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namespace Cassandra\Request;
use Cassandra\Protocol\Frame;

class Startup extends Request{
    protected $opcode = Frame::OPCODE_STARTUP;
     * @var array
    protected $_options = [];
     * STARTUP
     * Initialize the connection. The server will respond by either a READY message
     * (in which case the connection is ready for queries) or an AUTHENTICATE message
     * (in which case credentials will need to be provided using CREDENTIALS).
     * This must be the first message of the connection, except for OPTIONS that can
     * be sent before to find out the options supported by the server. Once the
     * connection has been initialized, a client should not send any more STARTUP
     * message.
     * Possible options are:
     * - "CQL_VERSION": the version of CQL to use. This option is mandatory and
     * currenty, the only version supported is "3.0.0". Note that this is
     * different from the protocol version.
     * - "COMPRESSION": the compression algorithm to use for frames (See section 5).
     * This is optional, if not specified no compression will be used.
     * @param array $options
    public function __construct(array $options = []) {
        $this->_options = $options;
    public function getBody(){
        $body = pack('n', count($this->_options));
        foreach ($this->_options as $name => $value) {
            $body .= pack('n', strlen($name)) . $name;
            $body .= pack('n', strlen($value)) . $value;
        return $body;