

4 days
Test Coverage


namespace Phan;

use ast;
use ast\Node;
use CompileError;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use ParseError;
use Phan\Analysis\DuplicateFunctionAnalyzer;
use Phan\Analysis\ParameterTypesAnalyzer;
use Phan\Analysis\ReferenceCountsAnalyzer;
use Phan\Analysis\ThrowsTypesAnalyzer;
use Phan\AST\ASTSimplifier;
use Phan\AST\Parser;
use Phan\AST\PhanAnnotationAdder;
use Phan\AST\TolerantASTConverter\ParseException;
use Phan\AST\Visitor\Element;
use Phan\Daemon\Request;
use Phan\Exception\FQSENException;
use Phan\Exception\RecursionDepthException;
use Phan\Language\Context;
use Phan\Language\Element\Func;
use Phan\Language\Element\FunctionInterface;
use Phan\Language\Element\Method;
use Phan\Language\FQSEN\FullyQualifiedClassName;
use Phan\Language\FQSEN\FullyQualifiedFunctionName;
use Phan\Language\FQSEN\FullyQualifiedMethodName;
use Phan\Library\FileCache;
use Phan\Library\StringUtil;
use Phan\Parse\ParseVisitor;
use Phan\Plugin\ConfigPluginSet;
use Throwable;

use function count;
use function strlen;

use const STDERR;

 * This class is the entry point into the static analyzer.
class Analysis
     * This first pass parses code and looks for the subset
     * of issues that can be found without having to have
     * an understanding of the entire code base.
     * @param CodeBase $code_base
     * The CodeBase represents state across the entire
     * code base. This is a mutable object which is
     * populated as we parse files
     * @param string $file_path
     * The full path to a file we'd like to parse
     * @param bool $suppress_parse_errors
     * @param ?string $override_contents
     * If this is not null, this function will act as if $file_path's contents
     * were $override_contents
     * @param bool $is_php_internal_stub
     * If this is true, this function will act as though the parsed constants, functions, and classes are actually part of PHP or it's extension's internals.
     * See autoload_internal_extension_signatures.
     * @param ?Request $request probably a \Phan\Daemon\ParseRequest during language server mode.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException for invalid stub files
    public static function parseFile(CodeBase $code_base, string $file_path, bool $suppress_parse_errors = false, string $override_contents = null, bool $is_php_internal_stub = false, ?Request $request = null): Context
        $original_file_path = $file_path;
        if ($is_php_internal_stub) {
            /** @see \Phan\Language\FileRef::isPHPInternal() */
            $file_path = 'internal';
        $context = (new Context())->withFile($file_path);

        // Convert the file to an Abstract Syntax Tree
        // before passing it on to the recursive version
        // of this method

        $real_file_path = Config::projectPath($original_file_path);
        if (\is_string($override_contents)) {
            // TODO: Make $override_contents a persistent entry in FileCache, make Request and language server manage this
            $cache_entry = FileCache::addEntry($real_file_path, $override_contents);
        } else {
            $cache_entry = FileCache::getOrReadEntry($real_file_path);
        $file_contents = $cache_entry->getContents();
        if ($file_contents === '') {
            if ($is_php_internal_stub) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unexpected empty php file for autoload_internal_extension_signatures: path=" . StringUtil::jsonEncode($original_file_path));
            // php-ast would return null for 0 byte files as an implementation detail.
            // Make Phan consistently emit this warning.

            return $context;
        // TODO: Figure out why Phan doesn't suggest combining these catches except in language server mode
        try {
            $node = Parser::parseCode($code_base, $context, $request, $file_path, $file_contents, $suppress_parse_errors);
        } catch (ParseError | CompileError | ParseException $_) {
            return $context;

        if (Config::getValue('dump_ast')) {
            // @phan-file-suppress PhanPluginRemoveDebugEcho
            echo $file_path . "\n"
                . \str_repeat("\u{00AF}", strlen($file_path))
                . "\n";
            return $context;

        if (Config::getValue('simplify_ast')) {
            try {
                // Transform the original AST, and if successful, then analyze the new AST instead of the original
                $node = ASTSimplifier::applyStatic($node);
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                    Issue::SyntaxError,  // Not the right kind of error. I don't think it would throw, anyway.

        $context = self::parseNodeInContext(
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanAccessMethodInternal
        $code_base->addParsedNamespaceMap($context->getFile(), $context->getNamespace(), $context->getNamespaceId(), $context->getNamespaceMap());
        return $context;

     * Parse the given node in the given context populating
     * the code base within the context as a side effect. The
     * returned context is the new context from within the
     * given node.
     * @param CodeBase $code_base
     * The global code base in which we store all
     * state
     * @param Context $context
     * The context in which this node exists
     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse and scan for errors
     * @return Context
     * The context from within the node is returned
     * @suppress PhanPluginCanUseReturnType
     * NOTE: This is called extremely frequently, so the real signature types were omitted for performance.
    public static function parseNodeInContext(CodeBase $code_base, Context $context, Node $node)
        $kind = $node->kind;

        // Visit the given node populating the code base
        // with anything we learn and get a new context
        // indicating the state of the world within the
        // given node.
        // NOTE: This is called extremely frequently
        // (E.g. on a large number of the analyzed project's vendor dependencies,
        // proportionally to the node count in the files), so code style was sacrificed for performance.
        // Equivalent to (new ParseVisitor(...))($node), which uses ParseVisitor->__invoke
        $inner_context = (new ParseVisitor(
        ))->{Element::VISIT_LOOKUP_TABLE[$kind] ?? 'handleMissingNodeKind'}($node);

        // ast\AST_GROUP_USE has ast\AST_USE as a child.
        // We don't want to use block twice in the parse phase.
        // (E.g. `use MyNS\{const A, const B}` would lack the MyNs part if this were to recurse.
        // And ast\AST_DECLARE has AST_CONST_DECL as a child, so don't parse a constant declaration either.
        if ($kind === ast\AST_GROUP_USE) {
            return $inner_context;
        if ($kind === ast\AST_DECLARE) {
            // Check for class declarations, etc. within the statements of a declare directive.
            $child_node = $node->children['stmts'];
            if (\is_object($child_node)) {
                // Step into each child node and get an
                // updated context for the node
                return self::parseNodeInContext($code_base, $inner_context, $child_node);
            return $inner_context;

        // Recurse into each child node
        $child_context = $inner_context;
        foreach ($node->children as $child_node) {
            // Skip any non Node children.
            if (\is_object($child_node)) {
                // Step into each child node and get an
                // updated context for the node
                $child_context = self::parseNodeInContext($code_base, $child_context, $child_node);

        switch ($kind) {
            case ast\AST_CLASS:
            case ast\AST_METHOD:
            case ast\AST_FUNC_DECL:
            case ast\AST_ARROW_FUNC:
            case ast\AST_CLOSURE:
                // For closed context elements (that have an inner scope)
                // return the outer context instead of their inner context
                // after we finish parsing their children.
                return $context;
            case ast\AST_STMT_LIST:
                // Workaround that ensures that the context from namespace blocks gets passed to the caller.
                return $child_context;
                // Pass the context back up to our parent
                return $inner_context;

     * Take a pass over all functions verifying various states.
     * @param ?array<string,mixed> $file_filter if non-null, limit analysis to functions and methods declared in this array
    public static function analyzeFunctions(CodeBase $code_base, array $file_filter = null): void
        $plugin_set = ConfigPluginSet::instance();
        $has_function_or_method_plugins = $plugin_set->hasAnalyzeFunctionPlugins() || $plugin_set->hasAnalyzeMethodPlugins();
        $show_progress = CLI::shouldShowProgress();
        $analyze_function_or_method = static function (FunctionInterface $function_or_method) use (
        ): void {
            if ($function_or_method->isPHPInternal()) {
            // Phan always has to call this, to add default values to types of parameters.

            // If there is an array limiting the set of files, skip this file if it's not in the list.
            if (\is_array($file_filter) && !isset($file_filter[$function_or_method->getContext()->getFile()])) {


            // This is the most time consuming step.
            // Can probably apply this to other functions, but this was the slowest.

            // Infer more accurate return types
            // For daemon mode/the language server, we also call this whenever we use the return type of a function/method.

            // Let any plugins analyze the methods or functions
            // XXX: Add a way to run plugins on all functions/methods, this was limited for speed.
            // Assumes that the given plugins will emit an issue in the same file as the function/method,
            // which isn't necessarily the case.
            // 0.06
            if ($has_function_or_method_plugins) {
                if ($function_or_method instanceof Func) {
                } elseif ($function_or_method instanceof Method) {

        // Analyze user-defined method declarations.
        // Plugins may also analyze user-defined methods here.
        $i = 0;
        CLI::progress('function', 0.0, null);
        $function_map = $code_base->getFunctionMap();
        foreach ($function_map as $function) {  // iterate, ignoring $fqsen
            if ($show_progress) {
                CLI::progress('function', (++$i) / (count($function_map)), $function);

        // Analyze user-defined method declarations.
        // Plugins may also analyze user-defined methods here.
        $i = 0;
        $method_set = $code_base->getMethodSet();
        CLI::progress('method', 0.0, null);
        foreach ($method_set as $method) {
            if ($show_progress) {
                // I suspect that method analysis is hydrating some of the classes,
                // adding even more inherited methods to the end of the set.
                // This recalculation is needed so that the progress bar is accurate.
                CLI::progress('method', (++$i) / (count($method_set)), $method);

     * Loads extra logic for analyzing function and method calls.
     * @suppress PhanPluginUnknownObjectMethodCall TODO: Fix for ArrayObject<FullyQualifiedMethodName>
    public static function loadMethodPlugins(CodeBase $code_base): void
        $plugin_set = ConfigPluginSet::instance();
        $return_type_overrides = $plugin_set->getReturnTypeOverrides($code_base);
        $return_type_override_fqsen_strings = [];
        foreach ($return_type_overrides as $fqsen_string => $unused_closure) {
            if (\strpos($fqsen_string, '::') !== false) {
                try {
                    $fqsen = FullyQualifiedMethodName::fromFullyQualifiedString($fqsen_string);
                } catch (FQSENException | InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                    // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPluginRemoveDebugCall
                    \fprintf(STDERR, "getReturnTypeOverrides returned an invalid FQSEN %s: %s\n", $fqsen_string, $e->getMessage());

                // The FQSEN that's actually in the code base is allowed to differ from what the plugin used as an array key.
                // Thus, we use $fqsen->__toString() rather than $fqsen_string.
                $return_type_override_fqsen_strings[$fqsen->__toString()] = true;

        $methods_by_defining_fqsen = null;
        foreach ($return_type_overrides as $fqsen_string => $closure) {
            try {
                if (\strpos($fqsen_string, '::') !== false) {
                    $fqsen = FullyQualifiedMethodName::fromFullyQualifiedString($fqsen_string);
                    $class_fqsen = $fqsen->getFullyQualifiedClassName();
                    // We have to call hasClassWithFQSEN before calling hasMethodWithFQSEN in order to autoload the internal function signatures.
                    // TODO: Move class autoloading into hasMethodWithFQSEN()?
                    if ($code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($class_fqsen)) {
                        // This is an override of a method.
                        if ($code_base->hasMethodWithFQSEN($fqsen)) {
                            // The $fqsen_string from a plugin can refer to a method
                            // that is not the original definition.
                            $method = $code_base->getMethodByFQSEN($fqsen);

                            $methods_by_defining_fqsen = $methods_by_defining_fqsen ?? $code_base->getMethodsMapGroupedByDefiningFQSEN();
                            if (!$methods_by_defining_fqsen->offsetExists($fqsen)) {

                            // 1) The FQSEN that's actually in the code base is allowed to differ from what the plugin used as an array key.
                            //      Thus, we use $fqsen->__toString() rather than $fqsen_string.
                            // 2) The parent method is included in this list, i.e. the parent method is its own defining method.
                            foreach ($methods_by_defining_fqsen->offsetGet($fqsen) as $child_method) {
                                if ($child_method->getFQSEN() !== $fqsen &&
                                ) {
                                    // An override closure targeting SubClass::foo should take precedence over BaseClass::foo
                                    // even if the definition was BaseClass::foo
                } else {
                    // This is an override of a function.
                    $fqsen = FullyQualifiedFunctionName::fromFullyQualifiedString($fqsen_string);
                    if ($code_base->hasFunctionWithFQSEN($fqsen)) {
                        $function = $code_base->getFunctionByFQSEN($fqsen);
            } catch (FQSENException | InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPluginRemoveDebugCall
                \fprintf(STDERR, "getReturnTypeOverrides returned an invalid FQSEN %s: %s\n", $fqsen_string, $e->getMessage());

        foreach ($plugin_set->getAnalyzeFunctionCallClosures($code_base) as $fqsen_string => $closure) {
            try {
                if (\strpos($fqsen_string, '::') !== false) {
                    // This is an override of a method.
                    [$class, $method_name] = \explode('::', $fqsen_string, 2);
                    $class_fqsen = FullyQualifiedClassName::fromFullyQualifiedString($class);
                    if (!$code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($class_fqsen)) {
                    $class = $code_base->getClassByFQSEN($class_fqsen);
                    // Note: This is used because it will create methods such as __construct if they do not exist.
                    if ($class->hasMethodWithName($code_base, $method_name, false)) {
                        $method = $class->getMethodByName($code_base, $method_name);

                        $methods_by_defining_fqsen = $methods_by_defining_fqsen ?? $code_base->getMethodsMapGroupedByDefiningFQSEN();
                        $fqsen = FullyQualifiedMethodName::fromFullyQualifiedString($fqsen_string);
                        if (!$methods_by_defining_fqsen->offsetExists($fqsen)) {

                        foreach ($methods_by_defining_fqsen->offsetGet($fqsen) as $child_method) {
                } else {
                    // This is an override of a function.
                    $fqsen = FullyQualifiedFunctionName::fromFullyQualifiedString($fqsen_string);
                    if ($code_base->hasFunctionWithFQSEN($fqsen)) {
                        $function = $code_base->getFunctionByFQSEN($fqsen);
            } catch (FQSENException | InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPluginRemoveDebugCall
                \fprintf(STDERR, "getAnalyzeFunctionCallClosures returned an invalid FQSEN %s: %s\n", $fqsen_string, $e->getMessage());

     * Take a pass over all classes/traits/interfaces
     * verifying various states.
     * @param ?array<string,mixed> $path_filter if non-null, limit analysis to classes in this array
    public static function analyzeClasses(CodeBase $code_base, array $path_filter = null): void
        CLI::progress('classes', 0.0, null);
        $classes = $code_base->getUserDefinedClassMap();
        if (\is_array($path_filter)) {
            // If a list of files is provided, then limit analysis to classes defined in those files.
            $old_classes = $classes;
            $classes = [];
            foreach ($old_classes as $class) {
                if (isset($path_filter[$class->getContext()->getFile()])) {
                    $classes[] = $class;
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($classes as $class) {
            CLI::progress('classes', $i++ / count($classes), null);
            try {
            } catch (RecursionDepthException $_) {
        CLI::progress('classes', 1.0, null);

     * Take a look at all globally accessible elements and see if
     * we can find any dead code that is never referenced
    public static function analyzeDeadCode(CodeBase $code_base): void
        // Check to see if dead code detection is enabled. Keep
        // in mind that the results here are just a guess and
        // we can't tell with certainty that anything is
        // definitely unreferenced.
        if (!Config::getValue('dead_code_detection')) {


     * Once we know what the universe looks like we
     * can scan for more complicated issues.
     * @param CodeBase $code_base
     * The global code base holding all state
     * @param ?Request $request
     * A daemon mode request if in daemon mode. May affect the parser used for $file_path
     * @param ?string $override_contents
     * If this is not null, this function will act as if $file_path's contents
     * were $override_contents
    public static function analyzeFile(
        CodeBase $code_base,
        string $file_path,
        ?Request $request,
        string $override_contents = null
    ): Context {
        // Set the file on the context
        $context = (new Context())->withFile($file_path);
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanAccessMethodInternal


        // Convert the file to an Abstract Syntax Tree
        // before passing it on to the recursive version
        // of this method
        try {
            $real_file_path = Config::projectPath($file_path);
            if (\is_string($override_contents)) {
                $cache_entry = FileCache::addEntry($real_file_path, $override_contents);
            } else {
                $cache_entry = FileCache::getOrReadEntry($real_file_path);
            $file_contents = $cache_entry->getContents();
            if ($file_contents === '') {
                // php-ast would return null for 0 byte files as an implementation detail.
                // Make Phan consistently emit this warning.

                return $context;
            $node = Parser::parseCode($code_base, $context, $request, $file_path, $file_contents, false);
        } catch (ParseException | ParseError | CompileError $_) {
            // Issue::SyntaxError was already emitted.
            return $context;

        if (Config::getValue('simplify_ast')) {
            try {
                // Transform the original AST, and if successful, then analyze the new AST instead of the original
                $node = ASTSimplifier::applyStatic($node);
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                // Not the right kind of Issue to show to the user. I don't think it would throw, anyway.
                self::emitSyntaxError($code_base, $context, $e);

        ConfigPluginSet::instance()->beforeAnalyzeFile($code_base, $context, $file_contents, $node);

        $context = (new BlockAnalysisVisitor($code_base, $context))($node);
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanAccessMethodInternal

        ConfigPluginSet::instance()->afterAnalyzeFile($code_base, $context, $file_contents, $node);
        return $context;

    private static function emitSyntaxError(
        CodeBase $code_base,
        Context $context,
        Throwable $e
    ): void {