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package cache

//                                                                         __
// .-----.-----.______.-----.----.-----.--.--.--.--.______.----.---.-.----|  |--.-----.
// |  _  |  _  |______|  _  |   _|  _  |_   _|  |  |______|  __|  _  |  __|     |  -__|
// |___  |_____|      |   __|__| |_____|__.__|___  |      |____|___._|____|__|__|_____|
// |_____|            |__|                   |_____|
// Copyright (c) 2023 Fabio Cicerchia. https://fabiocicerchia.it. MIT License
// Repo: https://github.com/fabiocicerchia/go-proxy-cache

import (

    log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"


var errMissingRedisConnection = errors.New("missing redis connection")
var errNotAllowed = errors.New("not allowed")
var errCannotFetchMetadata = errors.New("cannot fetch metadata")
var errCannotGetKey = errors.New("cannot get key")
var errCannotDecode = errors.New("cannot decode")
var errVaryWildcard = errors.New("vary: *")

// ErrEmptyValue - Error used when no data is available in Redis.
var ErrEmptyValue = errors.New("empty value")

// DefaultMinSoftExpirationTTL - Additional time to avoid cache stampede (min lower bound).
const DefaultMinSoftExpirationTTL time.Duration = 5 * time.Second // TODO: Make it customizable?

// DefaultMaxSoftExpirationTTL - Additional time to avoid cache stampede (max upper bound).
const DefaultMaxSoftExpirationTTL time.Duration = 10 * time.Second // TODO: Make it customizable?

// FreshSuffix - Used for saving a suffix for handling cache stampede.
const FreshSuffix = "/fresh"

// Object - Contains cache settings and current cached/cacheable object.
type Object struct {
    ReqID            string
    AllowedStatuses  []int
    AllowedMethods   []string
    CurrentURIObject URIObj
    DomainID         string

// URIObj - Holds details about the response.
type URIObj struct {
    URL             url.URL
    Method          string
    StatusCode      int
    RequestHeaders  http.Header
    ResponseHeaders http.Header
    Content         [][]byte
    Stale           bool

// IsStatusAllowed - Checks if a status code is allowed to be cached.
func (c Object) IsStatusAllowed() bool {
    return slice.ContainsInt(c.AllowedStatuses, c.CurrentURIObject.StatusCode)

// IsEmptyBodyAllowed - Checks if an empty body is allowed to be cached.
func (c Object) IsEmptyBodyAllowed() bool {
    isRedirect := c.CurrentURIObject.StatusCode == http.StatusMovedPermanently || c.CurrentURIObject.StatusCode == http.StatusFound
    return isRedirect && slice.LenSliceBytes(c.CurrentURIObject.Content) == 0

// IsMethodAllowed - Checks if a HTTP method is allowed to be cached.
func (c Object) IsMethodAllowed() bool {
    return slice.ContainsString(c.AllowedMethods, c.CurrentURIObject.Method)

func getRandomSoftExpirationTTL() time.Duration {
    rnd := random.RandomInt64(int64(DefaultMaxSoftExpirationTTL) - int64(DefaultMinSoftExpirationTTL) + int64(DefaultMinSoftExpirationTTL))

    return time.Duration(rnd)

// GetHeadersChecksum - Returns a SHA256 based on the HTTP Request Headers.
func (u URIObj) GetHeadersChecksum(meta []string) string {
    var key []string

    if len(meta) == 0 {
        return ""

    for _, k := range meta {
        if val, ok := u.RequestHeaders[k]; ok {
            key = append(key, strings.Join(val, utils.StringSeparatorTwo))

    data, err := json.Marshal(key)
    if err != nil {
        return ""

    h := sha256.New()

    return fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil))

// IsValid - Verifies the validity of a cacheable object.
func (c Object) IsValid() (bool, error) {
    // TODO: fix this, it'll prevent a 301/302 to be cached since it doesn't have any body.
    // if !c.IsStatusAllowed() && !c.IsEmptyBodyAllowed() {
    if !c.IsStatusAllowed() || slice.LenSliceBytes(c.CurrentURIObject.Content) == 0 {
        return false, errors.Wrapf(errNotAllowed,
            "status %d - content length %d",

    return true, nil

func (c Object) handleMetadata(ctx context.Context, domainID string, targetURL url.URL, expiration time.Duration) ([]string, error) {
    meta, err := GetVary(c.CurrentURIObject.ResponseHeaders)
    if err != nil {
        return []string{}, err

    _, err = StoreMetadata(ctx, domainID, c.CurrentURIObject.Method, targetURL, meta, expiration)
    if err != nil {
        return []string{}, err

    return meta, nil

// StoreFullPage - Stores the whole page response in cache.
func (c Object) StoreFullPage(ctx context.Context, expiration time.Duration) (bool, error) {
    if !c.IsStatusAllowed() || !c.IsMethodAllowed() || expiration < 1 {
            "ReqID": c.ReqID,
            "Not allowed to be stored. Status: %v - Method: %v - Expiration: %v",

        return false, nil

    meta, err := c.handleMetadata(ctx, c.DomainID, c.CurrentURIObject.URL, expiration)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err

    conn := engine.GetConn(c.DomainID)
    if conn == nil {
        return false, errors.Wrapf(errMissingRedisConnection, "Error for %s", c.DomainID)

    encoded, err := conn.Encode(c.CurrentURIObject)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err

    key := StorageKey(c.CurrentURIObject, meta)

    expirationHard := expiration
    done, err := conn.Set(ctx, key+FreshSuffix, encoded, expirationHard)
    if err != nil {
        return done, err

    expirationSoft := expiration + getRandomSoftExpirationTTL()
    if expiration == 0 {
        expirationSoft = 0
    return conn.Set(ctx, key, encoded, expirationSoft)

// RetrieveFullPage - Retrieves the whole page response from cache.
func (c *Object) RetrieveFullPage() error {
    obj := &URIObj{}

    meta, err := FetchMetadata(c.DomainID, c.CurrentURIObject.Method, c.CurrentURIObject.URL)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(errCannotFetchMetadata, err.Error())

    conn := engine.GetConn(c.DomainID)
    if conn == nil {
        return errors.Wrapf(errMissingRedisConnection, "Error for %s", c.DomainID)

    key := StorageKey(c.CurrentURIObject, meta)
        "ReqID": c.ReqID,
    }).Debugf("StorageKey: %s", key)

    var stale bool = false
    encoded, err := conn.Get(key + FreshSuffix)
    if err != nil || encoded == "" {
        stale = true
        encoded, err = conn.Get(key)
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(errCannotGetKey, err.Error())

    if encoded == "" {
        return ErrEmptyValue

    err = conn.Decode(encoded, obj)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(errCannotDecode, err.Error())

    c.CurrentURIObject = *obj
    c.CurrentURIObject.Stale = stale

    return nil

// PurgeFullPage - Deletes the whole page response from cache.
func (c Object) PurgeFullPage(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
    err := PurgeMetadata(ctx, c.DomainID, c.CurrentURIObject.URL)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err

    conn := engine.GetConn(c.DomainID)
    if conn == nil {
        return false, errors.Wrapf(errMissingRedisConnection, "Error for %s", c.DomainID)

    key := StorageKey(c.CurrentURIObject, []string{})

    match := utils.StringSeparatorOne + "PURGE" + utils.StringSeparatorOne
    replace := utils.StringSeparatorOne + "*" + utils.StringSeparatorOne
    keyPattern := strings.Replace(key, match, replace, 1) + "*"

    affected, err := conn.DelWildcard(ctx, keyPattern)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err

    done := affected > 0

    return done, nil

// StorageKey - Returns the cache key for the requested URL.
func StorageKey(currentURIObject URIObj, meta []string) string {
    key := []string{"DATA", currentURIObject.Method, currentURIObject.URL.String(), currentURIObject.GetHeadersChecksum(meta)}
    storageKey := strings.Join(key, utils.StringSeparatorOne)

    return storageKey

// FetchMetadata - Returns the cache metadata for the requested URL.
func FetchMetadata(domainID string, method string, url url.URL) ([]string, error) {
    key := "META" + utils.StringSeparatorOne + method + utils.StringSeparatorOne + url.String()

    conn := engine.GetConn(domainID)
    if conn == nil {
        return []string{}, errors.Wrapf(errMissingRedisConnection, "Error for %s", domainID)

    return conn.List(key)

// PurgeMetadata - Purges the cache metadata for the requested URL.
func PurgeMetadata(ctx context.Context, domainID string, url url.URL) error {
    keyPattern := "META" + utils.StringSeparatorOne + "*" + utils.StringSeparatorOne + url.String()

    conn := engine.GetConn(domainID)
    if conn == nil {
        return errors.Wrapf(errMissingRedisConnection, "Error for %s", domainID)

    _, err := conn.DelWildcard(ctx, keyPattern)

    return err

// StoreMetadata - Saves the cache metadata for the requested URL.
func StoreMetadata(ctx context.Context, domainID string, method string, url url.URL, meta []string, expiration time.Duration) (bool, error) {
    key := "META" + utils.StringSeparatorOne + method + utils.StringSeparatorOne + url.String()

    conn := engine.GetConn(domainID)
    if conn == nil {
        return false, errors.Wrapf(errMissingRedisConnection, "Error for %s", domainID)

    _ = conn.Del(ctx, key)

    err := conn.Push(ctx, key, meta)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err

    err = conn.Expire(key, expiration+getRandomSoftExpirationTTL())
    if err != nil {
        _ = conn.Del(ctx, key)
        return false, err

    return true, nil

// GetVary - Returns the content from the Vary HTTP header.
func GetVary(headers http.Header) ([]string, error) {
    vary := headers.Get("Vary")

    if vary == "*" {
        return []string{}, errVaryWildcard

    varyList := strings.Split(vary, ",")
    for k, v := range varyList {
        varyList[k] = strings.Trim(v, " ")

    return varyList, nil