{% extends "admin/change_list.html" %}
{% load i18n admin_list admin_interface_tags %}
{# copied from django 5.1.2 #}
{% block filters %}
{% if cl.has_filters %}
<nav id="changelist-filter" aria-labelledby="changelist-filter-header">
<h2 id="changelist-filter-header">{% translate 'Filter' %}</h2>
{% if cl.is_facets_optional or cl.has_active_filters %}
<div id="changelist-filter-extra-actions">
{% if cl.is_facets_optional %}
{% if cl.add_facets %}
{# Translators: don't translate this, the django catalog already contains it #}
<a href="{{ cl.remove_facet_link }}" class="hidelink">{% translate "Hide counts" %}</a>
{% else %}
{# Translators: don't translate this, the django catalog already contains it #}
<a href="{{ cl.add_facet_link }}" class="viewlink">{% translate "Show counts" %}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<!-- {# begin "list_filter_removal_links" #} -->
{% get_admin_interface_active_date_hierarchy cl as active_date_hierarchy %}
{% get_admin_interface_setting "list_filter_removal_links" as list_filter_removal_links %}
{% if list_filter_removal_links %}
{% if cl.has_active_filters or active_date_hierarchy %}
<div class="changelist-filter-clear-container">
<h3 id="changelist-filter-clear">
{# Translators: don't translate this, the django catalog already contains it #}
<a href="{{ cl.clear_all_filters_qs }}">✖ {% translate "Clear all filters" %}</a>
{% if active_date_hierarchy %}
{% admin_interface_date_hierarchy_removal_link cl active_date_hierarchy %}
{% endif %}
{% if cl.has_active_filters %}
{% for spec in cl.filter_specs %}
{% admin_interface_filter_removal_link cl spec %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<!-- {# use default django template code #} -->
{% if cl.has_active_filters %}
<a href="{{ cl.clear_all_filters_qs }}">✖ {% translate "Clear all filters" %}</a>
{% endif %}
<!-- {# end use default django template code #} -->
{% endif %}
<!-- {# end "list_filter_removal_links" #} -->
{% endif %}
{% for spec in cl.filter_specs %}
{% admin_list_filter cl spec %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}