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Test Coverage
package swarm

import (

    swarmtypes ""

// ServicePoll tweaks the pollSettings for `service`
func ServicePoll(config *poll.Settings) {
    // Override the default pollSettings for `service` resource here ...
    config.Timeout = 15 * time.Second
    config.Delay = 100 * time.Millisecond
    if runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" || runtime.GOARCH == "arm" {
        config.Timeout = 90 * time.Second

// NetworkPoll tweaks the pollSettings for `network`
func NetworkPoll(config *poll.Settings) {
    // Override the default pollSettings for `network` resource here ...
    config.Timeout = 30 * time.Second
    config.Delay = 100 * time.Millisecond

    if runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" || runtime.GOARCH == "arm" {
        config.Timeout = 50 * time.Second

// NewSwarm creates a swarm daemon for testing
func NewSwarm(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, testEnv *environment.Execution, ops ...daemon.Option) *daemon.Daemon {
    skip.If(t, testEnv.IsRemoteDaemon)
    skip.If(t, testEnv.DaemonInfo.OSType == "windows")
    skip.If(t, testEnv.IsRootless, "rootless mode doesn't support Swarm-mode")
    if testEnv.DaemonInfo.ExperimentalBuild {
        ops = append(ops, daemon.WithExperimental())
    d := daemon.New(t, ops...)
    d.StartAndSwarmInit(ctx, t)
    return d

// ServiceSpecOpt is used with `CreateService` to pass in service spec modifiers
type ServiceSpecOpt func(*swarmtypes.ServiceSpec)

// CreateService creates a service on the passed in swarm daemon.
func CreateService(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, d *daemon.Daemon, opts ...ServiceSpecOpt) string {

    apiClient := d.NewClientT(t)
    defer apiClient.Close()

    spec := CreateServiceSpec(t, opts...)
    resp, err := apiClient.ServiceCreate(ctx, spec, types.ServiceCreateOptions{})
    assert.NilError(t, err, "error creating service")
    return resp.ID

// CreateServiceSpec creates a default service-spec, and applies the provided options
func CreateServiceSpec(t *testing.T, opts ...ServiceSpecOpt) swarmtypes.ServiceSpec {
    var spec swarmtypes.ServiceSpec

    for _, o := range opts {
    return spec

// ServiceWithMode sets the mode of the service to the provided mode.
func ServiceWithMode(mode swarmtypes.ServiceMode) func(*swarmtypes.ServiceSpec) {
    return func(spec *swarmtypes.ServiceSpec) {
        spec.Mode = mode

// ServiceWithInit sets whether the service should use init or not
func ServiceWithInit(b *bool) func(*swarmtypes.ServiceSpec) {
    return func(spec *swarmtypes.ServiceSpec) {
        spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Init = b

// ServiceWithImage sets the image to use for the service
func ServiceWithImage(image string) func(*swarmtypes.ServiceSpec) {
    return func(spec *swarmtypes.ServiceSpec) {
        spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Image = image

// ServiceWithCommand sets the command to use for the service
func ServiceWithCommand(cmd []string) ServiceSpecOpt {
    return func(spec *swarmtypes.ServiceSpec) {
        spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Command = cmd

// ServiceWithConfig adds the config reference to the service
func ServiceWithConfig(configRef *swarmtypes.ConfigReference) ServiceSpecOpt {
    return func(spec *swarmtypes.ServiceSpec) {
        spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Configs = append(spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Configs, configRef)

// ServiceWithSecret adds the secret reference to the service
func ServiceWithSecret(secretRef *swarmtypes.SecretReference) ServiceSpecOpt {
    return func(spec *swarmtypes.ServiceSpec) {
        spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Secrets = append(spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Secrets, secretRef)

// ServiceWithReplicas sets the replicas for the service
func ServiceWithReplicas(n uint64) ServiceSpecOpt {
    return func(spec *swarmtypes.ServiceSpec) {
        spec.Mode = swarmtypes.ServiceMode{
            Replicated: &swarmtypes.ReplicatedService{
                Replicas: &n,

// ServiceWithMaxReplicas sets the max replicas for the service
func ServiceWithMaxReplicas(n uint64) ServiceSpecOpt {
    return func(spec *swarmtypes.ServiceSpec) {
        spec.TaskTemplate.Placement.MaxReplicas = n

// ServiceWithName sets the name of the service
func ServiceWithName(name string) ServiceSpecOpt {
    return func(spec *swarmtypes.ServiceSpec) {
        spec.Annotations.Name = name

// ServiceWithNetwork sets the network of the service
func ServiceWithNetwork(network string) ServiceSpecOpt {
    return func(spec *swarmtypes.ServiceSpec) {
        spec.TaskTemplate.Networks = append(spec.TaskTemplate.Networks,
            swarmtypes.NetworkAttachmentConfig{Target: network})

// ServiceWithEndpoint sets the Endpoint of the service
func ServiceWithEndpoint(endpoint *swarmtypes.EndpointSpec) ServiceSpecOpt {
    return func(spec *swarmtypes.ServiceSpec) {
        spec.EndpointSpec = endpoint

// ServiceWithSysctls sets the Sysctls option of the service's ContainerSpec.
func ServiceWithSysctls(sysctls map[string]string) ServiceSpecOpt {
    return func(spec *swarmtypes.ServiceSpec) {
        spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Sysctls = sysctls

// ServiceWithCapabilities sets the Capabilities option of the service's ContainerSpec.
func ServiceWithCapabilities(add []string, drop []string) ServiceSpecOpt {
    return func(spec *swarmtypes.ServiceSpec) {
        spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.CapabilityAdd = add
        spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.CapabilityDrop = drop

// ServiceWithPidsLimit sets the PidsLimit option of the service's Resources.Limits.
func ServiceWithPidsLimit(limit int64) ServiceSpecOpt {
    return func(spec *swarmtypes.ServiceSpec) {
        spec.TaskTemplate.Resources.Limits.Pids = limit

// GetRunningTasks gets the list of running tasks for a service
func GetRunningTasks(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, c client.ServiceAPIClient, serviceID string) []swarmtypes.Task {

    tasks, err := c.TaskList(ctx, types.TaskListOptions{
        Filters: filters.NewArgs(
            filters.Arg("service", serviceID),
            filters.Arg("desired-state", "running"),

    assert.NilError(t, err)
    return tasks

// ExecTask runs the passed in exec config on the given task
func ExecTask(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, d *daemon.Daemon, task swarmtypes.Task, options container.ExecOptions) types.HijackedResponse {
    apiClient := d.NewClientT(t)
    defer apiClient.Close()

    resp, err := apiClient.ContainerExecCreate(ctx, task.Status.ContainerStatus.ContainerID, options)
    assert.NilError(t, err, "error creating exec")

    attach, err := apiClient.ContainerExecAttach(ctx, resp.ID, container.ExecAttachOptions{})
    assert.NilError(t, err, "error attaching to exec")
    return attach

func ensureResources(spec *swarmtypes.ServiceSpec) {
    if spec.TaskTemplate.Resources == nil {
        spec.TaskTemplate.Resources = &swarmtypes.ResourceRequirements{}
    if spec.TaskTemplate.Resources.Limits == nil {
        spec.TaskTemplate.Resources.Limits = &swarmtypes.Limit{}
    if spec.TaskTemplate.Resources.Reservations == nil {
        spec.TaskTemplate.Resources.Reservations = &swarmtypes.Resources{}

func ensureContainerSpec(spec *swarmtypes.ServiceSpec) {
    if spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec == nil {
        spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec = &swarmtypes.ContainerSpec{}

func ensurePlacement(spec *swarmtypes.ServiceSpec) {
    if spec.TaskTemplate.Placement == nil {
        spec.TaskTemplate.Placement = &swarmtypes.Placement{}