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const { URL }   = require('url') 
const Nightmare = require('nightmare')
const path      = require('path')
const Promise   = require('bluebird')
const fs        = require('fs-extra')

const {extractURLsfrom, constructURL} = require('./url-extra')

function _defaultIntValue (value, valueToAssign) {
    const hasValue    = Number.isInteger(value)
    const returnValue = hasValue ? value : valueToAssign
    const prefix      = hasValue ? returnValue.toString() : 'AUTO'

    return { 
        value: returnValue, 
        isDefault: !hasValue, 
        toString() { 
            return prefix 

function _point({height, width}) {
    const x = _defaultIntValue(width, 800)
    const y = _defaultIntValue(height, 600)
    const prefix = `[${x.toString()} ${y.toString()}]`

    return { x, y, toString() { return prefix } }

function _toPNGFilename (dir, point, objURL, detail='') {
    // remove first char "/" as it makes path.resolve trip over
    const urlPathname = objURL.pathname.slice(1)
    const urlHostname = objURL.hostname

    const detail2 = (detail.length > 0) ? ' - ' + detail : detail
    const filename = urlPathname.length == 0 ? urlHostname + detail2 + '.png' : urlPathname + '.png'
    const normalizedFilename = path.normalize(filename)

    const filepath = path.resolve(dir, point.toString())
    const fullpath = path.resolve(filepath, normalizedFilename)
    return { 
        dir: path.dirname(fullpath), 
        file: fullpath

function getActualWebsiteDimensions () {
    const body = document.querySelector('body')
    const html = document.documentElement

    let height = Math.max( body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight,
        html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight, html.offsetHeight )

    let width  = Math.max( body.scrollWidth, body.offsetWidth,
        html.clientWidth, html.scrollWidth, html.offsetWidth )
    return { height, width }

function screenshot({nightmare, url, dir, width, height}) {
    // This should probably called dimension and not point
    const point = _point({height, width})

    return nightmare.viewport(point.x.value, point.y.value)
        .then(dimension => {
            const file = _toPNGFilename(dir, point, new URL(url))

            return fs.ensureDir(file.dir).then(() => {
                return nightmare.viewport(dimension.width, dimension.height)

// pass Nightmare
function dynamicScreenshot(nightmare) {
// {detail: String = '', migrateFrom: {url: String, detail: String =""} = {} ignore }
    nightmare.action('vatScreenshot', function({detail, migrateFrom = {}} , done) {
        const dimensions = JSON.parse(process.env.DIMENSIONS)
        this.evaluate_now(() => {
            dimensions.reduce((self, dim) => {
                return self.dynamicScreenshotSingle({detail, migrateFrom, height: dim.height, width: dim.width})
            }, this)
        }, done)

// pass Nightmare
function dynamicScreenshotSingle(nightmare) {
// {detail: String = '', migrateFrom: {url: String, detail: String =""} = {} ignore }
    nightmare.action('vatScreenshotDimensions', function({detail, migrateFrom = {}, height, width} , done) {

        const point = _point({height, width})

            .evaluate(function(dimension) {
                const url = migrateFrom.url || document.querySelector('#url').href
                const detail2 = migrateFrom.detail || detail
                return {url, detail: detail2, dimension}
            .then(data => {
                const file = _toPNGFilename(process.env.VAT_DIR, point, new URL(data.url), data.detail)
                fs.ensureDir(file.dir).then(() => {
                    return this.viewport(data.dimension.width, data.dimension.height)
                        .evaluate_now(() => {
                        }, done)

// expected dimensions, can be different when rendered [{height: 600, width: 800}]
function take({dir, urls, dimensions = [{}], 
    screenshotFn=screenshot, nightmare=new Nightmare({ show: false, frame: false, useContentSize: true})}) {
    return Promise.each(dimensions, dimension => {
        const { width, height } = dimension
        return Promise.each(urls, url => screenshotFn({dir, url, width, height, nightmare}))
    }).then(() => nightmare.end())

function screenshotSitemap({server, dir, dimensions, takeFn=take}) {
    let sitemap = constructURL({ hostname:, port: server.port, path: 'sitemap.xml' })
    return extractURLsfrom({sitemap}).then(urls => {
        return takeFn({dir, urls, dimensions})

module.exports = {take, screenshotSitemap, screenshot, _defaultIntValue, getActualWebsiteDimensions, _point, _toPNGFilename, dynamicScreenshot, dynamicScreenshotSingle}