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/*jshint strict:false, node:true, indent:false, forin:false, bitwise:false*/
/*global JSON*/
var http = require('http')
    , https = require('https')
    , querystring = require('querystring')
    , D = require('d.js')
    , packageJson = require('../../package.json')
    , fs = require('fs')
    , splitca = require('split-ca')
    , keyPassphrases = []

function escapeJSONString(key, value) {
    if (typeof value === 'string') {
        return value.replace(/[^ -~\b\t\n\f\r"\\]/g, function (a) {
            return '\\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
    return value;
function JSONStringify(data) {
    return JSON.stringify(data, escapeJSONString).replace(/\\\\u([\da-f]{4}?)/g, '\\u$1');

 *  Redmine
function Redmine(config) {
    if (!config.apiKey || !config.host) {
        throw new Error('Error: apiKey and host must be configured.');
    config || (config = {});
    this.keyPassId = keyPassphrases.length;
    keyPassphrases.push({key:null, passphrase:null});
    this.verbose = false;
        .setProtocol(config.protocol || 'http')
        .setPort(config.port || (config.protocol === 'https' ? 443 : 80))
        .setBasicAuth(config.basicAuth || '')
        .setPathPrefix(config.pathPrefix || '/')
        .setSslV3Disabled(config.sslV3Disabled || true)
        .setSslCaCert(config.sslCaCert || null)
        .setSslClientCert(config.sslClientCert || null)
        .setSslClientKey(config.sslClientKey || null, config.sslClientPassphrase || null)
var proto = {
    version: packageJson.version
    , JSONStringify: JSONStringify
    , setApiKey: function(k){ this.apiKey = k; return this; }
    , getApiKey: function(){ return this.apiKey; }
    , setHost: function(h){ this.host = h; return this; }
    , getHost: function(){ return this.host;}
    , setPort: function(p){ this.port = p; return this; }
    , getPort: function(){ return this.port;}
    , setBasicAuth: function(b){ this.basicAuth = b; return this; }
    , getBasicAuth: function(){ return this.basicAuth || '';}
    , setProtocol: function(p){
        if (! p.match(/^https?/)) {
            throw new Error('Protocol must be one of http, https');
        this.protocol = p;
        return this;
    , getProtocol: function(){ return this.protocol; }
    , setPathPrefix: function(p){
        if (p.slice(0, 1) !== '/') {
            p = '/' + p;
        this.pathPrefix = p;
        return this;
    , getPathPrefix: function(){ return this.pathPrefix; }
    , setSslV3Disabled: function(b){
        this.sslV3Disabled = b ? 'SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3' : null;
        return this;
    , getSslV3Disabled: function(){ return this.sslV3Disabled;}
    , setSslCaCert: function(c){ this.sslCaCert = c ? splitca(c) : null; return this; }
    , getSslCaCert: function(){ return this.sslCaCert; }
    , setSslClientCert: function(c){ this.sslClientCert = c ? fs.readFileSync(c) : null; return this; }
    , getSslClientCert: function(){ return this.sslClientCert; }
    , setSslClientKey: function(k, p){
        keyPassphrases[this.keyPassId].key =  k ? fs.readFileSync(k) : null;
        keyPassphrases[this.keyPassId].passphrase = k && p || null;
        return this;
    , setMaxTry: function(maxTry){ this.maxTry = maxTry < 1 ? 1 : maxTry; return this; }
    , getMaxTry: function(){ return this.maxTry; }
    , setMaxDelay: function(maxDelay){ this.maxDelay = maxDelay ? maxDelay : 2000; return this; }
    , getMaxDelay: function() { return this.maxDelay; }
    , setVerbose: function(v) { this.verbose = v!==undefined ? !!v : true; }
    , getVerbose: function() { return this.verbose; }
    , generatePath: function(path, params) {
        return path + (params && Object.keys(params).length ? ('?' + querystring.stringify(params||{})) : '');
    , request: function(method, path, params){
        params || (params = {});

        var self = this
            , d = D()
            , keyPass  = keyPassphrases[this.keyPassId]
            , retry = params.retry || {}
            , verbose = this.verbose
            , impersonation
            , options
            , req
        if (params.retry) {
            delete params.retry;
        retry.count || (retry.count = 1);
        retry.maxTry || (retry.maxTry = self.maxTry);
        retry.maxDelay || (retry.maxDelay = self.maxDelay);

        if (params.impersonate) {
            impersonation = params.impersonate;
            delete params.impersonate;

        if (! (this.apiKey && this.host)) {
            d.reject('Error: apiKey and host must be configured.');
            return d.promise;

        path.slice(0, 1) !== '/' && (path = '/' + path);
        if (retry.count === 1) {
            self.pathPrefix && (path = self.pathPrefix + path);
        options = {
            host: self.host
            , port: self.port
            , path: method === 'GET' ? self.generatePath(path, params) : path
            , method: method
            , headers: {
                'X-Redmine-API-Key': self.apiKey
            , agent: false // required for ssl options to work

        impersonation && (options.headers['X-Redmine-Switch-User'] = impersonation);

        self.basicAuth && (options.auth = self.basicAuth);
        self.sslCaCert && (options.ca = self.sslCaCert);
        self.sslClientCert && (options.cert = self.sslClientCert);
        self.sslV3Disabled && (options.secureOptions = self.sslV3Disabled);
        keyPass.key && (options.key = keyPass.key);
        keyPass.passphrase && (options.passphrase = keyPass.passphrase);

        req = (self.protocol==='https' ? https : http).request(options, function(res){
            var body='';
            res.on('data', function(chunk) {
                body += chunk;
            res.on('end', function() {
                if( !~([200,201]).indexOf(res.statusCode) ){
                    verbose && console.log('STATUSCODE REJECTION:', res.statusCode, '\n' + body);
                    d.reject('STATUSCODE_REJECTION ' + res.statusCode);
                try {
                    var data = JSON.parse(body || res.statusCode);
                    verbose && console.log("Error: Broken json in response:\n", body);
                    d.reject("Error: Broken json in response");


        req.on('error', function(e){
            verbose && console.log('Error: request error', e);

        req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');

        if (method !== 'GET') {
            var body = JSONStringify(params);
            req.setHeader('Content-Length', body.length);
            req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');

        return d.promise.error(function(e){
            if ( e === 'ERROR_REQUEST' && retry.count < retry.maxTry ) {
                verbose && console.log('retry previous request');
                return D.wait(Math.min(1 << retry.count, retry.maxDelay)).then(function(){
                    params.retry = retry;
                    impersonation && (params.impersonate = impersonation);
                    return self.request(method, path, params);
            verbose && console.log('ERROR', e);//, req);
            throw e;

    * @param {string} path without .json extension and leading / e.g. issues or issues/5
    * @return {promise}
    , get: function(path, params){ return this.request('GET', '/' + path + '.json', params); }

    * @param {string} what e.g. issues, projects ...
    * @param {date} since date object or iso string
    * @param {*} params
    * @return {promise}
    , getAllSince: function(what, since, params){
        since.toISOString && (since = since.toISOString());
        params || (params = {} );
        params.sort = 'updated_on:desc';
        params.limit || (params.limit=100);
        var self = this
            , d = D()
            , res = []
            , getNext = function getNext(data){
                var fulfilled=false;
                    if( since >= v.updated_on ){
                    fulfilled || res.push(v);
                if( (!fulfilled) && (data.total_count > (data.limit+data.offset)) ){
                        params.offset = data.limit+data.offset;
                        params.limit = data.limit;
                        return self.get(what, params).success(getNext).rethrow(d.reject);
                return d.resolve(res);
        self.get(what, params).success(getNext).rethrow(d.reject);
        return d.promise;

    * @param {string} path without .json extension and leading / e.g. issues
    * @param {*} params
    * @return {promise}
    , post: function(path, params){
        return this.request('POST', '/' + path + '.json', params);
    * @param {string} path without .json extension and leading / e.g. issues/id
    * @param {*} params
    * @return {promise}
    , put: function(path, params){
        return this.request('PUT', '/' + path + '.json', params);

    * @param {string} path without .json extension and leading / e.g. issues/id
    * @param {*} params
    * @return {promise}
    , del: function(path, params){
        return this.request('DELETE', '/' + path + '.json', params);

    /// CRUD ISSUES APIS ///
    , getIssues: function(params){ return this.get('issues', params); }
    , getIssue: function(id, params){
        return this.get('issues/' + id, params)
            .success(function(issueContainer){ return issueContainer.issue || issueContainer;})
    , getAllIssuesSince:function(since, params){
        return this.getAllSince('issues', since, params);
    , postIssue: function(issue, params) {
        params || (params = {});
        params.issue = issue;
        return this.post('issues', params);
    , updateIssue: function(id, issue, params) {
        params || (params = {});
        params.issue = issue;
        return this.put('issues/' + id, params);
    , deleteIssue: function(id, params) { this.del('issues/' + id, params); }

    ///----- USERS METHODS -----///
    , getUsers: function(params){ return this.get('users', params); }
    , getUser: function(id, params){ return this.get('users/' + id, params); }
    , getUserCurrent:function(params){ return this.get('users/current', params); }

    ///----- PROJECTS METHODS -----///
    ,getProjects: function(params){ return this.get('projects', params); }
    ,getProject: function(id, params){ return this.get('projects/' + id, params); }
    ,getAllProjectsSince: function(since, params) {
        return this.getAllSince('projects', since, params);

    ///----- TIME_ENTRIES METHOD -----///
    ,getTimeEntries: function(params){return this.get('time_entries', params); }
    ,getTimeEntry: function(id, params){ return this.get('time_entries/' + id, params); }
    ,postTimeEntry: function(timeEntry, params){
        params || (params = {});
        params.time_entry = timeEntry;
        return this.post('time_entries', params);
    ,updateTimeEntry: function(id, timeEntry, params){
        params || (params = {});
        params.time_entry = timeEntry;
        return this.put('time_entries/' + id, params);
    ,deleteTimeEntry: function(id, params) { return this.del('time_entries/' + id, params); }

for( var prop in proto){ Redmine.prototype[prop] = proto[prop]; }

 * Exports
module.exports = Redmine;