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// "gedcom diff" is a tool for comparing GEDCOM files and producing a HTML
// report.
// Usage
//   gedcom diff -left-gedcom file1.ged -right-gedcom file2.ged -output out.html
// For a complete list of options use:
//   gedcom diff -help
package main

import (


func newDocumentFromGEDCOMFile(path string, optionAllowMultiLine, optionAllowInvalidIndents bool) (*gedcom.Document, error) {
    file, err := os.Open(path)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    decoder := gedcom.NewDecoder(file)
    decoder.AllowMultiLine = optionAllowMultiLine
    decoder.AllowInvalidIndents = optionAllowInvalidIndents

    return decoder.Decode()

func runDiffCommand() {
    var optionLeftGedcomFile string
    var optionRightGedcomFile string
    var optionOutputFile string
    var optionShow string // see optionShow constants.
    var optionGoogleAnalyticsID string
    var optionProgress bool
    var optionJobs int
    var optionMinimumSimilarity float64
    var optionMinimumWeightedSimilarity float64
    var optionSort string // see optionSort constants.
    var optionPreferPointerAbove float64
    var optionAllowMultiLine bool
    var optionAllowInvalidIndents bool

    // Input files. Must be provided.
    flag.StringVar(&optionLeftGedcomFile, "left-gedcom", "",
        "Required. Left GEDCOM file.")

    flag.StringVar(&optionRightGedcomFile, "right-gedcom", "",
        "Required. Right GEDCOM file.")

    flag.StringVar(&optionOutputFile, "output", "", "Output file.")

    flag.StringVar(&optionShow, "show", html.DiffPageShowAll, util.CLIDescription(`
        The "-show" option controls which individuals are shown in the output:

        "all": Default. Show all individuals from both files.

        "only-matches": Only show individuals that match in both files. You can
        control the threshold with the "-minimum-weighted-similarity" and
        "-minimum-similarity" options. This is useful when comparing trees that
        are unlikely to have many matches.

        "subset": The right side will be considered a smaller part of the larger
        left side. This means that individuals that entirely exist on the left
        side will not be shown. This is useful when comparing a smaller part of
        a tree with a larger tree.`))

    flag.StringVar(&optionGoogleAnalyticsID, "google-analytics-id", "",
        "The Google Analytics ID, like 'UA-78454410-2'.")

    flag.BoolVar(&optionProgress, "progress", false, "Show progress bar.")

    flag.IntVar(&optionJobs, "jobs", 1, util.CLIDescription(`Number of jobs to run in
        parallel. If you are comparing large trees this will make the process
        faster but will consume more CPU.`))

        "minimum-weighted-similarity", gedcom.DefaultMinimumSimilarity,
        util.CLIDescription(`The weighted minimum similarity is the threshold
            for whether two individuals should be the seen as the same person
            when the surrounding immediate family is taken into consideration.

            This value must be between 0 and 1 and is the primary way to adjust
            the sensitivity of matches. It is best to also set
            "-minimum-similarity" to the same value.

            A higher value means you will get less matches but they will be of
            higher quality. If you are comparing trees that do not share many of
            the same individuals you should consider raising this to prevent

        "minimum-similarity", gedcom.DefaultMinimumSimilarity,
        util.CLIDescription(`The minimum similarity is the threshold for
            matching individuals as the same person. This is used to compare
            only the individual (not surrounding family) like spouses and

            This value must be between 0 and 1 and should be set to the same
            value as "minimum-weighted-similarity" if you are unsure.`))

    flag.StringVar(&optionSort, "sort", html.DiffPageSortWrittenName,
            Controls how the individuals are sorted in the output:

            "written-name": Sort individuals by written their written name.

            "highest-similarity": Sort the individuals by their match
            similarity. Highest matches will appear first.`))

    flag.Float64Var(&optionPreferPointerAbove, "prefer-pointer-above",
        gedcom.DefaultMinimumSimilarity, util.CLIDescription(fmt.Sprintf(`
            Controls if two individuals should be considered a match by their
            pointer value.

            The default value is %f which means that the individuals will be
            considered a match if they share the same pointer and hit the same
            default minimum similarity.

            A value of 1.0 would have to be a perfect match to be considered
            equal on their pointer, this is the same as disabling the feature.

            A value of 0.0 would mean that it always trusts the pointer match,
            even if the individuals are nothing alike.

            This option makes sense when you are comparing documents that have
            come from the same base and retained the pointers between
            individuals of the existing data.
            `, gedcom.DefaultMinimumSimilarity)))

    flag.BoolVar(&optionAllowMultiLine, "allow-multi-line", false,
            It is not valid for GEDCOM values to contain new lines or carriage
            returns. However, some application dump data without correctly using
            the CONT tags.

            Strictly speaking we should bail out with an error but there are too
            many cases that are difficult to clean up for consumers so we offer
            and option to permit it.

            When enabled any line than cannot be parsed will be considered an
            extension of the previous line (including the new line character).

    flag.BoolVar(&optionAllowInvalidIndents, "allow-invalid-indents", false,
            When enabled, -allow-invalid-indents allows a child node to have an
            indent greater than +1 of the parent. -allow-invalid-indents is
            disabled by default because if this happens the GEDCOM file is
            broken in some possibly serious way and certainly not a valid GEDCOM

            The biggest problem with having the indents wrongly aligned is that
            nodes that are expected to be a certain depth (such as NPFX inside a
            NAME) will probably break or interfere with a traversal algorithm
            that is not expecting the node to be there/at that level. This may
            lead to unexpected behavior.

    filterFlags := &gedcom.FilterFlags{}

    err := flag.CommandLine.Parse(os.Args[2:])
    if err != nil {

    if optionLeftGedcomFile == "" {
        fatalln(`-left-gedcom is required`)

    if optionRightGedcomFile == "" {
        fatalln(`-right-gedcom is required`)

    if optionOutputFile == "" {
        fatalln(`-output is required`)

    optionShowValues := gedcom.NewStringSet(

    if !optionShowValues.Has(optionShow) {
        fatalln(`invalid "-show" value: %s`, optionShow)

    optionSortValues := gedcom.NewStringSet(

    if !optionSortValues.Has(optionSort) {
        fatalln(`invalid "-sort" value: %s`, optionSort)

    similarityOptions := gedcom.NewSimilarityOptions()
    similarityOptions.MinimumWeightedSimilarity = optionMinimumWeightedSimilarity
    similarityOptions.PreferPointerAbove = optionPreferPointerAbove
    similarityOptions.MinimumSimilarity = optionMinimumSimilarity

    compareOptions := gedcom.NewIndividualNodesCompareOptions()
    compareOptions.SimilarityOptions = similarityOptions
    compareOptions.Notifier = make(chan gedcom.Progress)
    compareOptions.NotifierStep = 100
    compareOptions.Jobs = optionJobs

    // Gracefully handle a ctrl+c.
    signaller := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
    signal.Notify(signaller, os.Interrupt)
    go func() {

        defer func() {
            // The panic may occur if crtl+c happens after the comparisons after
            // the comparisons are finished but it's still rendering the output.
            // We tried our best, exit with a failure code.

        // This is the correct way to abort the comparisons.

    leftGedcom, err := newDocumentFromGEDCOMFile(
        optionLeftGedcomFile, optionAllowMultiLine, optionAllowInvalidIndents)

    rightGedcom, err := newDocumentFromGEDCOMFile(
        optionRightGedcomFile, optionAllowMultiLine, optionAllowInvalidIndents)

    // Run compare.
    leftIndividuals := leftGedcom.Individuals()
    rightIndividuals := rightGedcom.Individuals()

    out, err := os.Create(optionOutputFile)

    var comparisons gedcom.IndividualComparisons

    go func() {
        comparisons = leftIndividuals.Compare(rightIndividuals, compareOptions)

    if optionProgress {
        progressBar := pb.StartNew(0).Prefix("Comparing Documents")
        progressBar.SetRefreshRate(500 * time.Millisecond)
        progressBar.ShowElapsedTime = true
        progressBar.ShowTimeLeft = true

        for n := range compareOptions.Notifier {

    } else {
        // Wait for notifier channel to be closed.
        for range compareOptions.Notifier {

    diffProgress := make(chan gedcom.Progress)

    page := html.NewDiffPage(comparisons, filterFlags, optionGoogleAnalyticsID,
        optionShow, optionSort, diffProgress, compareOptions, html.LivingVisibilityShow)

    go func() {
        _, err = page.WriteHTMLTo(out)
        if err != nil {


    if optionProgress {
        progressBar := pb.StartNew(0).Prefix("Comparing Individuals")
        progressBar.SetRefreshRate(500 * time.Millisecond)
        progressBar.ShowElapsedTime = true
        progressBar.ShowTimeLeft = true

        for p := range diffProgress {
            if p.Total != 0 {


    } else {
        for range diffProgress {