

6 hrs
Test Coverage


namespace Phan\Analysis;

use ast;
use ast\Node;
use Closure;
use Exception;
use Phan\AST\PhanAnnotationAdder;
use Phan\AST\UnionTypeVisitor;
use Phan\CodeBase;
use Phan\Issue;
use Phan\Language\Context;
use Phan\Language\Type\StringType;
use Phan\Language\UnionType;
use Phan\Parse\ParseVisitor;

 * Contains miscellaneous utilities for warning about redundant and impossible conditions
class RedundantCondition
    private const LOOP_ISSUE_NAMES = [
        Issue::RedundantCondition           => Issue::RedundantConditionInLoop,
        Issue::ImpossibleCondition          => Issue::ImpossibleConditionInLoop,
        Issue::ImpossibleTypeComparison     => Issue::ImpossibleTypeComparisonInLoop,
        Issue::SuspiciousValueComparison    => Issue::SuspiciousValueComparisonInLoop,
        Issue::SuspiciousWeakTypeComparison => Issue::SuspiciousWeakTypeComparisonInLoop,
        Issue::CoalescingNeverNull          => Issue::CoalescingNeverNullInLoop,
        Issue::CoalescingAlwaysNull         => Issue::CoalescingAlwaysNullInLoop,

    private const GLOBAL_ISSUE_NAMES = [
        Issue::RedundantCondition           => Issue::RedundantConditionInGlobalScope,
        Issue::ImpossibleCondition          => Issue::ImpossibleConditionInGlobalScope,
        Issue::ImpossibleTypeComparison     => Issue::ImpossibleTypeComparisonInGlobalScope,
        Issue::SuspiciousValueComparison    => Issue::SuspiciousValueComparisonInGlobalScope,
        Issue::SuspiciousWeakTypeComparison => Issue::SuspiciousWeakTypeComparisonInGlobalScope,
        Issue::CoalescingNeverNull          => Issue::CoalescingNeverNullInGlobalScope,
        Issue::CoalescingAlwaysNull         => Issue::CoalescingAlwaysNullInGlobalScope,

     * Choose a more specific issue name based on where the issue was emitted from.
     * In loops, Phan's checks have higher false positives.
     * @param Node|int|float|string $node
     * @param string $issue_name
    public static function chooseSpecificImpossibleOrRedundantIssueKind($node, Context $context, string $issue_name): string
        if (ParseVisitor::isNonVariableExpr($node)) {
            return $issue_name;
        if ($context->isInGlobalScope()) {
            return self::GLOBAL_ISSUE_NAMES[$issue_name] ?? $issue_name;
        if ($context->isInLoop()) {
            return self::LOOP_ISSUE_NAMES[$issue_name] ?? $issue_name;

        return $issue_name;

     * Emit an issue. If this is in a loop, defer the check until more is known about possible types of the variable in the loop.
     * @param Node|int|string|float $node
     * @param list<mixed> $issue_args
     * @param Closure(UnionType):bool $is_still_issue
    public static function emitInstance(
        CodeBase $code_base,
        Context $context,
        string $issue_name,
        array $issue_args,
        Closure $is_still_issue,
        bool $specialize_issue = true
    ): void {
        if ($specialize_issue) {
            if ($context->isInLoop() && $node instanceof Node) {
                $type_fetcher = self::getLoopNodeTypeFetcher($code_base, $node);
                if ($type_fetcher) {
                    $context->deferCheckToOutermostLoop(static function (Context $context_after_loop) use ($code_base, $node, $type_fetcher, $is_still_issue, $issue_name, $issue_args, $context): void {
                        $var_type = $type_fetcher($context_after_loop);
                        if ($var_type !== null && ($var_type->isEmpty() || !$is_still_issue($var_type))) {
                            RedundantCondition::chooseSpecificImpossibleOrRedundantIssueKind($node, $context, $issue_name),
            $issue_name = RedundantCondition::chooseSpecificImpossibleOrRedundantIssueKind($node, $context, $issue_name);
            $node->lineno ?? $context->getLineNumberStart(),

     * Returns a closure to fetch the type of an expression that depends on the variables in this loop scope.
     * Currently only supports regular variables
     * @param Node|string|int|float|null $node
     * @return ?Closure(Context):(?UnionType) A closure to fetch the type, or null if the inferred type isn't expected to vary.
     * @internal
    public static function getLoopNodeTypeFetcher(CodeBase $code_base, $node): ?Closure
        if (!($node instanceof Node)) {
            // This scalar won't change.
            return null;
        if ($node->kind === ast\AST_VAR) {
            $var_name = $node->children['name'];
            if (\is_string($var_name)) {
                return static function (Context $context_after_loop) use ($var_name): ?UnionType {
                    $scope = $context_after_loop->getScope();
                    if ($scope->hasVariableWithName($var_name)) {
                        return $scope->getVariableByName($var_name)->getUnionType()->getRealUnionType();
                    return null;
        $variable_set = self::getVariableSet($node);
        if (!$variable_set) {
            // We don't know any variables this uses
            return null;
        return static function (Context $context_after_loop) use ($code_base, $variable_set, $node): ?UnionType {
            $scope = $context_after_loop->getScope();
            foreach ($variable_set as $var_name) {
                if (!$scope->hasVariableWithName($var_name)) {
                    return null;
            try {
                return UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode($code_base, $context_after_loop, $node, false)->getRealUnionType();
            } catch (Exception $_) {
                return null;

     * @param Node|string|int|float $node
     * @return associative-array<int|string, string> the set of variable names.
     * @internal
    public static function getVariableSet($node): array
        if (!$node instanceof Node) {
            return [];
        if ($node->kind === ast\AST_VAR) {
            $var_name = $node->children['name'];
            if (\is_string($var_name)) {
                return [$var_name => $var_name];
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanAccessClassConstantInternal
        if (\in_array($node->kind, PhanAnnotationAdder::SCOPE_START_LIST, true)) {
            return [];
        $result = [];
        foreach ($node->children as $c) {
            if ($c instanceof Node) {
                $result += self::getVariableSet($c);
        return $result;

     * Returns true for if $node is an expression that wouldn't be null, but for which isset($var_node) can return false.
     * e.g. `isset($str[5])`
     * @param Node|string|int|float $node
    public static function shouldNotWarnAboutIssetCheckForNonNullExpression(CodeBase $code_base, Context $context, $node): bool
        if (!$node instanceof Node) {
            return false;
        if ($node->kind === ast\AST_DIM) {
            // Surprisingly, $str[$invalidOffset] is the empty string instead of null, and isset($str[$invalid]) is false.
            return UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode($code_base, $context, $node->children['expr'], false)->canCastToUnionType(StringType::instance(true)->asPHPDocUnionType());
        return false;