLimit = &pidsLimit

    resources.Ulimits = make([]*units.Ulimit, len(c.spec().Ulimits))
    for i, ulimit := range c.spec().Ulimits {
        resources.Ulimits[i] = &units.Ulimit{
            Name: ulimit.Name,
            Soft: ulimit.Soft,
            Hard: ulimit.Hard,

    // If no limits are specified let the engine use its defaults.
    // TODO(aluzzardi): We might want to set some limits anyway otherwise
    // "unlimited" tasks will step over the reservation of other tasks.
    r := c.task.Spec.Resources
    if r == nil || r.Limits == nil {
        return resources

    if r.Limits.MemoryBytes > 0 {
        resources.Memory = r.Limits.MemoryBytes

    if r.Limits.NanoCPUs > 0 {
        // CPU Period must be set in microseconds.
        resources.CPUPeriod = int64(cpuQuotaPeriod / time.Microsecond)
        resources.CPUQuota = r.Limits.NanoCPUs * resources.CPUPeriod / 1e9

    return resources

//nolint:unused // TODO(thaJeztah) this is currently unused: is it safe to remove?
func (c *containerConfig) virtualIP(networkID string) string {
    if c.task.Endpoint == nil {
        return ""

    for _, vip := range c.task.Endpoint.VirtualIPs {
        // We only support IPv4 VIPs for now.
        if vip.NetworkID == networkID {
            vip, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(vip.Addr)
            if err != nil {
                return ""

            return vip.String()

    return ""

func (c *containerConfig) networkingConfig() *network.NetworkingConfig {
    epConfig := make(map[string]*network.EndpointSettings)
    for _, na := range c.task.Networks {
        var ipv4, ipv6 string
        for _, addr := range na.Addresses {
            ip, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(addr)
            if err != nil {

            if ip.To4() != nil {
                ipv4 = ip.String()

            if ip.To16() != nil {
                ipv6 = ip.String()

        epSettings := &network.EndpointSettings{
            IPAMConfig: &network.EndpointIPAMConfig{
                IPv4Address: ipv4,
                IPv6Address: ipv6,

        epConfig[na.Network.Spec.Annotations.Name] = epSettings

    return &network.NetworkingConfig{EndpointsConfig: epConfig}

// networks returns a list of network names attached to the container. The
// returned name can be used to lookup the corresponding network create
// options.
func (c *containerConfig) networks() []string {
    var networks []string

    for name := range c.networksAttachments {
        networks = append(networks, name)

    return networks

func (c *containerConfig) networkCreateOptions(name string) (types.NetworkCreate, error) {
    na, ok := c.networksAttachments[name]
    if !ok {
        return types.NetworkCreate{}, errors.New("container: unknown network referenced")

    options := types.NetworkCreate{
        Driver: na.Network.DriverState.Name,
        IPAM: &network.IPAM{
            Driver: na.Network.IPAM.Driver.Name,
        Options:        na.Network.DriverState.Options,
        CheckDuplicate: true,

    for _, ic := range na.Network.IPAM.Configs {
        c := network.IPAMConfig{
            Subnet:  ic.Subnet,
            IPRange: ic.Range,
            Gateway: ic.Gateway,
        options.IPAM.Config = append(options.IPAM.Config, c)

    return options, nil

func (c containerConfig) eventFilter() filters.Args {
    filter := filters.NewArgs()
    filter.Add("type", string(events.ContainerEventType))
    filter.Add("label", fmt.Sprintf("", systemLabelPrefix, c.task.ID))
    return filter

func (c *containerConfig) init() *bool {
    if c.spec().Init != nil {
        return &c.spec().Init.Value
    return nil