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# AmpConverter Bundle
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## Features

Basic features list:

 * Convert Classic Html to AmpHtml
 * Get The list of needed scripts for AmpHtml

Supported Elements:

 * amp-iframe
 * amp-audio
 * amp-brightcove
 * amp-dailymotion
 * amp-image
 * amp-video
 * amp-vimeo
 * amp-youtube
 * amp-facebook
 * amp-instagram
 * amp-pinterest
 * amp-twitter

 Tested Elements:

 - [ ] amp-iframe
 - [ ] amp-audio
 - [ ] amp-brightcove
 - [x] amp-dailymotion
 - [x] amp-image
 - [ ] amp-video
 - [ ] amp-vimeo
 - [ ] amp-youtube
 - [ ] amp-facebook
 - [ ] amp-instagram
 - [ ] amp-pinterest
 - [x] amp-twitter

## Install

Install with composer :
composer require elephantly/amp-converter-bundle
Then in your *AppKernel.php* file add:
new Elephantly\AmpConverterBundle\ElephantlyAmpConverterBundle(),
Finally, just use the service to access functions:
$converter  = $this->get('elephantly.amp_converter');
$ampHtml    = $converter->convert($html);
$ampScripts = $converter->getAmpScripts($html);
And you're done

## Pull Requests:

Pull requests are very welcome :D
Pleas do not hesitate to tell us if you wnat a feature, see any issue, or just want to discuss the future of the bundle...

## Todo

 - [ ] Complete Contributing guide
 - [ ] Test all Elements
 - [ ] Create Empty Converter to clone

### Stuff used to make this:

 * [PHP](http://php.net/) >= 5.3.0
 * [marc1706/fast-image-size](https://github.com/marc1706/fast-image-size)
 * [symfony/css-selector](https://github.com/symfony/css-selector)
 * [kriswallsmith/buzz](https://github.com/kriswallsmith/Buzz)
 * [symfony/framework-bundle](https://github.com/symfony/framework-bundle)