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Test Coverage
package distribution // import ""

import (

    refstore ""

// Pull initiates a pull operation. image is the repository name to pull, and
// tag may be either empty, or indicate a specific tag to pull.
func Pull(ctx context.Context, ref reference.Named, config *ImagePullConfig, local ContentStore) error {
    repoInfo, err := pullEndpoints(ctx, config.RegistryService, ref, func(ctx context.Context, repoInfo registry.RepositoryInfo, endpoint registry.APIEndpoint) error {
        log.G(ctx).Debugf("Trying to pull %s from %s", reference.FamiliarName(repoInfo.Name), endpoint.URL)
        puller := newPuller(endpoint, &repoInfo, config, local)
        return puller.pull(ctx, ref)

    if err == nil {
        config.ImageEventLogger(reference.FamiliarString(ref), reference.FamiliarName(repoInfo.Name), events.ActionPull)

    return err

// Tags returns available tags for the given image in the remote repository.
func Tags(ctx context.Context, ref reference.Named, config *Config) ([]string, error) {
    var tags []string
    _, err := pullEndpoints(ctx, config.RegistryService, ref, func(ctx context.Context, repoInfo registry.RepositoryInfo, endpoint registry.APIEndpoint) error {
        repo, err := newRepository(ctx, &repoInfo, endpoint, config.MetaHeaders, config.AuthConfig, "pull")
        if err != nil {
            return err

        tags, err = repo.Tags(ctx).All(ctx)
        return err

    return tags, err

// validateRepoName validates the name of a repository.
func validateRepoName(name reference.Named) error {
    if reference.FamiliarName(name) == api.NoBaseImageSpecifier {
        return errors.WithStack(reservedNameError(api.NoBaseImageSpecifier))
    return nil

func addDigestReference(store refstore.Store, ref reference.Named, dgst digest.Digest, id digest.Digest) error {
    dgstRef, err := reference.WithDigest(reference.TrimNamed(ref), dgst)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if oldTagID, err := store.Get(dgstRef); err == nil {
        if oldTagID != id {
            // Updating digests not supported by reference store
            log.G(context.TODO()).Errorf("Image ID for digest %s changed from %s to %s, cannot update", dgst.String(), oldTagID, id)
        return nil
    } else if err != refstore.ErrDoesNotExist {
        return err

    return store.AddDigest(dgstRef, id, true)

func pullEndpoints(ctx context.Context, registryService RegistryResolver, ref reference.Named,
    f func(context.Context, registry.RepositoryInfo, registry.APIEndpoint) error,
) (*registry.RepositoryInfo, error) {
    // Resolve the Repository name from fqn to RepositoryInfo
    repoInfo, err := registryService.ResolveRepository(ref)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // makes sure name is not `scratch`
    if err := validateRepoName(repoInfo.Name); err != nil {
        return repoInfo, err

    endpoints, err := registryService.LookupPullEndpoints(reference.Domain(repoInfo.Name))
    if err != nil {
        return repoInfo, err

    var (
        lastErr error

        // confirmedTLSRegistries is a map indicating which registries
        // are known to be using TLS. There should never be a plaintext
        // retry for any of these.
        confirmedTLSRegistries = make(map[string]struct{})
    for _, endpoint := range endpoints {
        if endpoint.URL.Scheme != "https" {
            if _, confirmedTLS := confirmedTLSRegistries[endpoint.URL.Host]; confirmedTLS {
                log.G(ctx).Debugf("Skipping non-TLS endpoint %s for host/port that appears to use TLS", endpoint.URL)

        log.G(ctx).Debugf("Trying to pull %s from %s", reference.FamiliarName(repoInfo.Name), endpoint.URL)

        if err := f(ctx, *repoInfo, endpoint); err != nil {
            if _, ok := err.(fallbackError); !ok && continueOnError(err, endpoint.Mirror) {
                err = fallbackError{
                    err:         err,
                    transportOK: true,

            // Was this pull cancelled? If so, don't try to fall
            // back.
            fallback := false
            select {
            case <-ctx.Done():
                if fallbackErr, ok := err.(fallbackError); ok {
                    fallback = true
                    if fallbackErr.transportOK && endpoint.URL.Scheme == "https" {
                        confirmedTLSRegistries[endpoint.URL.Host] = struct{}{}
                    err = fallbackErr.err
            if fallback {
                lastErr = err
                log.G(ctx).Infof("Attempting next endpoint for pull after error: %v", err)
            log.G(ctx).Errorf("Not continuing with pull after error: %v", err)
            return repoInfo, translatePullError(err, ref)

        return repoInfo, nil

    if lastErr == nil {
        lastErr = fmt.Errorf("no endpoints found for %s", reference.FamiliarString(ref))

    return repoInfo, translatePullError(lastErr, ref)