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package registry

import (


var acceptedSearchFilterTags = map[string]bool{
    "is-automated": true, // Deprecated: the "is_automated" field is deprecated and will always be false in the future.
    "is-official":  true,
    "stars":        true,

// Search queries the public registry for repositories matching the specified
// search term and filters.
func (s *Service) Search(ctx context.Context, searchFilters filters.Args, term string, limit int, authConfig *registry.AuthConfig, headers map[string][]string) ([]registry.SearchResult, error) {
    if err := searchFilters.Validate(acceptedSearchFilterTags); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    isAutomated, err := searchFilters.GetBoolOrDefault("is-automated", false)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // "is-automated" is deprecated and filtering for `true` will yield no results.
    if isAutomated {
        return []registry.SearchResult{}, nil

    isOfficial, err := searchFilters.GetBoolOrDefault("is-official", false)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    hasStarFilter := 0
    if searchFilters.Contains("stars") {
        hasStars := searchFilters.Get("stars")
        for _, hasStar := range hasStars {
            iHasStar, err := strconv.Atoi(hasStar)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, errdefs.InvalidParameter(errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid filter 'stars=%s'", hasStar))
            if iHasStar > hasStarFilter {
                hasStarFilter = iHasStar

    unfilteredResult, err := s.searchUnfiltered(ctx, term, limit, authConfig, headers)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    filteredResults := []registry.SearchResult{}
    for _, result := range unfilteredResult.Results {
        if searchFilters.Contains("is-official") {
            if isOfficial != result.IsOfficial {
        if searchFilters.Contains("stars") {
            if result.StarCount < hasStarFilter {
        // "is-automated" is deprecated and the value in Docker Hub search
        // results is untrustworthy. Force it to false so as to not mislead our
        // clients.
        result.IsAutomated = false //nolint:staticcheck  // ignore SA1019 (field is deprecated)
        filteredResults = append(filteredResults, result)

    return filteredResults, nil

func (s *Service) searchUnfiltered(ctx context.Context, term string, limit int, authConfig *registry.AuthConfig, headers http.Header) (*registry.SearchResults, error) {
    // TODO Use ctx when searching for repositories
    if hasScheme(term) {
        return nil, invalidParamf("invalid repository name: repository name (%s) should not have a scheme", term)

    indexName, remoteName := splitReposSearchTerm(term)

    // Search is a long-running operation, just lock s.config to avoid block others.
    index, err := newIndexInfo(s.config, indexName)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if index.Official {
        // If pull "library/foo", it's stored locally under "foo"
        remoteName = strings.TrimPrefix(remoteName, "library/")

    endpoint, err := newV1Endpoint(index, headers)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    var client *http.Client
    if authConfig != nil && authConfig.IdentityToken != "" && authConfig.Username != "" {
        creds := NewStaticCredentialStore(authConfig)

        // TODO(thaJeztah); is there a reason not to include other headers here? (originally added in 19d48f0b8ba59eea9f2cac4ad1c7977712a6b7ac)
        modifiers := Headers(headers.Get("User-Agent"), nil)
        v2Client, err := v2AuthHTTPClient(endpoint.URL, endpoint.client.Transport, modifiers, creds, []auth.Scope{
            auth.RegistryScope{Name: "catalog", Actions: []string{"search"}},
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        // Copy non transport http client features
        v2Client.Timeout = endpoint.client.Timeout
        v2Client.CheckRedirect = endpoint.client.CheckRedirect
        v2Client.Jar = endpoint.client.Jar

        log.G(ctx).Debugf("using v2 client for search to %s", endpoint.URL)
        client = v2Client
    } else {
        client = endpoint.client
        if err := authorizeClient(client, authConfig, endpoint); err != nil {
            return nil, err

    return newSession(client, endpoint).searchRepositories(remoteName, limit)

// splitReposSearchTerm breaks a search term into an index name and remote name
func splitReposSearchTerm(reposName string) (string, string) {
    nameParts := strings.SplitN(reposName, "/", 2)
    if len(nameParts) == 1 || (!strings.Contains(nameParts[0], ".") &&
        !strings.Contains(nameParts[0], ":") && nameParts[0] != "localhost") {
        // This is a Docker Hub repository (ex: samalba/hipache or ubuntu),
        // use the default Docker Hub registry (
        return IndexName, reposName
    return nameParts[0], nameParts[1]

// ParseSearchIndexInfo will use repository name to get back an indexInfo.
// TODO(thaJeztah) this function is only used by the CLI, and used to get
// information of the registry (to provide credentials if needed). We should
// move this function (or equivalent) to the CLI, as it's doing too much just
// for that.
func ParseSearchIndexInfo(reposName string) (*registry.IndexInfo, error) {
    indexName, _ := splitReposSearchTerm(reposName)
    return newIndexInfo(emptyServiceConfig, indexName)