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Test Coverage
// FIXME(thaJeztah): remove once we are a module; the go:build directive prevents go from downgrading language version to go1.16:
//go:build go1.21

package portallocator

import (


type ipMapping map[string]protoMap

var (
    // ErrAllPortsAllocated is returned when no more ports are available
    ErrAllPortsAllocated = errors.New("all ports are allocated")
    // ErrUnknownProtocol is returned when an unknown protocol was specified
    ErrUnknownProtocol = errors.New("unknown protocol")
    once               sync.Once
    instance           *PortAllocator

// ErrPortAlreadyAllocated is the returned error information when a requested port is already being used
type ErrPortAlreadyAllocated struct {
    ip   string
    port int

func newErrPortAlreadyAllocated(ip string, port int) ErrPortAlreadyAllocated {
    return ErrPortAlreadyAllocated{
        ip:   ip,
        port: port,

// IP returns the address to which the used port is associated
func (e ErrPortAlreadyAllocated) IP() string {
    return e.ip

// Port returns the value of the already used port
func (e ErrPortAlreadyAllocated) Port() int {
    return e.port

// IPPort returns the address and the port in the form ip:port
func (e ErrPortAlreadyAllocated) IPPort() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", e.ip, e.port)

// Error is the implementation of error.Error interface
func (e ErrPortAlreadyAllocated) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("Bind for %s:%d failed: port is already allocated", e.ip, e.port)

type (
    // PortAllocator manages the transport ports database
    PortAllocator struct {
        mutex     sync.Mutex
        defaultIP net.IP
        ipMap     ipMapping
        begin     int
        end       int
    portRange struct {
        begin int
        end   int
        last  int
    portMap struct {
        p            map[int]struct{}
        defaultRange string
        portRanges   map[string]*portRange
    protoMap map[string]*portMap

// GetPortRange returns the PortAllocator's default port range.
// This function is for internal use in tests, and must not be used
// for other purposes.
func GetPortRange() (start, end uint16) {
    p := Get()
    return uint16(p.begin), uint16(p.end)

// Get returns the PortAllocator
func Get() *PortAllocator {
    // Port Allocator is a singleton
    once.Do(func() {
        instance = newInstance()
    return instance

func newInstance() *PortAllocator {
    start, end, err := getDynamicPortRange()
    if err != nil {
        log.G(context.TODO()).WithError(err).Infof("falling back to default port range %d-%d", defaultPortRangeStart, defaultPortRangeEnd)
        start, end = defaultPortRangeStart, defaultPortRangeEnd
    return &PortAllocator{
        ipMap:     ipMapping{},
        defaultIP: net.IPv4zero,
        begin:     start,
        end:       end,

// RequestPort requests new port from global ports pool for specified ip and proto.
// If port is 0 it returns first free port. Otherwise it checks port availability
// in proto's pool and returns that port or error if port is already busy.
func (p *PortAllocator) RequestPort(ip net.IP, proto string, port int) (int, error) {
    if ip == nil {
        ip = p.defaultIP // FIXME(thaJeztah): consider making this a required argument and producing an error instead, or set default when constructing.
    return p.RequestPortsInRange([]net.IP{ip}, proto, port, port)

// RequestPortInRange is equivalent to [PortAllocator.RequestPortsInRange] with
// a single IP address. If ip is nil, a port is instead requested for the
// default IP (
func (p *PortAllocator) RequestPortInRange(ip net.IP, proto string, portStart, portEnd int) (int, error) {
    if ip == nil {
        ip = p.defaultIP // FIXME(thaJeztah): consider making this a required argument and producing an error instead, or set default when constructing.
    return p.RequestPortsInRange([]net.IP{ip}, proto, portStart, portEnd)

// RequestPortsInRange requests new ports from the global ports pool, for proto and each of ips.
// If portStart and portEnd are 0 it returns the first free port in the default ephemeral range.
// If portStart != portEnd it returns the first free port in the requested range.
// Otherwise, (portStart == portEnd) it checks port availability in the requested proto's port-pool
// and returns that port or error if port is already busy.
func (p *PortAllocator) RequestPortsInRange(ips []net.IP, proto string, portStart, portEnd int) (int, error) {
    if proto != "tcp" && proto != "udp" && proto != "sctp" {
        return 0, ErrUnknownProtocol

    if portStart != 0 || portEnd != 0 {
        // Validate custom port-range
        if portStart == 0 || portEnd == 0 || portEnd < portStart {
            return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid port range: %d-%d", portStart, portEnd)

    defer p.mutex.Unlock()

    pMaps := make([]*portMap, len(ips))
    for i, ip := range ips {
        ipstr := ip.String()
        if _, ok := p.ipMap[ipstr]; !ok {
            p.ipMap[ipstr] = protoMap{
                "tcp":  newPortMap(p.begin, p.end),
                "udp":  newPortMap(p.begin, p.end),
                "sctp": newPortMap(p.begin, p.end),
        pMaps[i] = p.ipMap[ipstr][proto]

    // Handle a request for a specific port.
    if portStart > 0 && portStart == portEnd {
        for i, pMap := range pMaps {
            if _, allocated := pMap.p[portStart]; allocated {
                return 0, newErrPortAlreadyAllocated(ips[i].String(), portStart)
        for _, pMap := range pMaps {
            pMap.p[portStart] = struct{}{}
        return portStart, nil

    // Handle a request for a port range.

    // Create/fetch ranges for each portMap.
    pRanges := make([]*portRange, len(pMaps))
    for i, pMap := range pMaps {
        pRanges[i] = pMap.getPortRange(portStart, portEnd)

    // Starting after the last port allocated for the first address, search
    // for a port that's available in all ranges.
    port := pRanges[0].last
    for i := pRanges[0].begin; i <= pRanges[0].end; i++ {
        if port > pRanges[0].end {
            port = pRanges[0].begin

        if !slices.ContainsFunc(pMaps, func(pMap *portMap) bool {
            _, allocated := pMap.p[port]
            return allocated
        }) {
            for pi, pMap := range pMaps {
                pMap.p[port] = struct{}{}
                pRanges[pi].last = port
            return port, nil
    return 0, ErrAllPortsAllocated

// ReleasePort releases port from global ports pool for specified ip and proto.
func (p *PortAllocator) ReleasePort(ip net.IP, proto string, port int) {
    defer p.mutex.Unlock()

    if ip == nil {
        ip = p.defaultIP // FIXME(thaJeztah): consider making this a required argument and producing an error instead, or set default when constructing.
    protomap, ok := p.ipMap[ip.String()]
    if !ok {
    delete(protomap[proto].p, port)

// ReleaseAll releases all ports for all ips.
func (p *PortAllocator) ReleaseAll() {
    p.ipMap = ipMapping{}

func getRangeKey(portStart, portEnd int) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d", portStart, portEnd)

func newPortRange(portStart, portEnd int) *portRange {
    return &portRange{
        begin: portStart,
        end:   portEnd,
        last:  portEnd,

func newPortMap(portStart, portEnd int) *portMap {
    defaultKey := getRangeKey(portStart, portEnd)
    return &portMap{
        p:            map[int]struct{}{},
        defaultRange: defaultKey,
        portRanges: map[string]*portRange{
            defaultKey: newPortRange(portStart, portEnd),

func (pm *portMap) getPortRange(portStart, portEnd int) *portRange {
    var key string
    if portStart == 0 && portEnd == 0 {
        key = pm.defaultRange
    } else {
        key = getRangeKey(portStart, portEnd)

    // Return existing port range, if already known.
    if pr, exists := pm.portRanges[key]; exists {
        return pr

    // Otherwise create a new port range.
    pr := newPortRange(portStart, portEnd)
    pm.portRanges[key] = pr
    return pr