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//go:build linux

package overlay

import (


Encrypted overlay networks use IPsec in transport mode to encrypt and
authenticate the VXLAN UDP datagrams. This driver implements a bespoke control
plane which negotiates the security parameters for each peer-to-peer tunnel.

IPsec Terminology

 - ESP: IPSec Encapsulating Security Payload
 - SPI: Security Parameter Index
 - ICV: Integrity Check Value
 - SA: Security Association

Developer documentation for Linux IPsec is rather sparse online. The following
slide deck provides a decent overview.

The Linux IPsec stack is part of XFRM, the netlink packet transformation

const (
    // Value used to mark outgoing packets which should have our IPsec
    // processing applied. It is also used as a label to identify XFRM
    // states (Security Associations) and policies (Security Policies)
    // programmed by us so we know which ones we can clean up without
    // disrupting other VPN connections on the system.
    mark = 0xD0C4E3

    pktExpansion = 26 // SPI(4) + SeqN(4) + IV(8) + PadLength(1) + NextHeader(1) + ICV(8)

const (
    forward = iota + 1

// Mark value for matching packets which should have our IPsec security policy
// applied.
var spMark = netlink.XfrmMark{Value: mark, Mask: 0xffffffff}

type key struct {
    value []byte
    tag   uint32

func (k *key) String() string {
    if k != nil {
        return fmt.Sprintf("(key: %s, tag: 0x%x)", hex.EncodeToString(k.value)[0:5], k.tag)
    return ""

// Security Parameter Indices for the IPsec flows between local node and a
// remote peer, which identify the Security Associations (XFRM states) to be
// applied when encrypting and decrypting packets.
type spi struct {
    forward int
    reverse int

func (s *spi) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("SPI(FWD: 0x%x, REV: 0x%x)", uint32(s.forward), uint32(s.reverse))

type encrMap struct {
    nodes map[string][]*spi

func (e *encrMap) String() string {
    defer e.Unlock()
    b := new(bytes.Buffer)
    for k, v := range e.nodes {
        for _, s := range v {
    return b.String()

func (d *driver) checkEncryption(nid string, rIP net.IP, isLocal, add bool) error {
    log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("checkEncryption(%.7s, %v, %t)", nid, rIP, isLocal)

    n :=
    if n == nil || ! {
        return nil

    if len(d.keys) == 0 {
        return types.ForbiddenErrorf("encryption key is not present")

    lIP := d.bindAddress
    aIP := d.advertiseAddress
    nodes := map[string]net.IP{}

    switch {
    case isLocal:
        if err := d.peerDbNetworkWalk(nid, func(pKey *peerKey, pEntry *peerEntry) bool {
            if !aIP.Equal(pEntry.vtep) {
                nodes[pEntry.vtep.String()] = pEntry.vtep
            return false
        }); err != nil {
            log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed to retrieve list of participating nodes in overlay network %.5s: %v", nid, err)
        if len( > 0 {
            nodes[rIP.String()] = rIP

    log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("List of nodes: %s", nodes)

    if add {
        for _, rIP := range nodes {
            if err := setupEncryption(lIP, aIP, rIP, d.secMap, d.keys); err != nil {
                log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed to program network encryption between %s and %s: %v", lIP, rIP, err)
    } else {
        if len(nodes) == 0 {
            if err := removeEncryption(lIP, rIP, d.secMap); err != nil {
                log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed to remove network encryption between %s and %s: %v", lIP, rIP, err)

    return nil

// setupEncryption programs the encryption parameters for secure communication
// between the local node and a remote node.
func setupEncryption(localIP, advIP, remoteIP net.IP, em *encrMap, keys []*key) error {
    log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Programming encryption between %s and %s", localIP, remoteIP)
    rIPs := remoteIP.String()

    indices := make([]*spi, 0, len(keys))

    for i, k := range keys {
        spis := &spi{buildSPI(advIP, remoteIP, k.tag), buildSPI(remoteIP, advIP, k.tag)}
        dir := reverse
        if i == 0 {
            dir = bidir
        fSA, rSA, err := programSA(localIP, remoteIP, spis, k, dir, true)
        if err != nil {
        indices = append(indices, spis)
        if i != 0 {
        err = programSP(fSA, rSA, true)
        if err != nil {

    em.nodes[rIPs] = indices

    return nil

func removeEncryption(localIP, remoteIP net.IP, em *encrMap) error {
    indices, ok := em.nodes[remoteIP.String()]
    if !ok {
        return nil
    for i, idxs := range indices {
        dir := reverse
        if i == 0 {
            dir = bidir
        fSA, rSA, err := programSA(localIP, remoteIP, idxs, nil, dir, false)
        if err != nil {
        if i != 0 {
        err = programSP(fSA, rSA, false)
        if err != nil {
    return nil

func (d *driver) transportIPTable() (*iptables.IPTable, error) {
    v6, err := d.isIPv6Transport()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    version := iptables.IPv4
    if v6 {
        version = iptables.IPv6
    return iptables.GetIptable(version), nil

func (d *driver) programMangle(vni uint32, add bool) error {
    var (
        m      = strconv.FormatUint(mark, 10)
        chain  = "OUTPUT"
        rule   = append(matchVXLAN(overlayutils.VXLANUDPPort(), vni), "-j", "MARK", "--set-mark", m)
        a      = iptables.Append
        action = "install"

    iptable, err := d.transportIPTable()
    if err != nil {
        // Fail closed if unsure. Better safe than cleartext.
        return err

    if !add {
        a = iptables.Delete
        action = "remove"

    if err := iptable.ProgramRule(iptables.Mangle, chain, a, rule); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("could not %s mangle rule: %w", action, err)

    return nil

func (d *driver) programInput(vni uint32, add bool) error {
    var (
        plainVxlan = matchVXLAN(overlayutils.VXLANUDPPort(), vni)
        chain      = "INPUT"
        msg        = "add"

    rule := func(policy, jump string) []string {
        args := append([]string{"-m", "policy", "--dir", "in", "--pol", policy}, plainVxlan...)
        return append(args, "-j", jump)

    iptable, err := d.transportIPTable()
    if err != nil {
        // Fail closed if unsure. Better safe than cleartext.
        return err

    if !add {
        msg = "remove"

    action := func(a iptables.Action) iptables.Action {
        if !add {
            return iptables.Delete
        return a

    // Drop incoming VXLAN datagrams for the VNI which were received in cleartext.
    // Insert at the top of the chain so the packets are dropped even if an
    // administrator-configured rule exists which would otherwise unconditionally
    // accept incoming VXLAN traffic.
    if err := iptable.ProgramRule(iptables.Filter, chain, action(iptables.Insert), rule("none", "DROP")); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("could not %s input drop rule: %w", msg, err)

    return nil

func programSA(localIP, remoteIP net.IP, spi *spi, k *key, dir int, add bool) (fSA *netlink.XfrmState, rSA *netlink.XfrmState, err error) {
    var (
        action      = "Removing"
        xfrmProgram = ns.NlHandle().XfrmStateDel

    if add {
        action = "Adding"
        xfrmProgram = ns.NlHandle().XfrmStateAdd

    if dir&reverse > 0 {
        rSA = &netlink.XfrmState{
            Src:   remoteIP,
            Dst:   localIP,
            Proto: netlink.XFRM_PROTO_ESP,
            Spi:   spi.reverse,
            Mode:  netlink.XFRM_MODE_TRANSPORT,
            Reqid: mark,
        if add {
            rSA.Aead = buildAeadAlgo(k, spi.reverse)

        exists, err := saExists(rSA)
        if err != nil {
            exists = !add

        if add != exists {
            log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("%s: rSA{%s}", action, rSA)
            if err := xfrmProgram(rSA); err != nil {
                log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed %s rSA{%s}: %v", action, rSA, err)

    if dir&forward > 0 {
        fSA = &netlink.XfrmState{
            Src:   localIP,
            Dst:   remoteIP,
            Proto: netlink.XFRM_PROTO_ESP,
            Spi:   spi.forward,
            Mode:  netlink.XFRM_MODE_TRANSPORT,
            Reqid: mark,
        if add {
            fSA.Aead = buildAeadAlgo(k, spi.forward)

        exists, err := saExists(fSA)
        if err != nil {
            exists = !add

        if add != exists {
            log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("%s fSA{%s}", action, fSA)
            if err := xfrmProgram(fSA); err != nil {
                log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed %s fSA{%s}: %v.", action, fSA, err)


// getMinimalIP returns the address in its shortest form
// If ip contains an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address, the 4-octet form of the IPv4 address will be returned.
// Otherwise ip is returned unchanged.
func getMinimalIP(ip net.IP) net.IP {
    if ip != nil && ip.To4() != nil {
        return ip.To4()
    return ip

func programSP(fSA *netlink.XfrmState, rSA *netlink.XfrmState, add bool) error {
    action := "Removing"
    xfrmProgram := ns.NlHandle().XfrmPolicyDel
    if add {
        action = "Adding"
        xfrmProgram = ns.NlHandle().XfrmPolicyAdd

    // Create a congruent cidr
    s := getMinimalIP(fSA.Src)
    d := getMinimalIP(fSA.Dst)
    fullMask := net.CIDRMask(8*len(s), 8*len(s))

    fPol := &netlink.XfrmPolicy{
        Src:     &net.IPNet{IP: s, Mask: fullMask},
        Dst:     &net.IPNet{IP: d, Mask: fullMask},
        Dir:     netlink.XFRM_DIR_OUT,
        Proto:   syscall.IPPROTO_UDP,
        DstPort: int(overlayutils.VXLANUDPPort()),
        Mark:    &spMark,
        Tmpls: []netlink.XfrmPolicyTmpl{
                Src:   fSA.Src,
                Dst:   fSA.Dst,
                Proto: netlink.XFRM_PROTO_ESP,
                Mode:  netlink.XFRM_MODE_TRANSPORT,
                Spi:   fSA.Spi,
                Reqid: mark,

    exists, err := spExists(fPol)
    if err != nil {
        exists = !add

    if add != exists {
        log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("%s fSP{%s}", action, fPol)
        if err := xfrmProgram(fPol); err != nil {
            log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("%s fSP{%s}: %v", action, fPol, err)

    return nil

func saExists(sa *netlink.XfrmState) (bool, error) {
    _, err := ns.NlHandle().XfrmStateGet(sa)
    switch err {
    case nil:
        return true, nil
    case syscall.ESRCH:
        return false, nil
        err = fmt.Errorf("Error while checking for SA existence: %v", err)
        return false, err

func spExists(sp *netlink.XfrmPolicy) (bool, error) {
    _, err := ns.NlHandle().XfrmPolicyGet(sp)
    switch err {
    case nil:
        return true, nil
    case syscall.ENOENT:
        return false, nil
        err = fmt.Errorf("Error while checking for SP existence: %v", err)
        return false, err

func buildSPI(src, dst net.IP, st uint32) int {
    b := make([]byte, 4)
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b, st)
    h := fnv.New32a()
    return int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(h.Sum(nil)))

func buildAeadAlgo(k *key, s int) *netlink.XfrmStateAlgo {
    salt := make([]byte, 4)
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(salt, uint32(s))
    return &netlink.XfrmStateAlgo{
        Name:   "rfc4106(gcm(aes))",
        Key:    append(k.value, salt...),
        ICVLen: 64,

func (d *driver) secMapWalk(f func(string, []*spi) ([]*spi, bool)) error {
    for node, indices := range d.secMap.nodes {
        idxs, stop := f(node, indices)
        if idxs != nil {
            d.secMap.nodes[node] = idxs
        if stop {
    return nil

func (d *driver) setKeys(keys []*key) error {
    // Remove any stale policy, state
    // Accept the encryption keys and clear any stale encryption map
    d.keys = keys
    d.secMap = &encrMap{nodes: map[string][]*spi{}}
    log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Initial encryption keys: %v", keys)
    return nil

// updateKeys allows to add a new key and/or change the primary key and/or prune an existing key
// The primary key is the key used in transmission and will go in first position in the list.
func (d *driver) updateKeys(newKey, primary, pruneKey *key) error {
    log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Updating Keys. New: %v, Primary: %v, Pruned: %v", newKey, primary, pruneKey)

    log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Current: %v", d.keys)

    var (
        newIdx = -1
        priIdx = -1
        delIdx = -1
        lIP    = d.bindAddress
        aIP    = d.advertiseAddress

    defer d.Unlock()

    // add new
    if newKey != nil {
        d.keys = append(d.keys, newKey)
        newIdx += len(d.keys)
    for i, k := range d.keys {
        if primary != nil && k.tag == primary.tag {
            priIdx = i
        if pruneKey != nil && k.tag == pruneKey.tag {
            delIdx = i

    if (newKey != nil && newIdx == -1) ||
        (primary != nil && priIdx == -1) ||
        (pruneKey != nil && delIdx == -1) {
        return types.InvalidParameterErrorf("cannot find proper key indices while processing key update:"+
            "(newIdx,priIdx,delIdx):(%d, %d, %d)", newIdx, priIdx, delIdx)

    if priIdx != -1 && priIdx == delIdx {
        return types.InvalidParameterErrorf("attempting to both make a key (index %d) primary and delete it", priIdx)

    d.secMapWalk(func(rIPs string, spis []*spi) ([]*spi, bool) {
        rIP := net.ParseIP(rIPs)
        return updateNodeKey(lIP, aIP, rIP, spis, d.keys, newIdx, priIdx, delIdx), false

    // swap primary
    if priIdx != -1 {
        d.keys[0], d.keys[priIdx] = d.keys[priIdx], d.keys[0]
    // prune
    if delIdx != -1 {
        if delIdx == 0 {
            delIdx = priIdx
        d.keys = append(d.keys[:delIdx], d.keys[delIdx+1:]...)

    log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Updated: %v", d.keys)

    return nil

 * Steady state: rSA0, rSA1, rSA2, fSA1, fSP1
 * Rotation --> -rSA0, +rSA3, +fSA2, +fSP2/-fSP1, -fSA1
 * Steady state: rSA1, rSA2, rSA3, fSA2, fSP2

// Spis and keys are sorted in such away the one in position 0 is the primary
func updateNodeKey(lIP, aIP, rIP net.IP, idxs []*spi, curKeys []*key, newIdx, priIdx, delIdx int) []*spi {
    log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Updating keys for node: %s (%d,%d,%d)", rIP, newIdx, priIdx, delIdx)

    spis := idxs
    log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Current: %v", spis)

    // add new
    if newIdx != -1 {
        spis = append(spis, &spi{
            forward: buildSPI(aIP, rIP, curKeys[newIdx].tag),
            reverse: buildSPI(rIP, aIP, curKeys[newIdx].tag),

    if delIdx != -1 {
        // -rSA0
        programSA(lIP, rIP, spis[delIdx], nil, reverse, false)

    if newIdx > -1 {
        // +rSA2
        programSA(lIP, rIP, spis[newIdx], curKeys[newIdx], reverse, true)

    if priIdx > 0 {
        // +fSA2
        fSA2, _, _ := programSA(lIP, rIP, spis[priIdx], curKeys[priIdx], forward, true)

        // +fSP2, -fSP1
        s := getMinimalIP(fSA2.Src)
        d := getMinimalIP(fSA2.Dst)
        fullMask := net.CIDRMask(8*len(s), 8*len(s))

        fSP1 := &netlink.XfrmPolicy{
            Src:     &net.IPNet{IP: s, Mask: fullMask},
            Dst:     &net.IPNet{IP: d, Mask: fullMask},
            Dir:     netlink.XFRM_DIR_OUT,
            Proto:   syscall.IPPROTO_UDP,
            DstPort: int(overlayutils.VXLANUDPPort()),
            Mark:    &spMark,
            Tmpls: []netlink.XfrmPolicyTmpl{
                    Src:   fSA2.Src,
                    Dst:   fSA2.Dst,
                    Proto: netlink.XFRM_PROTO_ESP,
                    Mode:  netlink.XFRM_MODE_TRANSPORT,
                    Spi:   fSA2.Spi,
                    Reqid: mark,
        log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Updating fSP{%s}", fSP1)
        if err := ns.NlHandle().XfrmPolicyUpdate(fSP1); err != nil {
            log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed to update fSP{%s}: %v", fSP1, err)

        // -fSA1
        programSA(lIP, rIP, spis[0], nil, forward, false)

    // swap
    if priIdx > 0 {
        swp := spis[0]
        spis[0] = spis[priIdx]
        spis[priIdx] = swp
    // prune
    if delIdx != -1 {
        if delIdx == 0 {
            delIdx = priIdx
        spis = append(spis[:delIdx], spis[delIdx+1:]...)

    log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Updated: %v", spis)

    return spis

func (n *network) maxMTU() int {
    mtu := 1500
    if n.mtu != 0 {
        mtu = n.mtu
    mtu -= vxlanEncap
    if {
        // In case of encryption account for the
        // esp packet expansion and padding
        mtu -= pktExpansion
        mtu -= (mtu % 4)
    return mtu

func clearEncryptionStates() {
    nlh := ns.NlHandle()
    spList, err := nlh.XfrmPolicyList(netlink.FAMILY_ALL)
    if err != nil {
        log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed to retrieve SP list for cleanup: %v", err)
    saList, err := nlh.XfrmStateList(netlink.FAMILY_ALL)
    if err != nil {
        log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed to retrieve SA list for cleanup: %v", err)
    for _, sp := range spList {
        sp := sp
        if sp.Mark != nil && sp.Mark.Value == spMark.Value {
            if err := nlh.XfrmPolicyDel(&sp); err != nil {
                log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed to delete stale SP %s: %v", sp, err)
            log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Removed stale SP: %s", sp)
    for _, sa := range saList {
        sa := sa
        if sa.Reqid == mark {
            if err := nlh.XfrmStateDel(&sa); err != nil {
                log.G(context.TODO()).Warnf("Failed to delete stale SA %s: %v", sa, err)
            log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Removed stale SA: %s", sa)