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package wiw

import (
    _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" //side effects for mysql

type MySQLRepository struct {

//NewMySQLRepo builds and initializes a MySQL db conncetion using passed dns arguments
func NewMySQLRepo(dsn string) (*MySQLRepository, error) {
    var err error
    r := &MySQLRepository{}

    if r.DB, err = gorm.Open("mysql", dsn); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    r.AutoMigrate(&User{}, &Shift{})
    return r, r.Error

func (r *MySQLRepository) ShiftsForUser(ID int) ([]Shift, error) {
    user := User{}
    shifts := []Shift{}
    if result := r.First(&user, ID); result.Error != nil {
        return nil, result.Error
    result := r.DB.Model(&user).Related(&shifts, "EmployeeID")
    return shifts, result.Error

func (r *MySQLRepository) ColleaguesForUser(ID int) ([]ColleaguesResult, error) {
    results := []ColleaguesResult{}
    IDStr := strconv.Itoa(ID)
    result := r.Table("shifts as s").
        Select("ss.id AS shift_id, ss.employee_id AS colleague_id, ss.start_time AS colleague_start_time," +
        "ss.end_time AS colleague_end_time,s.start_time AS employee_start_time," +
        "s.end_time AS employee_end_time").
        Joins("INNER JOIN shifts AS ss ON s.employee_id = " + IDStr + " AND ss.employee_id !=" + IDStr).
        Where("s.start_time < ss.end_time AND s.end_time > ss.start_time").

    return results, result.Error

func (r *MySQLRepository) ManagersForUser(ID int) ([]User, error) {
    managers := []User{}
    result := r.Table("users u, shifts s").Select("u.*").
        Where("u.id = s.manager_id  AND s.employee_id = ?", ID).Find(&managers)
    return managers, result.Error


func (r *MySQLRepository) ShiftsInRange(from string, to string) ([]Shift, error) {
    shifts := []Shift{}
    result := r.Where("start_time BETWEEN ? AND ?", from, to).Preload("Manager").Find(&shifts)
    return shifts, result.Error
func (r *MySQLRepository) UserDetails(ID int) (User, error) {
    user := User{}
    result := r.First(&user, ID)
    return user, result.Error

func (r *MySQLRepository) CreateShift(shift *Shift) error {
    return r.Create(shift).Error

func (r *MySQLRepository) UpdateOrCreateShift(shift *Shift) error {
    return r.Where(shift).FirstOrCreate(shift).Error