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Test Coverage
# Development

## Need tools

- Go v1.15
- make
- [wrk](https://github.com/wg/wrk)

## Setup

docker build -t fabiocicerchia/go-proxy-cache-test:nginx -f test/full-setup/docker/Dockerfile.nginx test/full-setup
docker build -t fabiocicerchia/go-proxy-cache-test:node -f test/full-setup/docker/Dockerfile.node test/full-setup
echo " testing.local www.testing.local" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
cd test/full-setup/certs
./gen-selfsigned-cert.sh www.w3.org
cd ..
docker-compose up

## Tracing

Jaeger is available by using the `test/full-setup` demo and browsing to

Prometheus endpoint is available at, it could be queried via  
Its metrics are collected and available via Grafana at http://localhost:3001.

There is a JSON export of the dashboard stored in `test/full-setup/grafana/gpc-dashboard.json`.

![GPC Grafana Dashboard](grafana.png)

Note: the Data Source must be configured in Grafana to point to http://prometheus:9090.

## Logging

In case of testing Sentry, follow this steps:

- Start docker-compose.
- Run patching commands:
  - `SENTRY_SECRET_KEY=$(docker run --rm sentry config generate-secret-key)`
  - `docker run --network full-setup_default -it --rm -e SENTRY_REDIS_HOST=redis -e SENTRY_POSTGRES_HOST=postgres -e SENTRY_SECRET_KEY=$SENTRY_SECRET_KEY -e SENTRY_DB_USER=sentry -e SENTRY_DB_PASSWORD=secret --link full-setup_postgres_1:postgres --link full-setup_redis_1:redis sentry upgrade`
  - `docker run --network full-setup_default -it --rm -e SENTRY_REDIS_HOST=redis -e SENTRY_POSTGRES_HOST=postgres -e SENTRY_SECRET_KEY=$SENTRY_SECRET_KEY -e SENTRY_DB_USER=sentry -e SENTRY_DB_PASSWORD=secret --link full-setup_postgres_1:postgres --link full-setup_redis_1:redis sentry run worker`
- Configure new accounts in the [admin panel](
- Retrieve the Sentry DSN [here](
- Replace `` with `sentry:9000`.
- Change the setting `sentry_dsn` in the `config.yml` file.
- Stop docker-compose and start again.

## Test

$ make test

## Monitor file descriptors

Launch wrk then:

$ lsof -p PID | wc -l

## Helm

### Test chart locally

helm install --dry-run --debug --create-namespace -n gpc-test gpc-test ./kubernetes/helm/

### Test chart remotely

helm repo update
helm repo add go-proxy-cache-helm https://fabiocicerchia.jfrog.io/artifactory/api/helm/go-proxy-cache-ee-helm --username $USERNAME --password $PASSWORD
helm install --dry-run --debug --create-namespace -n gpc-test gpc-test go-proxy-cache-helm/go-proxy-cache

### Uninstall

helm uninstall -n gpc-test gpc-test

### Update repo index

make helm-update-repo

### Package chart

make helm-create-package