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5 hrs
Test Coverage
package daemon // import ""

import (

    containerpkg ""

type errNoSuchProcess struct {
    pid    int
    signal syscall.Signal

func (e errNoSuchProcess) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("cannot kill process (pid=%d) with signal %d: no such process",, e.signal)

func (errNoSuchProcess) NotFound() {}

// ContainerKill sends signal to the container
// If no signal is given, then Kill with SIGKILL and wait
// for the container to exit.
// If a signal is given, then just send it to the container and return.
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerKill(name, stopSignal string) error {
    var (
        err error
        sig = syscall.SIGKILL
    if stopSignal != "" {
        sig, err = signal.ParseSignal(stopSignal)
        if err != nil {
            return errdefs.InvalidParameter(err)
        if !signal.ValidSignalForPlatform(sig) {
            return errdefs.InvalidParameter(errors.Errorf("the %s daemon does not support signal %d", runtime.GOOS, sig))
    container, err := daemon.GetContainer(name)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if sig == syscall.SIGKILL {
        // perform regular Kill (SIGKILL + wait())
        return daemon.Kill(container)
    return daemon.killWithSignal(container, sig)

// killWithSignal sends the container the given signal. This wrapper for the
// host specific kill command prepares the container before attempting
// to send the signal. An error is returned if the container is paused
// or not running, or if there is a problem returned from the
// underlying kill command.
func (daemon *Daemon) killWithSignal(container *containerpkg.Container, stopSignal syscall.Signal) error {
    log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Sending kill signal %d to container %s", stopSignal, container.ID)
    defer container.Unlock()

    task, err := container.GetRunningTask()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    var unpause bool
    if container.Config.StopSignal != "" && stopSignal != syscall.SIGKILL {
        containerStopSignal, err := signal.ParseSignal(container.Config.StopSignal)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        if containerStopSignal == stopSignal {
            unpause = container.Paused
    } else {
        unpause = container.Paused

    if !daemon.IsShuttingDown() {
        container.HasBeenManuallyStopped = true
        if err := container.CheckpointTo(context.WithoutCancel(context.TODO()), daemon.containersReplica); err != nil {
                "error":     err,
                "container": container.ID,
            }).Warn("error checkpointing container state")

    // if the container is currently restarting we do not need to send the signal
    // to the process. Telling the monitor that it should exit on its next event
    // loop is enough
    if container.Restarting {
        return nil

    if err := task.Kill(context.Background(), stopSignal); err != nil {
        if errdefs.IsNotFound(err) {
            unpause = false
            log.G(context.TODO()).WithError(err).WithField("container", container.ID).WithField("action", "kill").Debug("container kill failed because of 'container not found' or 'no such process'")
            go func() {
                // We need to clean up this container but it is possible there is a case where we hit here before the exit event is processed
                // but after it was fired off.
                // So let's wait the container's stop timeout amount of time to see if the event is eventually processed.
                // Doing this has the side effect that if no event was ever going to come we are waiting a longer period of time unnecessarily.
                // But this prevents race conditions in processing the container.
                ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), time.Duration(container.StopTimeout())*time.Second)
                defer cancel()
                s := <-container.Wait(ctx, containerpkg.WaitConditionNotRunning)
                if s.Err() != nil {
                    if err := daemon.handleContainerExit(container, nil); err != nil {
                            "error":     err,
                            "container": container.ID,
                            "action":    "kill",
                        }).Warn("error while handling container exit")
        } else {
            return errors.Wrapf(err, "Cannot kill container %s", container.ID)

    if unpause {
        // above kill signal will be sent once resume is finished
        if err := task.Resume(context.Background()); err != nil {
            log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Cannot unpause container %s: %s", container.ID, err)

    daemon.LogContainerEventWithAttributes(container, events.ActionKill, map[string]string{
        "signal": strconv.Itoa(int(stopSignal)),
    return nil

// Kill forcefully terminates a container.
func (daemon *Daemon) Kill(container *containerpkg.Container) error {
    if !container.IsRunning() {
        return errNotRunning(container.ID)

    // 1. Send SIGKILL
    if err := daemon.killPossiblyDeadProcess(container, syscall.SIGKILL); err != nil {
        // kill failed, check if process is no longer running.
        if errors.As(err, &errNoSuchProcess{}) {
            return nil

    waitTimeout := 10 * time.Second
    if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
        waitTimeout = 75 * time.Second // runhcs can be sloooooow.

    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), waitTimeout)
    defer cancel()

    status := <-container.Wait(ctx, containerpkg.WaitConditionNotRunning)
    if status.Err() == nil {
        return nil

    log.G(ctx).WithFields(log.Fields{"error": status.Err(), "container": container.ID}).Warnf("Container failed to exit within %v of kill - trying direct SIGKILL", waitTimeout)

    if err := killProcessDirectly(container); err != nil {
        if errors.As(err, &errNoSuchProcess{}) {
            return nil
        return err

    // wait for container to exit one last time, if it doesn't then kill didnt work, so return error
    ctx2, cancel2 := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second)
    defer cancel2()

    if status := <-container.Wait(ctx2, containerpkg.WaitConditionNotRunning); status.Err() != nil {
        return errors.New("tried to kill container, but did not receive an exit event")
    return nil

// killPossiblyDeadProcess is a wrapper around killSig() suppressing "no such process" error.
func (daemon *Daemon) killPossiblyDeadProcess(container *containerpkg.Container, sig syscall.Signal) error {
    err := daemon.killWithSignal(container, sig)
    if errdefs.IsNotFound(err) {
        err = errNoSuchProcess{container.GetPID(), sig}
        return err
    return err