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# Gollum
**A Swift A/B testing framework for iOS**

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A/B testing (also known as split testing) is a good practice to test new concepts. Gollum is a A/B testing framework easy to use and inspired on some best practices in Swift, like:
* Value Types (structs and enums)
* Error Handling (ErrorType and throws)
* Compile time feedback

## Instalation (Cocoapods)
Add to your `Podfile`:
pod 'Gollum'
Then run the command below:
$ pod install

## Usage
Create a `enum` with `Version` type for your A/B test. Pass on each case a string with version name (e.g. `a`) and its probability (e.g. `0.5`), both separated by `:`.
enum MyABTest: Version {
    case a = "A:0.5"
    case b = "B:0.5"
Register the test's cases in Gollum:
try Gollum.instance.registerVersions([MyABTest.a, MyABTest.b])

After registration, you can check which version was selected using `getSelectedVersion`:
switch try Gollum.instance.getSelectedVersion(MyABTest.self) {
case .a:
    view.backgroundColor =
case .b:
    view.backgroundColor =

Or using `isVersionSelected`:
if try Gollum.instance.isVersionSelected(MyABTest.a) {
    view.backgroundColor =
} else if try Gollum.instance.isVersionSelected(MyABTest.b) {
    view.backgroundColor =

## Error Handling
To avoid unexpected scenarios during an A/B testing, it's important treat errors. Gollum can throw these errors:
public enum GollumError: Error {
    case versionSyntaxError(String)
    case probabilitySumIncorrect(String)
    case emptyVersionArrayPassed(String)
    case selectedVersionNotFound(String)

If an A/B testing enum is created with wrong syntax, like missing version name or probability, the application will crash with error `versionSyntaxError`:
enum MyABTest: Version {
    case a = ":0.5"
    case b = "B:0.5"

Error message:
fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: Gollum.GollumError.versionSyntaxError("ABTest case expression must have name and probability values splitted by : (e.g. \"MyTestCaseA:0.5\")")

During an A/B test registration, the method `registerVersions` can throws `emptyVersionArrayPassed`, `selectedVersionNotFound` or `probabilitySumIncorrect` errors.

Also methods `getSelectedVersion` and `isVersionSelected` can throw `selectedVersionNotFound` error.

## Objective-C
Because of some Swift's features, Gollum doesn't work in Objective-C.

## License
Gollum is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.