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package network // import ""

import (


func (n *networkRouter) getNetworksList(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, vars map[string]string) error {
    if err := httputils.ParseForm(r); err != nil {
        return err

    filter, err := filters.FromJSON(r.Form.Get("filters"))
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if err := network.ValidateFilters(filter); err != nil {
        return err

    var list []network.Summary
    nr, err := n.cluster.GetNetworks(filter)
    if err == nil {
        list = nr

    // Combine the network list returned by Docker daemon if it is not already
    // returned by the cluster manager
    localNetworks, err := n.backend.GetNetworks(filter, backend.NetworkListConfig{Detailed: versions.LessThan(httputils.VersionFromContext(ctx), "1.28")})
    if err != nil {
        return err

    var idx map[string]bool
    if len(list) > 0 {
        idx = make(map[string]bool, len(list))
        for _, n := range list {
            idx[n.ID] = true
    for _, n := range localNetworks {
        if idx[n.ID] {
        list = append(list, n)

    if list == nil {
        list = []network.Summary{}

    return httputils.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, list)

type invalidRequestError struct {
    cause error

func (e invalidRequestError) Error() string {
    return e.cause.Error()

func (e invalidRequestError) InvalidParameter() {}

type ambigousResultsError string

func (e ambigousResultsError) Error() string {
    return "network " + string(e) + " is ambiguous"

func (ambigousResultsError) InvalidParameter() {}

func (n *networkRouter) getNetwork(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, vars map[string]string) error {
    if err := httputils.ParseForm(r); err != nil {
        return err

    term := vars["id"]
    var (
        verbose bool
        err     error
    if v := r.URL.Query().Get("verbose"); v != "" {
        if verbose, err = strconv.ParseBool(v); err != nil {
            return errors.Wrapf(invalidRequestError{err}, "invalid value for verbose: %s", v)
    networkScope := r.URL.Query().Get("scope")

    // In case multiple networks have duplicate names, return error.
    // TODO (yongtang): should we wrap with version here for backward compatibility?

    // First find based on full ID, return immediately once one is found.
    // If a network appears both in swarm and local, assume it is in local first

    // For full name and partial ID, save the result first, and process later
    // in case multiple records was found based on the same term
    listByFullName := map[string]network.Inspect{}
    listByPartialID := map[string]network.Inspect{}

    // TODO(@cpuguy83): All this logic for figuring out which network to return does not belong here
    // Instead there should be a backend function to just get one network.
    filter := filters.NewArgs(filters.Arg("idOrName", term))
    if networkScope != "" {
        filter.Add("scope", networkScope)
    networks, _ := n.backend.GetNetworks(filter, backend.NetworkListConfig{Detailed: true, Verbose: verbose})
    for _, nw := range networks {
        if nw.ID == term {
            return httputils.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, nw)
        if nw.Name == term {
            // No need to check the ID collision here as we are still in
            // local scope and the network ID is unique in this scope.
            listByFullName[nw.ID] = nw
        if strings.HasPrefix(nw.ID, term) {
            // No need to check the ID collision here as we are still in
            // local scope and the network ID is unique in this scope.
            listByPartialID[nw.ID] = nw

    nwk, err := n.cluster.GetNetwork(term)
    if err == nil {
        // If the get network is passed with a specific network ID / partial network ID
        // or if the get network was passed with a network name and scope as swarm
        // return the network. Skipped using isMatchingScope because it is true if the scope
        // is not set which would be case if the client API v1.30
        if strings.HasPrefix(nwk.ID, term) || networkScope == scope.Swarm {
            // If we have a previous match "backend", return it, we need verbose when enabled
            // ex: overlay/partial_ID or name/swarm_scope
            if nwv, ok := listByPartialID[nwk.ID]; ok {
                nwk = nwv
            } else if nwv, ok := listByFullName[nwk.ID]; ok {
                nwk = nwv
            return httputils.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, nwk)

    networks, _ = n.cluster.GetNetworks(filter)
    for _, nw := range networks {
        if nw.ID == term {
            return httputils.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, nw)
        if nw.Name == term {
            // Check the ID collision as we are in swarm scope here, and
            // the map (of the listByFullName) may have already had a
            // network with the same ID (from local scope previously)
            if _, ok := listByFullName[nw.ID]; !ok {
                listByFullName[nw.ID] = nw
        if strings.HasPrefix(nw.ID, term) {
            // Check the ID collision as we are in swarm scope here, and
            // the map (of the listByPartialID) may have already had a
            // network with the same ID (from local scope previously)
            if _, ok := listByPartialID[nw.ID]; !ok {
                listByPartialID[nw.ID] = nw

    // Find based on full name, returns true only if no duplicates
    if len(listByFullName) == 1 {
        for _, v := range listByFullName {
            return httputils.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, v)
    if len(listByFullName) > 1 {
        return errors.Wrapf(ambigousResultsError(term), "%d matches found based on name", len(listByFullName))

    // Find based on partial ID, returns true only if no duplicates
    if len(listByPartialID) == 1 {
        for _, v := range listByPartialID {
            return httputils.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, v)
    if len(listByPartialID) > 1 {
        return errors.Wrapf(ambigousResultsError(term), "%d matches found based on ID prefix", len(listByPartialID))

    return libnetwork.ErrNoSuchNetwork(term)

func (n *networkRouter) postNetworkCreate(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, vars map[string]string) error {
    if err := httputils.ParseForm(r); err != nil {
        return err

    var create network.CreateRequest
    if err := httputils.ReadJSON(r, &create); err != nil {
        return err

    if nws, err := n.cluster.GetNetworksByName(create.Name); err == nil && len(nws) > 0 {
        return libnetwork.NetworkNameError(create.Name)

    // For a Swarm-scoped network, this call to backend.CreateNetwork is used to
    // validate the configuration. The network will not be created but, if the
    // configuration is valid, ManagerRedirectError will be returned and handled
    // below.
    nw, err := n.backend.CreateNetwork(create)
    if err != nil {
        if _, ok := err.(libnetwork.ManagerRedirectError); !ok {
            return err
        id, err := n.cluster.CreateNetwork(create)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        nw = &network.CreateResponse{
            ID: id,

    return httputils.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusCreated, nw)

func (n *networkRouter) postNetworkConnect(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, vars map[string]string) error {
    if err := httputils.ParseForm(r); err != nil {
        return err

    var connect network.ConnectOptions
    if err := httputils.ReadJSON(r, &connect); err != nil {
        return err

    // Unlike other operations, we does not check ambiguity of the name/ID here.
    // The reason is that, In case of attachable network in swarm scope, the actual local network
    // may not be available at the time. At the same time, inside daemon `ConnectContainerToNetwork`
    // does the ambiguity check anyway. Therefore, passing the name to daemon would be enough.
    return n.backend.ConnectContainerToNetwork(ctx, connect.Container, vars["id"], connect.EndpointConfig)

func (n *networkRouter) postNetworkDisconnect(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, vars map[string]string) error {
    if err := httputils.ParseForm(r); err != nil {
        return err

    var disconnect network.DisconnectOptions
    if err := httputils.ReadJSON(r, &disconnect); err != nil {
        return err

    return n.backend.DisconnectContainerFromNetwork(disconnect.Container, vars["id"], disconnect.Force)

func (n *networkRouter) deleteNetwork(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, vars map[string]string) error {
    if err := httputils.ParseForm(r); err != nil {
        return err

    nw, err := n.findUniqueNetwork(vars["id"])
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if nw.Scope == "swarm" {
        if err = n.cluster.RemoveNetwork(nw.ID); err != nil {
            return err
    } else {
        if err := n.backend.DeleteNetwork(nw.ID); err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

func (n *networkRouter) postNetworksPrune(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, vars map[string]string) error {
    if err := httputils.ParseForm(r); err != nil {
        return err

    pruneFilters, err := filters.FromJSON(r.Form.Get("filters"))
    if err != nil {
        return err

    pruneReport, err := n.backend.NetworksPrune(ctx, pruneFilters)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return httputils.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, pruneReport)

// findUniqueNetwork will search network across different scopes (both local and swarm).
// NOTE: This findUniqueNetwork is different from FindNetwork in the daemon.
// In case multiple networks have duplicate names, return error.
// First find based on full ID, return immediately once one is found.
// If a network appears both in swarm and local, assume it is in local first
// For full name and partial ID, save the result first, and process later
// in case multiple records was found based on the same term
// TODO (yongtang): should we wrap with version here for backward compatibility?
func (n *networkRouter) findUniqueNetwork(term string) (network.Inspect, error) {
    listByFullName := map[string]network.Inspect{}
    listByPartialID := map[string]network.Inspect{}

    filter := filters.NewArgs(filters.Arg("idOrName", term))
    networks, _ := n.backend.GetNetworks(filter, backend.NetworkListConfig{Detailed: true})
    for _, nw := range networks {
        if nw.ID == term {
            return nw, nil
        if nw.Name == term && !nw.Ingress {
            // No need to check the ID collision here as we are still in
            // local scope and the network ID is unique in this scope.
            listByFullName[nw.ID] = nw
        if strings.HasPrefix(nw.ID, term) {
            // No need to check the ID collision here as we are still in
            // local scope and the network ID is unique in this scope.
            listByPartialID[nw.ID] = nw

    networks, _ = n.cluster.GetNetworks(filter)
    for _, nw := range networks {
        if nw.ID == term {
            return nw, nil
        if nw.Name == term {
            // Check the ID collision as we are in swarm scope here, and
            // the map (of the listByFullName) may have already had a
            // network with the same ID (from local scope previously)
            if _, ok := listByFullName[nw.ID]; !ok {
                listByFullName[nw.ID] = nw
        if strings.HasPrefix(nw.ID, term) {
            // Check the ID collision as we are in swarm scope here, and
            // the map (of the listByPartialID) may have already had a
            // network with the same ID (from local scope previously)
            if _, ok := listByPartialID[nw.ID]; !ok {
                listByPartialID[nw.ID] = nw

    // Find based on full name, returns true only if no duplicates
    if len(listByFullName) == 1 {
        for _, v := range listByFullName {
            return v, nil
    if len(listByFullName) > 1 {
        return network.Inspect{}, errdefs.InvalidParameter(errors.Errorf("network %s is ambiguous (%d matches found based on name)", term, len(listByFullName)))

    // Find based on partial ID, returns true only if no duplicates
    if len(listByPartialID) == 1 {
        for _, v := range listByPartialID {
            return v, nil
    if len(listByPartialID) > 1 {
        return network.Inspect{}, errdefs.InvalidParameter(errors.Errorf("network %s is ambiguous (%d matches found based on ID prefix)", term, len(listByPartialID)))

    return network.Inspect{}, errdefs.NotFound(libnetwork.ErrNoSuchNetwork(term))