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// FIXME(thaJeztah): remove once we are a module; the go:build directive prevents go from downgrading language version to go1.16:
//go:build go1.21

package defaultipam

import (


// addrSpace contains the pool configurations for the address space
type addrSpace struct {
    // Ordered list of allocated subnets. This field is used for dynamic subnet
    // allocations.
    allocated []netip.Prefix
    // Allocated subnets, indexed by their prefix. Values track address
    // allocations.
    subnets map[netip.Prefix]*PoolData

    // predefined pools for the address space
    predefined []*ipamutils.NetworkToSplit

    mu sync.Mutex

func newAddrSpace(predefined []*ipamutils.NetworkToSplit) (*addrSpace, error) {
    slices.SortFunc(predefined, func(a, b *ipamutils.NetworkToSplit) int {
        return netiputil.PrefixCompare(a.Base, b.Base)

    // We need to discard longer overlapping prefixes (sorted after the shorter
    // one), otherwise the dynamic allocator might consider a predefined
    // network is fully overlapped, go to the next one, which is a subnet of
    // the previous, and allocate from it.
    j := 0
    for i := 1; i < len(predefined); i++ {
        if predefined[j].Overlaps(predefined[i].Base) {
        predefined[j] = predefined[i]

    if len(predefined) > j {

    return &addrSpace{
        subnets:    map[netip.Prefix]*PoolData{},
        predefined: predefined[:j],
    }, nil

// allocateSubnet makes a static allocation for subnets 'nw' and 'sub'.
// This method is safe for concurrent use.
func (aSpace *addrSpace) allocateSubnet(nw, sub netip.Prefix) error {

    // Check if already allocated
    if pool, ok := aSpace.subnets[nw]; ok {
        var childExists bool
        if sub != (netip.Prefix{}) {
            _, childExists = pool.children[sub]
        if sub == (netip.Prefix{}) || childExists {
            // This means the same pool is already allocated. allocateSubnet is called when there
            // is request for a pool/subpool. It should ensure there is no overlap with existing pools
            return ipamapi.ErrPoolOverlap

    return aSpace.allocateSubnetL(nw, sub)

// allocateSubnetL takes a 'nw' parent prefix and a 'sub' prefix. These are
// '--subnet' and '--ip-range' on the CLI.
// If 'sub' prefix is specified, we don't check if 'parent' overlaps with
// existing allocations. However, if no 'sub' prefix is specified, we do check
// for overlaps. This behavior is weird and leads to the inconsistencies
// documented in
func (aSpace *addrSpace) allocateSubnetL(nw, sub netip.Prefix) error {
    // If master pool, check for overlap
    if sub == (netip.Prefix{}) {
        if aSpace.overlaps(nw) {
            return ipamapi.ErrPoolOverlap
        return aSpace.allocatePool(nw)

    // Look for parent pool
    _, ok := aSpace.subnets[nw]
    if !ok {
        if err := aSpace.allocatePool(nw); err != nil {
            return err
        aSpace.subnets[nw].autoRelease = true
    aSpace.subnets[nw].children[sub] = struct{}{}
    return nil

// overlaps reports whether nw contains any IP addresses in common with any of
// the existing subnets in this address space.
func (aSpace *addrSpace) overlaps(nw netip.Prefix) bool {
    for _, allocated := range aSpace.allocated {
        if allocated.Overlaps(nw) {
            return true
    return false

func (aSpace *addrSpace) allocatePool(nw netip.Prefix) error {
    n, _ := slices.BinarySearchFunc(aSpace.allocated, nw, netiputil.PrefixCompare)
    aSpace.allocated = slices.Insert(aSpace.allocated, n, nw)
    aSpace.subnets[nw] = newPoolData(nw)
    return nil

// allocatePredefinedPool dynamically allocates a subnet that doesn't overlap
// with existing allocations and 'reserved' prefixes.
// This method is safe for concurrent use.
func (aSpace *addrSpace) allocatePredefinedPool(reserved []netip.Prefix) (netip.Prefix, error) {

    var pdfID int
    var partialOverlap bool
    var prevAlloc netip.Prefix

    it := newMergeIter(aSpace.allocated, reserved, netiputil.PrefixCompare)

    makeAlloc := func(subnet netip.Prefix) netip.Prefix {
        // it.ia tracks the position of the mergeIter within aSpace.allocated.
        aSpace.allocated = slices.Insert(aSpace.allocated, it.ia, subnet)
        aSpace.subnets[subnet] = newPoolData(subnet)
        return subnet

    for {
        allocated := it.Get()
        if allocated == (netip.Prefix{}) {
            // We reached the end of both 'aSpace.allocated' and 'reserved'.

        if pdfID >= len(aSpace.predefined) {
            return netip.Prefix{}, ipamapi.ErrNoMoreSubnets
        pdf := aSpace.predefined[pdfID]

        if allocated.Overlaps(pdf.Base) {
            if allocated.Bits() <= pdf.Base.Bits() {
                // The current 'allocated' prefix is bigger than the 'pdf'
                // network, thus the block is fully overlapped.
                partialOverlap = false
                prevAlloc = netip.Prefix{}

            // If no previous 'allocated' was found to partially overlap 'pdf',
            // we need to test whether there's enough space available at the
            // beginning of 'pdf'.
            if !partialOverlap && ipbits.SubnetsBetween(pdf.FirstPrefix().Addr(), allocated.Addr(), pdf.Size) >= 1 {
                // Okay, so there's at least a whole subnet available between
                // the start of 'pdf' and 'allocated'.
                next := pdf.FirstPrefix()
                return makeAlloc(next), nil

            // If the network 'pdf' was already found to be partially
            // overlapped, we need to test whether there's enough space between
            // the end of 'prevAlloc' and current 'allocated'.
            afterPrev := netiputil.PrefixAfter(prevAlloc, pdf.Size)
            if partialOverlap && ipbits.SubnetsBetween(afterPrev.Addr(), allocated.Addr(), pdf.Size) >= 1 {
                // Okay, so there's at least a whole subnet available after
                // 'prevAlloc' and before 'allocated'.
                return makeAlloc(afterPrev), nil


            if netiputil.LastAddr(allocated) == netiputil.LastAddr(pdf.Base) {
                // The last address of the current 'allocated' prefix is the
                // same as the last address of the 'pdf' network, it's fully
                // overlapped.
                partialOverlap = false
                prevAlloc = netip.Prefix{}

            // This 'pdf' network is partially overlapped.
            partialOverlap = true
            prevAlloc = allocated

        // Okay, so previous 'allocated' overlapped and current doesn't. Now
        // the question is: is there enough space left between previous
        // 'allocated' and the end of the 'pdf' network?
        if partialOverlap {
            partialOverlap = false

            if next := netiputil.PrefixAfter(prevAlloc, pdf.Size); pdf.Overlaps(next) {
                return makeAlloc(next), nil

            // No luck, PrefixAfter yielded an invalid prefix. There's not
            // enough space left to subnet it once more.

            // 'it' is not incremented here, we need to re-test the current
            // 'allocated' against the next 'pdf' network.

        // If the network 'pdf' doesn't overlap and is sorted before the
        // current 'allocated', we found the right spot.
        if pdf.Base.Addr().Less(allocated.Addr()) {
            next := netip.PrefixFrom(pdf.Base.Addr(), pdf.Size)
            return makeAlloc(next), nil

        prevAlloc = allocated

    if pdfID >= len(aSpace.predefined) {
        return netip.Prefix{}, ipamapi.ErrNoMoreSubnets

    // We reached the end of 'allocated', but not the end of predefined
    // networks. Let's try two more times (once on the current 'pdf', and once
    // on the next network if any).
    if partialOverlap {
        pdf := aSpace.predefined[pdfID]

        if next := netiputil.PrefixAfter(prevAlloc, pdf.Size); pdf.Overlaps(next) {
            return makeAlloc(next), nil

        // No luck -- PrefixAfter yielded an invalid prefix. There's not enough
        // space left.

    // One last chance. Here we don't increment pdfID since the last iteration
    // on 'it' found either:
    // - A full overlap, and incremented 'pdfID'.
    // - A partial overlap, and the previous 'if' incremented 'pdfID'.
    // - The current 'pdfID' comes after the last 'allocated' -- it's not
    //   overlapped at all.
    // Hence, we're sure 'pdfID' has never been subnetted yet.
    if pdfID < len(aSpace.predefined) {
        pdf := aSpace.predefined[pdfID]

        next := pdf.FirstPrefix()
        return makeAlloc(next), nil

    return netip.Prefix{}, ipamapi.ErrNoMoreSubnets

// releaseSubnet deallocates prefixes nw and sub. It returns an error if no
// matching allocations could be found.
// This method is safe for concurrent use.
func (aSpace *addrSpace) releaseSubnet(nw, sub netip.Prefix) error {

    p, ok := aSpace.subnets[nw]
    if !ok {
        return ipamapi.ErrBadPool

    if sub != (netip.Prefix{}) {
        if _, ok := p.children[sub]; !ok {
            return ipamapi.ErrBadPool
        delete(p.children, sub)
    } else {
        p.autoRelease = true

    if len(p.children) == 0 && p.autoRelease {

    return nil

// deallocate removes 'nw' from the list of allocations.
func (aSpace *addrSpace) deallocate(nw netip.Prefix) {
    if i, ok := slices.BinarySearchFunc(aSpace.allocated, nw, netiputil.PrefixCompare); ok {
        aSpace.allocated = slices.Delete(aSpace.allocated, i, i+1)
        delete(aSpace.subnets, nw)

func (aSpace *addrSpace) requestAddress(nw, sub netip.Prefix, prefAddress netip.Addr, opts map[string]string) (netip.Addr, error) {

    p, ok := aSpace.subnets[nw]
    if !ok {
        return netip.Addr{}, types.NotFoundErrorf("cannot find address pool for poolID:%v/%v", nw, sub)

    if prefAddress != (netip.Addr{}) && !nw.Contains(prefAddress) {
        return netip.Addr{}, ipamapi.ErrIPOutOfRange

    if sub != (netip.Prefix{}) {
        if _, ok := p.children[sub]; !ok {
            return netip.Addr{}, types.NotFoundErrorf("cannot find address pool for poolID:%v/%v", nw, sub)

    // In order to request for a serial ip address allocation, callers can pass in the option to request
    // IP allocation serially or first available IP in the subnet
    serial := opts[ipamapi.AllocSerialPrefix] == "true"
    ip, err := getAddress(nw, p.addrs, prefAddress, sub, serial)
    if err != nil {
        return netip.Addr{}, err

    return ip, nil

func (aSpace *addrSpace) releaseAddress(nw, sub netip.Prefix, address netip.Addr) error {

    p, ok := aSpace.subnets[nw]
    if !ok {
        return types.NotFoundErrorf("cannot find address pool for %v/%v", nw, sub)
    if sub != (netip.Prefix{}) {
        if _, ok := p.children[sub]; !ok {
            return types.NotFoundErrorf("cannot find address pool for poolID:%v/%v", nw, sub)

    if !address.IsValid() {
        return types.InvalidParameterErrorf("invalid address")

    if !nw.Contains(address) {
        return ipamapi.ErrIPOutOfRange

    defer log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Released address Address:%v Sequence:%s", address, p.addrs)

    return p.addrs.Unset(netiputil.HostID(address, uint(nw.Bits())))