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Package libnetwork provides the basic functionality and extension points to
create network namespaces and allocate interfaces for containers to use.

    networkType := "bridge"

    // Create a new controller instance
    driverOptions := options.Generic{}
    genericOption := make(map[string]interface{})
    genericOption[netlabel.GenericData] = driverOptions
    controller, err := libnetwork.New(config.OptionDriverConfig(networkType, genericOption))
    if err != nil {

    // Create a network for containers to join.
    // NewNetwork accepts Variadic optional arguments that libnetwork and Drivers can make use of
    network, err := controller.NewNetwork(networkType, "network1", "")
    if err != nil {

    // For each new container: allocate IP and interfaces. The returned network
    // settings will be used for container infos (inspect and such), as well as
    // iptables rules for port publishing. This info is contained or accessible
    // from the returned endpoint.
    ep, err := network.CreateEndpoint(context.TODO(), "Endpoint1")
    if err != nil {

    // Create the sandbox for the container.
    // NewSandbox accepts Variadic optional arguments which libnetwork can use.
    sbx, err := controller.NewSandbox("container1",

    // A sandbox can join the endpoint via the join api.
    err = ep.Join(sbx)
    if err != nil {
package libnetwork

import (

    remotedriver ""

// NetworkWalker is a client provided function which will be used to walk the Networks.
// When the function returns true, the walk will stop.
type NetworkWalker func(nw *Network) bool

// Controller manages networks.
type Controller struct {
    id               string
    drvRegistry      drvregistry.Networks
    ipamRegistry     drvregistry.IPAMs
    sandboxes        map[string]*Sandbox
    cfg              *config.Config
    store            *datastore.Store
    extKeyListener   net.Listener
    svcRecords       map[string]*svcInfo
    serviceBindings  map[serviceKey]*service
    ingressSandbox   *Sandbox
    agent            *nwAgent
    networkLocker    *locker.Locker
    agentInitDone    chan struct{}
    agentStopDone    chan struct{}
    keys             []*types.EncryptionKey
    DiagnosticServer *diagnostic.Server
    mu               sync.Mutex

    // FIXME(thaJeztah): defOsSbox is always nil on non-Linux: move these fields to Linux-only files.
    defOsSboxOnce sync.Once
    defOsSbox     *osl.Namespace

// New creates a new instance of network controller.
func New(cfgOptions ...config.Option) (*Controller, error) {
    cfg := config.New(cfgOptions...)
    store, err := datastore.New(cfg.Scope)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("libnet controller initialization: %w", err)

    c := &Controller{
        id:               stringid.GenerateRandomID(),
        cfg:              cfg,
        store:            store,
        sandboxes:        map[string]*Sandbox{},
        svcRecords:       make(map[string]*svcInfo),
        serviceBindings:  make(map[serviceKey]*service),
        agentInitDone:    make(chan struct{}),
        networkLocker:    locker.New(),
        DiagnosticServer: diagnostic.New(),

    c.drvRegistry.Notify = c

    // External plugins don't need config passed through daemon. They can
    // bootstrap themselves.
    if err := remotedriver.Register(&c.drvRegistry, c.cfg.PluginGetter); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if err := registerNetworkDrivers(&c.drvRegistry, c.makeDriverConfig); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if err := ipams.Register(&c.ipamRegistry, c.cfg.PluginGetter, c.cfg.DefaultAddressPool, nil); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    c.WalkNetworks(func(nw *Network) bool {
        if n := nw; n.hasSpecialDriver() && !n.ConfigOnly() {
            if err := n.getController().addNetwork(n); err != nil {
                log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed to populate network %q with driver %q", nw.Name(), nw.Type())
        return false

    // Reserve pools first before doing cleanup. Otherwise the
    // cleanups of endpoint/network and sandbox below will
    // generate many unnecessary warnings

    // Cleanup resources
    if err := c.sandboxCleanup(c.cfg.ActiveSandboxes); err != nil {
        log.G(context.TODO()).WithError(err).Error("error during sandbox cleanup")
    if err := c.cleanupLocalEndpoints(); err != nil {
        log.G(context.TODO()).WithError(err).Warnf("error during endpoint cleanup")

    if err := c.startExternalKeyListener(); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return c, nil

// SetClusterProvider sets the cluster provider.
func (c *Controller) SetClusterProvider(provider cluster.Provider) {
    var sameProvider bool
    // Avoids to spawn multiple goroutine for the same cluster provider
    if c.cfg.ClusterProvider == provider {
        // If the cluster provider is already set, there is already a go routine spawned
        // that is listening for events, so nothing to do here
        sameProvider = true
    } else {
        c.cfg.ClusterProvider = provider

    if provider == nil || sameProvider {
    // We don't want to spawn a new go routine if the previous one did not exit yet
    go c.clusterAgentInit()

// SetKeys configures the encryption key for gossip and overlay data path.
func (c *Controller) SetKeys(keys []*types.EncryptionKey) error {
    // libnetwork side of agent depends on the keys. On the first receipt of
    // keys setup the agent. For subsequent key set handle the key change
    subsysKeys := make(map[string]int)
    for _, key := range keys {
        if key.Subsystem != subsysGossip &&
            key.Subsystem != subsysIPSec {
            return fmt.Errorf("key received for unrecognized subsystem")
    for s, count := range subsysKeys {
        if count != keyringSize {
            return fmt.Errorf("incorrect number of keys for subsystem %v", s)

    if c.getAgent() == nil {
        c.keys = keys
        return nil
    return c.handleKeyChange(keys)

func (c *Controller) getAgent() *nwAgent {
    return c.agent

func (c *Controller) clusterAgentInit() {
    clusterProvider := c.cfg.ClusterProvider
    var keysAvailable bool
    for {
        eventType := <-clusterProvider.ListenClusterEvents()
        // The events: EventSocketChange, EventNodeReady and EventNetworkKeysAvailable are not ordered
        // when all the condition for the agent initialization are met then proceed with it
        switch eventType {
        case cluster.EventNetworkKeysAvailable:
            // Validates that the keys are actually available before starting the initialization
            // This will handle old spurious messages left on the channel
            keysAvailable = c.keys != nil
        case cluster.EventSocketChange, cluster.EventNodeReady:
            if keysAvailable && c.isSwarmNode() {
                if err := c.agentSetup(clusterProvider); err != nil {
                } else {
        case cluster.EventNodeLeave:
            c.keys = nil

            // We are leaving the cluster. Make sure we
            // close the gossip so that we stop all
            // incoming gossip updates before cleaning up
            // any remaining service bindings. But before
            // deleting the networks since the networks
            // should still be present when cleaning up
            // service bindings



// AgentInitWait waits for agent initialization to be completed in the controller.
func (c *Controller) AgentInitWait() {
    agentInitDone := c.agentInitDone

    if agentInitDone != nil {

// AgentStopWait waits for the Agent stop to be completed in the controller.
func (c *Controller) AgentStopWait() {
    agentStopDone := c.agentStopDone
    if agentStopDone != nil {

// agentOperationStart marks the start of an Agent Init or Agent Stop
func (c *Controller) agentOperationStart() {
    if c.agentInitDone == nil {
        c.agentInitDone = make(chan struct{})
    if c.agentStopDone == nil {
        c.agentStopDone = make(chan struct{})

// agentInitComplete notifies the successful completion of the Agent initialization
func (c *Controller) agentInitComplete() {
    if c.agentInitDone != nil {
        c.agentInitDone = nil

// agentStopComplete notifies the successful completion of the Agent stop
func (c *Controller) agentStopComplete() {
    if c.agentStopDone != nil {
        c.agentStopDone = nil

func (c *Controller) makeDriverConfig(ntype string) map[string]interface{} {
    if c.cfg == nil {
        return nil

    cfg := map[string]interface{}{}
    for _, label := range c.cfg.Labels {
        key, val, _ := strings.Cut(label, "=")
        if !strings.HasPrefix(key, netlabel.DriverPrefix+"."+ntype) {

        cfg[key] = val

    // Merge in the existing config for this driver.
    for k, v := range c.cfg.DriverConfig(ntype) {
        cfg[k] = v

    if c.cfg.Scope.IsValid() {
        cfg[netlabel.LocalKVClient] =

    return cfg

// ID returns the controller's unique identity.
func (c *Controller) ID() string {

// BuiltinDrivers returns the list of builtin network drivers.
func (c *Controller) BuiltinDrivers() []string {
    drivers := []string{}
    c.drvRegistry.WalkDrivers(func(name string, driver driverapi.Driver, capability driverapi.Capability) bool {
        if driver.IsBuiltIn() {
            drivers = append(drivers, name)
        return false
    return drivers

// BuiltinIPAMDrivers returns the list of builtin ipam drivers.
func (c *Controller) BuiltinIPAMDrivers() []string {
    drivers := []string{}
    c.ipamRegistry.WalkIPAMs(func(name string, driver ipamapi.Ipam, _ *ipamapi.Capability) bool {
        if driver.IsBuiltIn() {
            drivers = append(drivers, name)
        return false
    return drivers

func (c *Controller) processNodeDiscovery(nodes []net.IP, add bool) {
    c.drvRegistry.WalkDrivers(func(name string, driver driverapi.Driver, capability driverapi.Capability) bool {
        if d, ok := driver.(discoverapi.Discover); ok {
            c.pushNodeDiscovery(d, capability, nodes, add)
        return false

func (c *Controller) pushNodeDiscovery(d discoverapi.Discover, capability driverapi.Capability, nodes []net.IP, add bool) {
    var self net.IP
    // try swarm-mode config
    if agent := c.getAgent(); agent != nil {
        self = net.ParseIP(agent.advertiseAddr)

    if d == nil || capability.ConnectivityScope != scope.Global || nodes == nil {

    for _, node := range nodes {
        nodeData := discoverapi.NodeDiscoveryData{Address: node.String(), Self: node.Equal(self)}
        var err error
        if add {
            err = d.DiscoverNew(discoverapi.NodeDiscovery, nodeData)
        } else {
            err = d.DiscoverDelete(discoverapi.NodeDiscovery, nodeData)
        if err != nil {
            log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("discovery notification error: %v", err)

// Config returns the bootup configuration for the controller.
func (c *Controller) Config() config.Config {
    if c.cfg == nil {
        return config.Config{}
    return *c.cfg

func (c *Controller) isManager() bool {
    if c.cfg == nil || c.cfg.ClusterProvider == nil {
        return false
    return c.cfg.ClusterProvider.IsManager()

func (c *Controller) isAgent() bool {
    if c.cfg == nil || c.cfg.ClusterProvider == nil {
        return false
    return c.cfg.ClusterProvider.IsAgent()

func (c *Controller) isSwarmNode() bool {
    return c.isManager() || c.isAgent()

func (c *Controller) GetPluginGetter() plugingetter.PluginGetter {
    return c.cfg.PluginGetter

func (c *Controller) RegisterDriver(networkType string, driver driverapi.Driver, capability driverapi.Capability) error {
    if d, ok := driver.(discoverapi.Discover); ok {
    return nil

// XXX  This should be made driver agnostic.  See comment below.
const overlayDSROptionString = "dsr"

// NewNetwork creates a new network of the specified network type. The options
// are network specific and modeled in a generic way.
func (c *Controller) NewNetwork(networkType, name string, id string, options ...NetworkOption) (_ *Network, retErr error) {
    if id != "" {
        defer c.networkLocker.Unlock(id) //nolint:errcheck

        if _, err := c.NetworkByID(id); err == nil {
            return nil, NetworkNameError(id)

    if strings.TrimSpace(name) == "" {
        return nil, ErrInvalidName(name)

    // Make sure two concurrent calls to this method won't create conflicting
    // networks, otherwise libnetwork will end up in an invalid state.
    if name != "" {
        defer c.networkLocker.Unlock(name)

        if _, err := c.NetworkByName(name); err == nil {
            return nil, NetworkNameError(name)

    if id == "" {
        id = stringid.GenerateRandomID()

    defaultIpam := defaultIpamForNetworkType(networkType)
    // Construct the network object
    nw := &Network{
        name:             name,
        networkType:      networkType,
        generic:          map[string]interface{}{netlabel.GenericData: make(map[string]string)},
        ipamType:         defaultIpam,
        id:               id,
        created:          time.Now(),
        ctrlr:            c,
        persist:          true,
        drvOnce:          &sync.Once{},
        loadBalancerMode: loadBalancerModeDefault,

    if err := nw.validateConfiguration(); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // These variables must be defined here, as declaration would otherwise
    // be skipped by the "goto addToStore"
    var (
        caps driverapi.Capability
        err  error

        skipCfgEpCount bool

    // Reset network types, force local scope and skip allocation and
    // plumbing for configuration networks. Reset of the config-only
    // network drivers is needed so that this special network is not
    // usable by old engine versions.
    if nw.configOnly {
        nw.scope = scope.Local
        nw.networkType = "null"
        goto addToStore

    _, caps, err = nw.resolveDriver(nw.networkType, true)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if nw.scope == scope.Local && caps.DataScope == scope.Global {
        return nil, types.ForbiddenErrorf("cannot downgrade network scope for %s networks", networkType)
    if nw.ingress && caps.DataScope != scope.Global {
        return nil, types.ForbiddenErrorf("Ingress network can only be global scope network")

    // At this point the network scope is still unknown if not set by user
    if (caps.DataScope == scope.Global || nw.scope == scope.Swarm) &&
        c.isSwarmNode() && !nw.dynamic {
        if c.isManager() {
            // For non-distributed controlled environment, globalscoped non-dynamic networks are redirected to Manager
            return nil, ManagerRedirectError(name)
        return nil, types.ForbiddenErrorf("Cannot create a multi-host network from a worker node. Please create the network from a manager node.")

    if nw.scope == scope.Swarm && !c.isSwarmNode() {
        return nil, types.ForbiddenErrorf("cannot create a swarm scoped network when swarm is not active")

    // Make sure we have a driver available for this network type
    // before we allocate anything.
    if _, err := nw.driver(true); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // From this point on, we need the network specific configuration,
    // which may come from a configuration-only network
    if nw.configFrom != "" {
        configNetwork, err := c.getConfigNetwork(nw.configFrom)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, types.NotFoundErrorf("configuration network %q does not exist", nw.configFrom)
        if err := configNetwork.applyConfigurationTo(nw); err != nil {
            return nil, types.InternalErrorf("Failed to apply configuration: %v", err)
        nw.generic[netlabel.Internal] = nw.internal
        defer func() {
            if retErr == nil && !skipCfgEpCount {
                if err := configNetwork.getEpCnt().IncEndpointCnt(); err != nil {
                    log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed to update reference count for configuration network %q on creation of network %q: %v", configNetwork.Name(),, err)

    if err := nw.ipamAllocate(); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer func() {
        if retErr != nil {

    // Note from thaJeztah to future code visitors, or "future self".
    // This code was previously assigning the error to the global "err"
    // variable (before it was renamed to "retErr"), but in case of a
    // "MaskableError" did not *return* the error:
    // Depending on code paths further down, that meant that this error
    // was either overwritten by other errors (and thus not handled in
    // defer statements) or handled (if no other code was overwriting it.
    // I suspect this was a bug (but possible without effect), but it could
    // have been intentional. This logic is confusing at least, and even
    // more so combined with the handling in defer statements that check for
    // both the "err" return AND "skipCfgEpCount":
    // To save future visitors some time to dig up history:
    // - config-only networks were added in 25082206df465d1c11dd1276a65b4a1dc701bd43
    // - the special error-handling and "skipCfgEpcoung" was added in ddd22a819867faa0cd7d12b0c3fad1099ac3eb26
    // - and updated in 87b082f3659f9ec245ab15d781e6bfffced0af83 to don't use string-matching
    // To cut a long story short: if this broke anything, you know who to blame :)
    if err := c.addNetwork(nw); err != nil {
        if _, ok := err.(types.MaskableError); ok { //nolint:gosimple
            // This error can be ignored and set this boolean
            // value to skip a refcount increment for configOnly networks
            skipCfgEpCount = true
        } else {
            return nil, err
    defer func() {
        if retErr != nil {
            if err := nw.deleteNetwork(); err != nil {
                log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("couldn't roll back driver network on network %s creation failure: %v",, retErr)

    // XXX If the driver type is "overlay" check the options for DSR
    // being set.  If so, set the network's load balancing mode to DSR.
    // This should really be done in a network option, but due to
    // time pressure to get this in without adding changes to moby,
    // swarm and CLI, it is being implemented as a driver-specific
    // option.  Unfortunately, drivers can't influence the core
    // "libnetwork.Network" data type.  Hence we need this hack code
    // to implement in this manner.
    if gval, ok := nw.generic[netlabel.GenericData]; ok && nw.networkType == "overlay" {
        optMap := gval.(map[string]string)
        if _, ok := optMap[overlayDSROptionString]; ok {
            nw.loadBalancerMode = loadBalancerModeDSR

    // First store the endpoint count, then the network. To avoid to
    // end up with a datastore containing a network and not an epCnt,
    // in case of an ungraceful shutdown during this function call.
    epCnt := &endpointCnt{n: nw}
    if err := c.updateToStore(context.TODO(), epCnt); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer func() {
        if retErr != nil {
            if err := c.deleteFromStore(epCnt); err != nil {
                log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("could not rollback from store, epCnt %v on failure (%v): %v", epCnt, retErr, err)

    nw.epCnt = epCnt
    if err := c.updateToStore(context.TODO(), nw); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer func() {
        if retErr != nil {
            if err := c.deleteFromStore(nw); err != nil {
                log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("could not rollback from store, network %v on failure (%v): %v", nw, retErr, err)

    if nw.configOnly {
        return nw, nil

    defer func() {
        if retErr != nil {
            if err := nw.leaveCluster(); err != nil {
                log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed to leave agent cluster on network %s on failure (%v): %v",, retErr, err)

    if nw.hasLoadBalancerEndpoint() {
        if err := nw.createLoadBalancerSandbox(); err != nil {
            return nil, err

    if c.isSwarmNode() {

    // Sets up the DOCKER-USER chain for each iptables version (IPv4, IPv6)
    // that's enabled in the controller's configuration.
    for _, ipVersion := range c.enabledIptablesVersions() {
        if err := setupUserChain(ipVersion); err != nil {
            log.G(context.TODO()).WithError(err).Warnf("Controller.NewNetwork %s:", name)

    return nw, nil

var joinCluster NetworkWalker = func(nw *Network) bool {
    if nw.configOnly {
        return false
    if err := nw.joinCluster(); err != nil {
        log.G(context.TODO()).Errorf("Failed to join network %s (%s) into agent cluster: %v", nw.Name(), nw.ID(), err)
    return false

func (c *Controller) reservePools() {
    networks, err := c.getNetworks()
    if err != nil {
        log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Could not retrieve networks from local store during ipam allocation for existing networks: %v", err)

    for _, n := range networks {
        if n.configOnly {
        if !doReplayPoolReserve(n) {
        // Construct pseudo configs for the auto IP case
        autoIPv4 := (len(n.ipamV4Config) == 0 || (len(n.ipamV4Config) == 1 && n.ipamV4Config[0].PreferredPool == "")) && len(n.ipamV4Info) > 0
        autoIPv6 := (len(n.ipamV6Config) == 0 || (len(n.ipamV6Config) == 1 && n.ipamV6Config[0].PreferredPool == "")) && len(n.ipamV6Info) > 0
        if autoIPv4 {
            n.ipamV4Config = []*IpamConf{{PreferredPool: n.ipamV4Info[0].Pool.String()}}
        if n.enableIPv6 && autoIPv6 {
            n.ipamV6Config = []*IpamConf{{PreferredPool: n.ipamV6Info[0].Pool.String()}}
        // Account current network gateways
        for i, cfg := range n.ipamV4Config {
            if cfg.Gateway == "" && n.ipamV4Info[i].Gateway != nil {
                cfg.Gateway = n.ipamV4Info[i].Gateway.IP.String()
        if n.enableIPv6 {
            for i, cfg := range n.ipamV6Config {
                if cfg.Gateway == "" && n.ipamV6Info[i].Gateway != nil {
                    cfg.Gateway = n.ipamV6Info[i].Gateway.IP.String()
        // Reserve pools
        if err := n.ipamAllocate(); err != nil {
            log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed to allocate ipam pool(s) for network %q (%s): %v", n.Name(), n.ID(), err)
        // Reserve existing endpoints' addresses
        ipam, _, err := n.getController().getIPAMDriver(n.ipamType)
        if err != nil {
            log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed to retrieve ipam driver for network %q (%s) during address reservation", n.Name(), n.ID())
        epl, err := n.getEndpointsFromStore()
        if err != nil {
            log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed to retrieve list of current endpoints on network %q (%s)", n.Name(), n.ID())
        for _, ep := range epl {
            if ep.Iface() == nil {
                log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("endpoint interface is empty for %q (%s)", ep.Name(), ep.ID())
            if err := ep.assignAddress(ipam, true, ep.Iface().AddressIPv6() != nil); err != nil {
                log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed to reserve current address for endpoint %q (%s) on network %q (%s)",
                    ep.Name(), ep.ID(), n.Name(), n.ID())

func doReplayPoolReserve(n *Network) bool {
    _, caps, err := n.getController().getIPAMDriver(n.ipamType)
    if err != nil {
        log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed to retrieve ipam driver for network %q (%s): %v", n.Name(), n.ID(), err)
        return false
    return caps.RequiresRequestReplay

func (c *Controller) addNetwork(n *Network) error {
    d, err := n.driver(true)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Create the network
    if err := d.CreateNetwork(, n.generic, n, n.getIPData(4), n.getIPData(6)); err != nil {
        return err


    return nil

// Networks returns the list of Network(s) managed by this controller.
func (c *Controller) Networks(ctx context.Context) []*Network {
    var list []*Network

    for _, n := range c.getNetworksFromStore(ctx) {
        if n.inDelete {
        list = append(list, n)

    return list

// WalkNetworks uses the provided function to walk the Network(s) managed by this controller.
func (c *Controller) WalkNetworks(walker NetworkWalker) {
    for _, n := range c.Networks(context.TODO()) {
        if walker(n) {

// NetworkByName returns the Network which has the passed name.
// If not found, the error [ErrNoSuchNetwork] is returned.
func (c *Controller) NetworkByName(name string) (*Network, error) {
    if name == "" {
        return nil, ErrInvalidName(name)
    var n *Network

    c.WalkNetworks(func(current *Network) bool {
        if current.Name() == name {
            n = current
            return true
        return false

    if n == nil {
        return nil, ErrNoSuchNetwork(name)

    return n, nil

// NetworkByID returns the Network which has the passed id.
// If not found, the error [ErrNoSuchNetwork] is returned.
func (c *Controller) NetworkByID(id string) (*Network, error) {
    if id == "" {
        return nil, ErrInvalidID(id)
    return c.getNetworkFromStore(id)

// NewSandbox creates a new sandbox for containerID.
func (c *Controller) NewSandbox(ctx context.Context, containerID string, options ...SandboxOption) (_ *Sandbox, retErr error) {
    if containerID == "" {
        return nil, types.InvalidParameterErrorf("invalid container ID")

    ctx, span := otel.Tracer("").Start(ctx, "libnetwork.Controller.NewSandbox")
    defer span.End()

    var sb *Sandbox
    for _, s := range c.sandboxes {
        if s.containerID == containerID {
            // If not a stub, then we already have a complete sandbox.
            if !s.isStub {
                sbID := s.ID()
                return nil, types.ForbiddenErrorf("container %s is already present in sandbox %s", containerID, sbID)

            // We already have a stub sandbox from the
            // store. Make use of it so that we don't lose
            // the endpoints from store but reset the
            // isStub flag.
            sb = s
            sb.isStub = false

    // Create sandbox and process options first. Key generation depends on an option
    if sb == nil {
        // TODO(thaJeztah): given that a "containerID" must be unique in the list of sandboxes, is there any reason we're not using containerID as sandbox ID on non-Windows?
        sandboxID := containerID
        if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
            sandboxID = stringid.GenerateRandomID()
        sb = &Sandbox{
            id:                 sandboxID,
            containerID:        containerID,
            endpoints:          []*Endpoint{},
            epPriority:         map[string]int{},
            populatedEndpoints: map[string]struct{}{},
            config:             containerConfig{},
            controller:         c,
            extDNS:             []extDNSEntry{},

    if sb.ingress && c.ingressSandbox != nil {
        return nil, types.ForbiddenErrorf("ingress sandbox already present")

    if sb.ingress {
        c.ingressSandbox = sb
        sb.config.hostsPath = filepath.Join(c.cfg.DataDir, "/network/files/hosts")
        sb.config.resolvConfPath = filepath.Join(c.cfg.DataDir, "/network/files/resolv.conf") = "ingress_sbox"
    } else if sb.loadBalancerNID != "" { = "lb_" + sb.loadBalancerNID

    defer func() {
        if retErr != nil {
            if sb.ingress {
                c.ingressSandbox = nil

    if err := sb.setupResolutionFiles(ctx); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if err := c.setupOSLSandbox(sb); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    c.sandboxes[] = sb
    defer func() {
        if retErr != nil {

    if err := sb.storeUpdate(ctx); err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to update the store state of sandbox: %v", err)

    return sb, nil

// GetSandbox returns the Sandbox which has the passed id.
// It returns an [ErrInvalidID] when passing an invalid ID, or an
// [types.NotFoundError] if no Sandbox was found for the container.
func (c *Controller) GetSandbox(containerID string) (*Sandbox, error) {
    if containerID == "" {
        return nil, ErrInvalidID("id is empty")
    if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
        // fast-path for Windows, which uses the container ID as sandbox ID.
        if sb := c.sandboxes[containerID]; sb != nil && !sb.isStub {
            return sb, nil
    } else {
        for _, sb := range c.sandboxes {
            if sb.containerID == containerID && !sb.isStub {
                return sb, nil

    return nil, types.NotFoundErrorf("network sandbox for container %s not found", containerID)

// SandboxByID returns the Sandbox which has the passed id.
// If not found, a [types.NotFoundError] is returned.
func (c *Controller) SandboxByID(id string) (*Sandbox, error) {
    if id == "" {
        return nil, ErrInvalidID(id)
    s, ok := c.sandboxes[id]
    if !ok {
        return nil, types.NotFoundErrorf("sandbox %s not found", id)
    return s, nil

// SandboxDestroy destroys a sandbox given a container ID.
func (c *Controller) SandboxDestroy(ctx context.Context, id string) error {
    var sb *Sandbox
    for _, s := range c.sandboxes {
        if s.containerID == id {
            sb = s

    // It is not an error if sandbox is not available
    if sb == nil {
        return nil

    return sb.Delete(ctx)

func (c *Controller) loadDriver(networkType string) error {
    var err error

    if pg := c.GetPluginGetter(); pg != nil {
        _, err = pg.Get(networkType, driverapi.NetworkPluginEndpointType, plugingetter.Lookup)
    } else {
        _, err = plugins.Get(networkType, driverapi.NetworkPluginEndpointType)

    if err != nil {
        if errors.Cause(err) == plugins.ErrNotFound {
            return types.NotFoundErrorf(err.Error())
        return err

    return nil

func (c *Controller) loadIPAMDriver(name string) error {
    var err error

    if pg := c.GetPluginGetter(); pg != nil {
        _, err = pg.Get(name, ipamapi.PluginEndpointType, plugingetter.Lookup)
    } else {
        _, err = plugins.Get(name, ipamapi.PluginEndpointType)

    if err != nil {
        if errors.Cause(err) == plugins.ErrNotFound {
            return types.NotFoundErrorf(err.Error())
        return err

    return nil

func (c *Controller) getIPAMDriver(name string) (ipamapi.Ipam, *ipamapi.Capability, error) {
    id, caps := c.ipamRegistry.IPAM(name)
    if id == nil {
        // Might be a plugin name. Try loading it
        if err := c.loadIPAMDriver(name); err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err

        // Now that we resolved the plugin, try again looking up the registry
        id, caps = c.ipamRegistry.IPAM(name)
        if id == nil {
            return nil, nil, types.InvalidParameterErrorf("invalid ipam driver: %q", name)

    return id, caps, nil

// Stop stops the network controller.
func (c *Controller) Stop() {

// StartDiagnostic starts the network diagnostic server listening on port.
func (c *Controller) StartDiagnostic(port int) {
    if !c.DiagnosticServer.IsDiagnosticEnabled() {
        c.DiagnosticServer.EnableDiagnostic("", port)

// StopDiagnostic stops the network diagnostic server.
func (c *Controller) StopDiagnostic() {
    if c.DiagnosticServer.IsDiagnosticEnabled() {

// IsDiagnosticEnabled returns true if the diagnostic server is running.
func (c *Controller) IsDiagnosticEnabled() bool {
    return c.DiagnosticServer.IsDiagnosticEnabled()