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Duse Client & Client Library

Duse is a cryptographic server client application created to securely share
secrets among signed up users. It is meant to be used for secrets such as
passwords and ssh-keys, but it can very well be used to encrypt and share

This is a CLI for consuming the [duse api](https://github.com/duse-io/api),
written in ruby.

This implementation was heavily inspired by [travis-ci/travis.rb](https://github.com/travis-ci/travis.rb)


Tested against

* Ruby MRI
* JRuby

> Hint: Be sure to install the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited
> Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files for this to work on the JVM


To install the client simply install its ruby gem.

    $ gem install duse

* [help](#help)
* [config](#config)
* [login](#login)
* [register](#register)
* [secret](#secret)
  * [add](#add)
  * [list](#list)
  * [tree](#tree)
  * [get](#get)
  * [remove](#remove)
* [account](#account)
  * [confirm](#confirm)
  * [resend-confirmation](#resend-confirmation)
  * [info](#info)
  * [update](#update)
  * [password](#password)
    * [change](#change)
    * [reset](#reset)
* [version](#version)


Explore the CLI via its help texts

    $ duse
    Usage: duse COMMAND ...
    Available commands:
      account        Manage your account
      config         Configure the client
      help           Displays help messages, such as this one
      login          login to access and save secrets
      register       Register a new account
      secret         Save, retrieve and delete secrets
      version        print the client version
    run `duse help COMMAND` for more infos

When you want to see the help texts for subcommands of e.g. secret

    $ duse secret
    Save, retrieve and delete secrets
    Usage: duse secret COMMAND ...
    Available commands:
      add            Save a new secret
      get            Retrieve a secret
      list           List all secrets you have access to
      remove         Delete a secret
      update         Save a new secret
    run `duse help secret COMMAND` for more infos

For any command the `-h` flag can be added to receive the help description.

    $ duse secret add -h 
    Interactively create a new secret, or set values via options.
    Usage: duse secret add [OPTIONS]
        -h, --help                       Display help
        -t, --title [TITLE]              The title for the secret to save
        -s, --secret [SECRET]            The secret to save
        -g, --generate-secret            Automatically generate the secret
        -f, --file [FILE]                Read the secret to save from this file


The CLI tells you when it needs to be configured

    $ duse login
    client not configured, run `duse config`

So configure it

    $ duse config
    Uri to the duse instance you want to use: https://myserver.com/


When it works

    $ duse login
    Username: flower-pot
    Password: xxxxxxxx
    Successfully logged in!

When it fails

    $ duse login
    Username: flower-pot
    Password: xxxxxxxx
    Wrong username or password!


Let's register

    $ duse register
    Username: flower-pot
    Email: fbranczyk@gmail.com
    Password: xxxxxxxx
    Confirm password: xxxxxxxx
    1. /Users/fredericbranczyk/.ssh/id_rsa
    2. Generate a new one
    3. Let me choose it myself
    Which private ssh-key do you want to use?
    Successfully created your account! An email to confirm it has been sent. Once confirmed you can login with "duse login"



Now that the client is configured and you're logged in the first secret can be

    $ duse secret save
    What do you want to call this secret? First Secret
    Secret to save: test-secret
    Do you want to share this secret?[Y/n] n
    Secret successfully created!


List your secrets

    $ duse secret list
    🔐  1: First Secret


List your secrets in a tree view

    $ duse secret tree
    📂  flower-pot
    └── 🔐  1: First Secret


Retrieve a secret interactively

    $ duse secret get
    🔐  1: First secret
    Select the id of the secret to retrieve: 1
    Name:   First secret
    Secret: test-secret
    Access: flower-pot

Retrieve a secret

    $ duse secret get 1
    Name:   First Secret
    Secret: test-secret
    Access: flower-pot

Or plain

    $ duse secret get 1 --plain


Delete a secret

    $ duse secret remove 1
    Successfully deleted

Or interactively

    $ duse secret remove
    Secret to delete: 1
    Successfully deleted



Confirm the account

    $ duse account confirm <token>
    Account successfully confirmed.


Make the request the server to resend the confirmation email.

Confirm the account

    $ duse account resend-confirmation
    Your email: fbranczyk@gmail.com
    New confirmation process started.


Retrieve and print information about your account.

    $ duse account info
    Username: flower-pot
    Email: fbranczyk@gmail.com


Update your account

    $ duse account update


Change your password

    $ duse account password change


Request your password to be reset

    $ duse account password reset


Print the version of the gem.

    $ duse secret remove

The Library


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'duse'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install duse


    require 'duse'
    Duse.config = Duse::Client::Config.new(token: 'token', uri: 'https://example.org/')
    user = Duse::User.get 'me'
    p user
     => #<Duse::Client::User:0x0000000140acd0 @attributes={"id"=>2, "username"=>"flower-pot", "public_key"=>"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCtaAORZpFJ037AN1Drm88TLYyZ\ny+vLyVZr9XKPfMUF/KCHEsT1gJfQYFRI7t/gHjL3VouKM10671f/g8s5t1hWHF6Y\nOvaFTd3yDXAkf86x5jrPBrIH6M3M5WOwwqwW9aRF22CFzlBoCoV4GQt4KhRzqrG2\nkRJULsBuT9TiHCKEPwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n"}, @curry=#<Duse::Client::Namespace::Curry:0x0000000149fbf0>>