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eurekache is cache library, implementing multiple cache source and fallback system.

# Supported Cache Type

- on memory
    - max size
    - expire ttl
- Redis

# Installation

Install eurekache and required packages using `go get` command:

$ go get github.com/evalphobia/eurekache

# Usage

## caches

### Memory cache

// create on-memory cache
maxCacheItemSize := 100 // max allocated caches
expiredTTL := 5 * 60 * 1000 // 5 minutes (millisecond)

mc := memorycache.NewCacheTTL(maxCacheItemSize)

cache := eurekache.New()

### Redis cache

import redigo "github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis"

// create redis cache
redisHost := ""
expiredTTL := 5 * 60 * 1000 // 5 minutes (millisecond)
keyPrefix := "myapp:" // added key prefix before set on redis
dbNumber := 1 // redis db number

pool := &redigo.Pool{
    Dial: func() (redigo.Conn, error) {
        return redigo.Dial("tcp", redisHost)

rc := rediscache.NewRedisCache(pool)

cache := eurekache.New()

### Multiple cache

// search cache using from 1st cache to last cache by index order
cacheSources := []cache{mc, rc}

cache := eurekache.New()

## Set data

cache := eurekache.New()
cache.SetCacheSources([]cache{mc, rc})

// save data to all of caches with default TTL
// when TTL=0, cache is not expired
cache.Set("key", "value")

// save data and cache lives on 24 hours
cache.SetExpire("key", "value", 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)

Eurekache uses `encoding/gob` internally, you register your own types before use it.

type MyType struct {
    Data interface{}

func init() {

## Get data

cache := eurekache.New()
cache.SetCacheSources([]cache{mc, rc})

var ok bool // is cache existed or not

// pass pointer value; type must be equal
var stringValue string
ok = cache.Get("key", &stringValue)

// return interface value
var result interface{}
result, ok = cache.GetInterface("key")
stringValue, ok = result.(string)

// return []byte encoded by gob
var b []byte
b, ok := cache.GetGobBytes("key")
dec := gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(b))
err = dec.Decode(&stringValue)

# Contribution


Before create pull request, check the codes using below commands:

$ go vet
$ gofmt -s -l .
$ golint

And test on your local machine:

# install assertion library
$ go get github.com/stretchr/testify/assert

# you need to install and run redis-server before running test
$ go test ./...