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# ![Ember User Activity](docs/hero-logo.png)

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This addon provides services for detecting user activity & idling across the entire application.

Check out the [Demo](https://ember-user-activity.jhawk.co/)!

We adhere to the [Ember Community Guidelines](https://emberjs.com/guidelines/) for our Code of Conduct.

## Compatibility

* Ember.js v4.8 or above
* Ember CLI v4.8 or above
* Node.js v18 or above

## Installation

ember install ember-user-activity

## Usage

### User Activity Service

This service fires events from global window listeners.
These listeners trigger on capture, meaning they are not affected by event cancellation.

These `window` events are enabled by default:

* `keydown` - Fires when a key is pressed
* `mousedown` - Fires when a mouse is clicked
* `scroll` - Fires when the user scrolls
* `touchstart` - Fires when a touch point is placed on the touch surface [Mobile-Friendly]
* `storage` - Fires when any activity event is triggered on another tab of the same website. This avoids problems when a user opens up serveral tabs to the same application.
* ~~`mousemove` - Fires when the user moves the mouse~~ [Removed as of v0.2.0](https://github.com/elwayman02/ember-user-activity/issues/16)

A custom event, `userActive` is fired for ALL enabled events.

To catch these events, simply inject the service and subscribe to the events you care about:

import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { service } from '@ember/service';

// any file where services can be injected
export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  @service userActivity;

  setupListeners() {
    this.userActivity.on('userActive', this, this.activeHandler);

  activeHandler(event) {
    // do stuff

Each event handler will receive the standard DOM `event` object
(ex: [mousemove](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/mousemove)).

Unsubscribe from any event by calling `off`:

this.userActivity.off('userActive', this, this.activeHandler);

Note: While our event dispatch system mirrors Ember.Evented, it does not include the `one` method. 
Only `on`, `off`, and `trigger` have been implemented. If you feel `one` is necessary for you, 
we're happy to accept PRs!

#### Event Configuration

If you would like to listen to a different set of events, extend the service in your app:

// app/services/user-activity.js
import UserActivityService from 'ember-user-activity/services/user-activity';

export default class UserActivity extends UserActivityService {
  defaultEvents = ['keypress', 'mouseenter', 'mousemove'];

Additionally, you can enable/disable events after the service has been initialized.


Event names must be from the [DOM Event](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events) list.
Custom events are not currently supported. If you enable an event name
that was not set up by default, a new listener will be created automatically.

You can find out if an event is currently enabled:

this.userActivity.isEnabled('foo'); // false
this.userActivity.isEnabled('keydown'); // true

#### Performance Configuration

Each individual event is throttled by 100ms for performance reasons,
to avoid clogging apps with a firehose of activity events. The length of
the throttling can be configured by setting `EVENT_THROTTLE` on the activity service.

// app/services/user-activity.js
import UserActivityService from 'ember-user-activity/services/user-activity';

export default class UserActivity extends UserActivityService {
  EVENT_THROTTLE = 200; // 200 ms


Setting `EVENT_THROTTLE` to 0 will enable the full firehose of events.
This may cause performance issues in your application if non-trivial
amounts of code are being executed for each event being fired.

### User Idle Service

This service tracks user activity to decide when a user has gone idle by
not interacting with the page for a set amount of time.

import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { service } from '@ember/service';
import { readOnly } from '@ember/object/computed'

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  @service userIdle;


The default timeout is set for 10 minutes but can be overridden by extending the service:

// app/services/user-idle.js
import UserIdleService from 'ember-user-activity/services/user-idle';

export default class UserIdle extends UserIdleService {
  IDLE_TIMEOUT = 300000 // 5 minutes

By default, the idle service listens to the `userActive` event, but it can be
configured to listen to a custom set of events from the `user-activity` service:

// app/services/user-idle.js
import UserIdleService from 'ember-user-activity/services/user-idle';

export default class UserIdle extends UserIdleService {
  activeEvents = ['mousedown', 'keydown'];

Note that the `userActive` event is a superset of all events fired from `user-activity`,
so in most cases you won't need to change this.

The idle service has a `idleChanged` event when `isIdle` gets changed.

import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { service } from '@ember/service';

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  @service userIdle;

  constructor() {
    this.userIdle.on('idleChanged', (isIdle) => {
      // isIdle is true if idle. False otherwise.

### Scroll Activity Service

This service tracks scrolling within the application by periodically checking
(via [requestAnimationFrame](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/window/requestAnimationFrame))
for changes in scroll position for the various scrollable elements in the page. By default, it only
checks `document`, but the [Scroll Activity Mixin](#scroll-activity-mixin) provides an easy
way to register your components as well. The [User Activity Service](#user-activity-service) subscribes to these scrolling events by default, so you do not need to do anything to use this service for global scroll events if you are already injecting the user-activity service.

Any elements can be subscribed to this service:

this.scrollActivity.subscribe(this, element);

`subscribe` requires at least two parameters:

* `target` - Usually `this`, target just needs to be a unique identifier/object
that can be used to unsubscribe from the service
* `element` - The scrollable element (can be a DOM or jQuery element - jQuery not required!)

Two optional parameters may follow:

* `callback` - A callback to execute when scrolling has been detected in the element
* `highPriority` - A boolean (default `true`) specifying this subscriber should eagerly check
  scroll positions on each animation frame. When `false`, it will instead
  use an approximation of idle checking on the UI thread to avoid performing
  measurements at sensitive times for other work (like rendering).

Conversely, elements can also be unsubscribed:


`unsubscribe` only requires the `target` parameter that was initially used to `subscribe`.

### Cleanup

Please remember that subscribing to events can cause memory leaks if they are not properly cleaned up.
Make sure to remove any listeners before destroying their parent objects.

// app/components/foo-bar.js
export default class FooBar extends Component {
  willDestroy() {
    this.userActivity.off('keydown', this, this.keydownHandler);

### Using in an Addon

Building your own addon to extend Ember User Activity? No problem!

// my-addon/addon/services/user-idle.js
import UserIdleService from 'ember-user-activity/services/user-idle';

export default class UserIdle extends UserIdleService {
  IDLE_TIMEOUT = 3000; // 3 minutes

## Contributing

See the [Contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md) guide for details.

## License

This project is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE.md).