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4 hrs
Test Coverage
package ripper

import (


// DoRip creates *RipProcessor from config and run it.
func DoRip(conf RipConfig) error {
    if err := conf.Init(); err != nil {
        return err
    if err := conf.Validate(); err != nil {
        return err

    conf.Logger.Infof("DoRip", "version:[%s] rev:[%s]", conf.Version, conf.Revision)
    r, err := NewRipProcessor(conf)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer r.Close()

    if err := r.WriteHeader(); err != nil {
        return err

    return r.DoWithProgress()

// RipProcessor is struct for putting spaces between words.
type RipProcessor struct {
    Config    RipConfig
    quoteCols []string
    quoteIdx  []int

// NewRipProcessor returns initialized RipProcessor.
func NewRipProcessor(c RipConfig) (*RipProcessor, error) {
    common, err := NewCommonProcessor(c.CommonConfig)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    r := &RipProcessor{
        CommonProcessor: common,
        Config:          c,
    if len(c.Quotes) != 0 {
    return r, nil

// SetQuoteColumns sets normalizer
func (r *RipProcessor) SetQuoteColumns(cols []string) {
    c := make([]string, len(cols))
    for i, col := range cols {
        c[i] = strings.TrimSpace(col)
    r.quoteCols = c

// ReadHeader reads header columns and sets target column.
func (r *RipProcessor) ReadHeader() error {
    c := r.Config
    switch {
    case c.ColumnNumber > 0:
        return r.CommonProcessor.ReadHeaderWithIndex(c.ColumnNumber - 1)
        return r.readHeaderByName(c.Column)

// readHeaderByName reads header columns and check target column is existed or not.
func (r *RipProcessor) readHeaderByName(col string) error {
    header, err := r.r.Read()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    hasColumn := false
    for idx, val := range header {
        if val == col {
            r.columnIndex = idx
            hasColumn = true
        for _, q := range r.quoteCols {
            if val == q {
                r.quoteIdx = append(r.quoteIdx, idx)
    if !hasColumn {
        return fmt.Errorf("cannnot find column name in header: col:[%s] headers:[%+v]", col, header)

    r.inputHeader = header
    return nil

// WriteHeader writes header columns
func (r *RipProcessor) WriteHeader() error {
    c := r.Config

    // read header if not read yet
    if len(r.inputHeader) == 0 {
        err := r.ReadHeader()
        if err != nil {
            return err

    // expand output header
    inHeader := r.inputHeader
    headerLen := len(inHeader)
    opHeader := make([]string, headerLen, headerLen+3)
    copy(opHeader, inHeader)

    // extra header name
    colText := c.Prefix + "text"
    colWordCount := c.Prefix + "word_count"
    colNonWordCount := c.Prefix + "non_word_count"
    colCharCount := c.Prefix + "raw_char_count"

    if !r.Config.ReplaceText {
        opHeader = append(opHeader, colText)

    extraHeaders := []string{colWordCount, colNonWordCount, colCharCount}
    for _, p := range r.plugins {
        extraHeaders = append(extraHeaders, c.Prefix+p.Title)
    for _, p := range r.postFilters {
        extraHeaders = append(extraHeaders, c.Prefix+p.Title)

    r.outputHeader = append(opHeader, extraHeaders...)

    // write to file
    return r.w.Write(r.outputHeader)

// DoWithProgress processes with showing progress.
func (r *RipProcessor) DoWithProgress() error {

    conf := r.Config
    logger := conf.Logger
    logger.Infof("Run", "read and write lines...")

    err := r.Do()
    if err != nil {
        logger.Errorf("Run", "error on r.Process() err:[%s]", err.Error())
        return err

    logger.Infof("Run", "finish process")
    return nil

// Do processes each lines, read data, tokenize, and write it.
func (r *RipProcessor) Do() error {
    defer r.Close()
    c := r.Config
    logger := c.Logger
    if c.UseRankingForStopWord() {
        rank, err := r.doGetRankStopWord()
        if err != nil {
            return err

    idx := r.columnIndex
    tok := r.tok

    lastLineNo := 1
    lastLineText := ""
    defer func() {
        err := recover()
        if err == nil {
        logger.Errorf("Do", "unknown error occurred on Line:[%d] Text:[%s]\n", lastLineNo, lastLineText)

    for {
        line, err := r.r.Read()
        switch {
        case err == io.EOF:
            // end of file
            return nil
        case err != nil:
            logger.Errorf("Do", "r.r.Read() err:[%s]\n", err.Error())
            return err

        text := &TextData{}

        // tokenize text
        lastLineText = line[idx]
        text.raw = line[idx]
        text.normalized = r.applyPreFilters(text.raw)
        text.words, text.nonWords = tok.Tokenize(text.normalized)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        if c.Debug {
            showDebug(logger, text)

        // create result line
        words := text.words.GetWords()
        wordCount := strconv.Itoa(len(words))
        nonWordCount := strconv.Itoa(len(text.nonWords.GetWords()))
        textLen := strconv.Itoa(utf8.RuneCountInString(text.raw))
        wordLine := strings.Join(words, " ")
        if c.ShowResult {
            logger.Infof("Do", wordLine)
        if c.DropEmpty && wordLine == "" {

        var results []string
        if c.ReplaceText {
            line[idx] = wordLine
        } else {
            results = append(results, wordLine)
        results = append(results, wordCount, nonWordCount, textLen)

        results = r.applyPlugins(results, text)
        results = r.applyPostFilters(results, line)

        // quoting
        for _, i := range r.quoteIdx {
            line[i] = `"` + line[i] + `"`

        // write result line
        results = append(line, results...)
        err = r.w.Write(results)
        if err != nil {
            logger.Errorf("Do", "r.w.Write() err:[%s]\n", err.Error())
            return err

// doGetRankStopWord gets word frequency for the stop words.
func (r *RipProcessor) doGetRankStopWord() (RankResult, error) {
    c := r.Config
    rp, err := NewRankProcessor(RankConfig{
        CommonConfig: c.CommonConfig,
        TopNumber:    c.StopWordTopNumber,
        TopPercent:   c.StopWordTopPercent,
        LastNumber:   c.StopWordLastNumber,
        LastPercent:  c.StopWordLastPercent,
        UseUnique:    c.UseStopWordUnique,
    if err != nil {
        return RankResult{}, err

    return rp.GetRank()

func showDebug(logger log.Logger, text *TextData) {
    const sep = "=============================="
    const sepMin = "------"
    data := make([]string, 0, 1024)
    data = append(data, sep)
    data = append(data, text.raw)
    data = append(data, sepMin)
    data = append(data, text.normalized)
    data = append(data, fmt.Sprintf("%s words: %d", sepMin, len(text.words.List)))
    for _, t := range text.words.List {
        features := strings.Join(t.Token.Features(), ",")
        data = append(data, fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%v", t.Token.Surface, features))
    data = append(data, fmt.Sprintf("%s non-words: %d\n", sepMin, len(text.words.List)))
    for _, t := range text.nonWords.List {
        features := strings.Join(t.Token.Features(), ",")
        data = append(data, fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%v", t.Token.Surface, features))
    data = append(data, sepMin)
    logger.Debugf("", strings.Join(data, "\n"))